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1949 Parade

If I don't make my mistake, the man is Lin Piao.


The time is changed and people is changed.:coffee:
If I don't make my mistake, the man is Lin Piao.


The time is changed and people is changed.:coffee:
That is Zhu De,General of the Generals.
There is a rumor that Lin Biao was murdered by Zhou Enlai when Mao was not present at Beijing.
My grandfather was originally going to be commissioned as a naval officer under the KMT government. He graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University specializing in steam turbine, and was undergoing his military education. However, KMT retreated from Shanghai so quick that the entire class of officer recruits got left behind. Communists took them in and that class formed the first officer corp of the South Sea Fleet. A year later, he fought at Wanshan Archipelago Campaign against KMT as a gunboat captain.

Funny how fast fate changes.

My Grandfather was a KMT Supporter like the rest of huis during the time, fought the Japanese as well. as soon as the Japanese were defeated he switched to the communists.
i loved the pics so beautiful and nice 1949 hehehe

bro what you mean by here is the moment of 1949
My Grandfather was a KMT Supporter like the rest of huis during the time, fought the Japanese as well. as soon as the Japanese were defeated he switched to the communists.
Well he wasn't much of a KMT supporter, but he signed up for naval officer after he graduated university. He was still a teenager when World War II ended in 1945, so he didn't participate in battle against Japanese.


Note: His gunboat was 奋斗号, a ship converted from a 80 ton fishing trawler because China was dirt poor at the time.

i loved the pics so beautiful and nice 1949 hehehe

bro what you mean by here is the moment of 1949
Mao declared the formation of People's Republic of China on Oct 1st, 1949.
i loved the pics so beautiful and nice 1949 hehehe

bro what you mean by here is the moment of 1949

The Peoples the revolution despite all the odds we overcome and creating the people's republic of china on 1949.

Well he wasn't much of a KMT supporter, but he signed up for naval officer after he graduated university. He was still a teenager when World War II ended in 1945, so he didn't participate in battle against Japanese.


Note: His gunboat was 奋斗号, a ship converted from a 80 ton fishing trawler because China was dirt poor at the time.

Mao declared the formation of People's Republic of China on Oct 1st, 1949.

Japanese came they reached out to mongols, Tibetans, uyhgurs and other minorities to join them, they reached out to hui's but failed thats when all our hui imams called Jihad and expulsion of the Japanese. My Grandfather was just of those hui's that came to that call during that time he had his first contact with the communists and saw how people were flocking to them.
Well he wasn't much of a KMT supporter, but he signed up for naval officer after he graduated university. He was still a teenager when World War II ended in 1945, so he didn't participate in battle against Japanese.


Note: His gunboat was 奋斗号, a ship converted from a 80 ton fishing trawler because China was dirt poor at the time.

Mao declared the formation of People's Republic of China on Oct 1st, 1949.

Does your grandfather still reside in china today ? and our respect to his contribution to china.
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