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1999: UAE to contract 200 PAF pilots to fly latest F-16s block 60

Well they can't trace em if they aren't registered per say with PAF ? Fake id's ? I know it's a stretch but eh so many of our pilots are working in Mideast, still we don't hear much about it in the news do we ? Maybe someone like Sir Muradk will be able to shed better light on our pilots flying for UAE and other Muslim countries

And those US monitors have no idea who flys their advance f-16s while they eat donuts?
before jumping in the air with joy and jublilation.....we should ask any pro about the aftermath as its almost a decade old news....someone like muradk would be able to validate it....I think USA would not have stepped behind and provided them with desert falcons....there must have been some adjustments on both sides i.e. USA and UAE
this is something i was able to find on the issue but still validation issue remains
Could the Aero India F-16s be bombing India in a war?.



By Ajai Shukla
Business Standard
Aero India 09, Yelahanka Air Base

As the F-16 fighter roars into the skies of Bengaluru at the Aero India 09 show, all attention is on the wonderful aerobatics display it puts up, not on the tiny flag of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on its tail. But the fact is, two of the four F-16s brought here by Lockheed Martin belong to the UAE air force.

Two intriguing questions immediately arise: Firstly, were these aircraft flown, perhaps just days ago, by combat pilots from the Pakistani Air Force (PAF), which has long sent its officers on deputation to fly UAE fighters? Would these very aircraft, now here on a sales pitch by Lockheed Martin, have been bombing India in the event of a war with Pakistan?

Senior Indian Air Force (IAF) officers have confirmed to Business Standard that, in any war with India, Pakistan could field up to two squadrons of F-16 aircraft borrowed from Arab nations, where its pilots are posted on deputation.

Air Commodore Jasjit Singh, who won a Vir Chakra in combat in 1971 and went on to head the Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis (IDSA) points out, “This has happened regularly. In 1965, the Jordanian Air Force supplied F-104 Starfighters to Pakistan, one of which was even shot down by the IAF. In 1971, Turkey and Iran had supplied F-86 Sabres to the PAF. I wouldn’t rule out a repeat of this kind of help.”

Air Marshal Vinod Patney, the top air force field commander during the Kargil conflict, also believes the UAE Air Force F-16s could be used against India. He reasons, “There are Pakistani pilots there in the UAE: fact. They are flying their F-16s: fact. There is a close military relationship between those countries: fact. I would not rule out Islamic solidarity coming into play in the event of a war with India.”

Clearly visible on the UAE Air Force F-16s on display in Bangalore is an extra fuel tank, just above the wing, specially built for the batch of F-16s ordered by the UAE. The IAF believes UAE asked Lockheed Martin for the extra range to allow the Pakistani pilots in the UAE to reach Indian targets, deliver their weapons, and then fly to a Pakistani base from where they could operate for the rest of the war.

Air Chief Marshal SC Tyagi, the IAF chief until 2007, recounts, “In the Arab-Israeli war in 1967, Pakistani pilots even flew Jordanian and Iraqi fighter aircraft in combat missions against the Israeli Air Force. One Bengali pilot from East Pakistan shot down two Israeli Mystere jets during that war. There was an agreement to help each other. But the world has moved on; it’s an open question whether such an agreement exists today.”

Lockheed Martin told Business Standard that they had no idea whether Pakistani pilots had recently flown the F-16s, now in Bangalore. Douglas Hartwick, CEO of Lockheed Martin India Pvt Ltd explained, “We just leased these planes from the UAE Air Force.”

India’s strategic community is concerned about F-16 aircraft being evaluated by India despite their being in service in Pakistan. Air Chief Marshal Fali Major, the air force chief, told a press conference at the Aero India that he was not concerned, as the IAF would equip the fighters that they bought (even if they were F-16s) very differently from the PAF, and use “home-grown” tactics while flying them. But when pressed on the issue he admitted, “I am not happy that someone else has something that I have. But that’s the way the world works.”
i like this article and yes it is a concern and rightly concern....Pakistan airforce has an agreement with UAE, SAUDI ARABIA, LEBENON, QATAR AND JORDAN to keep their airforce in shape....majority of the crew..not only fighter piolets but ground stadff from airmen to radar operator are from pakistan.....lebenon retired their mirages came to pakistan,,UAE retired their mirages 5...came to pakistan even in wars they gave us not only planes but airbases to keep our planes safe...for eg Iran....now many ppl in the forum talk about the money or the cost of Mirages2000 which UAE will retire and give their opinion as they are 20m or 25m per plane but ignore 1 fact that wat ever services Pakistan provide them are not free of cost...their might be an agreement between the 2 countries that they will give the retiring planes on subsidies rates....this can be possible..but this is just an assumption...

2nd thing when ever any country buys new planes just like we did in JF17, F16 or FC20 this comes in news and go to the Parliment or any other forum but when ever we or any country buys 2nd hand used planes that does not come in debates as new planes....we never knew when Pakistan purchased planes from lebenon or from spain or from france or from UAE mirages 5(i am talking abt 2nd hand planes)....
as far as UAE F16 are concern...yes they might come to pakistan as rightly in other thread USA did raised the question of not traning F16 block 60 to Pakistani piolets..i wonder how much they got successful...even if they dont give us F16 in war atleast our piolets hve experiance....
and yes wats the point of additional fuel tanks...UAE is a small country and such a small country needs airforce just to defend themselves rather then thinking of a deep strike in enemy territory.....anyways i belive that yes we might be getting Mirage 2000
Excuse me, but if you are flying UAEAF's fighters, then what are their citizens doing? Training and fighter instruction is fine as our pilots were trained by USAF pilots for the F/A-18s, but deputing 200 pilots is like buying off an entire mercenary like force.
Excuse me, but if you are flying UAEAF's fighters, then what are their citizens doing? Training and fighter instruction is fine as our pilots were trained by USAF pilots for the F/A-18s, but deputing 200 pilots is like buying off an entire mercenary like force.

you are right from ur point of view...1st plz go to pakistan airfoce at Wikipedia and suf urself and see most of our airchiefs were deputed in the UAE...2nd..UAE is a very rich country with a small population..i live in dubai...in 5.5 million of UAE population 80% are outsiders....and UAE nationals are very rich and supported by government...why they wanna go in the army...this argument looks odd infact ridiculious but yes thats the truth....so majority is of Pakistani piolets as they dont want any1 in their armed forces from any nonmuslim country and even if its from any muslim country it must be from the 1 they trust and the 1 who knows art of warefare and dogfight and PAF has proved themselves not only on 1 or 2 occassions but in several occassion...they hve not only fought against Indians but russians, israel....:pakistan:
Excuse me, but if you are flying UAEAF's fighters, then what are their citizens doing? Training and fighter instruction is fine as our pilots were trained by USAF pilots for the F/A-18s, but deputing 200 pilots is like buying off an entire mercenary like force.

Arab pilots are not good at all compared to NATO and PAF pilots. They require experienced pilots and reliable so they chose PAF.
actually in this particular case, PAF was under US sanctions and therefore its pilots were not allowed to train / operate the UAE pilots on the F-16s and this plan was shelved - subsequently UAE pilots were sent to USA for training (in fact 7 UAE-owned F-16s are permanantly based in the USA for this purpose) - following the return of UAE pilots from the US, they are trained by personnel from the Turkish Air Force - PAF pilots are still deputised to the UAE, mainly on exchange / training programs, but not on the scale envisioned by this 1999 report.
actually in this particular case, PAF was under US sanctions and therefore its pilots were not allowed to train / operate the UAE pilots on the F-16s and this plan was shelved - subsequently UAE pilots were sent to USA for training (in fact 7 UAE-owned F-16s are permanantly based in the USA for this purpose) - following the return of UAE pilots from the US, they are trained by personnel from the Turkish Air Force - PAF pilots are still deputised to the UAE, mainly on exchange / training programs, but not on the scale envisioned by this 1999 report.

Any source?
So it Confirmes that Arabs still require Mercenaries.Well i don't know it may be a dream or reality but if in the event of war we could get not only UAE F-16s but also Saudi's Euro fighters at our disposal.

That's Off course if we play our Diplomatic Cards Well.
So it Confirmes that Arabs still require Mercenaries.Well i don't know it may be a dream or reality but if in the event of war we could get not only UAE F-16s but also Saudi's Euro fighters at our disposal.

That's Off course if we play our Diplomatic Cards Well.

Thats why I always say that we should not jump to unsensible conculsions in hurry.......Lets assume that PAF pilots are hired by UAEF and may be RSAF.. that no way means that these pilots will be allowed to take their planes to Pakistan in case of need..its not possible these days as UAE and KSA also have diplomatic links with India...not to mention the reaction of US and EU on this "illlegal" use of their planes....the world has changed...its not 70s.....I dont know if there are any PAF pilots in arab states....but i am sure that if there are then they individually can join PAF or called back from their deputation......but in no case with their planes in-use in arab countires.....just doen't make much sense
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