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18 israeli soldiers killed in Gaza operation Sunday (confirmed by israel)

The people of Afghanistan and Pakistan are allied with the fellow brotherly Arab people and all resistance movements like Hamas, Hizbullah and Muslim brotherhood for the revival of Islam and removal of American influence and end to Israeli Zionism.

It is our sincere wish that the rest of the Muslims Arabs and non Arabs join hands for the glory of Islam.
Wait...when you were Nomads, we had palaces and kingdoms. And as for your sports cars and lavish cars and US as your bodyguard, we are not depended on anyone for our own security. We are one of the major Force in the world.

And what did you say about scientific and academic output ? Well, we do have one the major successful spacec space program. Here I rest my case.

As for millions of poor, hungry, and have access to a toilet, we have 1.2 billion people, in one country.

We support !.2 billion population in Just one country, manage it which 50 + Muslim nations can't handle 1.5 billion Muslims.

You do realize that the oldest civilizations, cities on earth originated in the Arab World and among us Semitic people including on the Arabian Peninsula? Our civilizations predate yours by millenniums. Our region of the world was also one of the richest in history for most of it's history. In other words it was the center of the world for a very, very long time. Today it is also one of the most resource rich areas in the world.

Might google the Incense Route (oldest international trade route in the world of global significance (3200 years old) and Indian Ocean Trade.

Incense Route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian Ocean trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now worry about issues that concern your region and not the ancient Middle East that you have no business in other than cheerleading for Israel.
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Yes, that's my point, the whole Islamic world is more or less the same, except Iran. And Arabs are the worst by far. The most unreliable and hypocritical people by far. I almost vomit when reading their comments here.

That guy keeps on harping on the history when in present all they have been doing for decades is..............yup u guessed it right

DRILL OIL:coffee:
They will rather go to Hell, not RIP. Believe me on this.

Arabs (like most of those on this forum) are very hypocritical indeed.
They will rather go to Hell, not RIP. Believe me on this.

Arabs (like most of those on this forum) are very hypocritical indeed.
Thats the whole point,,,jews will kill 100 times more atleast so there is nothing to be happy about here.
well people here are become extremest they are enjoying the 18 KIA soldiers and disregards the death of hundredths of palestenian, they think like hamas right now..
All they have ever done is drill oil and eat dates all day long and when they get bored,,they come to such forums to tell us how awesome they are:crazy:

We know very well how they treat "inferior" Indian workers and others in their countries. No words could ever describe my hatred for those people pretending to be Muslim when in reality they are enemies of God.
You do realize that the oldest civilizations on earth originated in the Arab World and among us Semites people including on the Arabian Peninsula? Our civilizations predate yours by millenniums. Our region of the world was also one of the richest in history.

Might google the Incense Route (oldest really international trade route in the world) and Indian Ocean Trade.

Incense Route - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indian Ocean trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now worry about issues that concern your region and not the ancient Middle East that you have no business in other than cheerleading for Israeli.
Rest in hell scums

and RIP Hitler he was legend.

wow, I mean you are glorifying hitler for killing millions of people including Russians, Europeans, Americans and Jews - just for the notion that he killed Jews and just because he somehow adheres to the apartheid philosophy of an ISlamic state - yes, an Islamic state is an apartheid state that does not allow anyone - who isn't a sunni exist.
@Hasbara Buster

LOL, you are a brainwashed Turk. Your country is NATO member. So talk about being a puppet.:lol:

You even have excellent trade relations with Israel and your prime minister is making a mockery out of himself by claiming to be anti-Isreali despite all that.
What don't you understand? If Israel could be easily attacked at least 1 single Muslim country would have done it. Besides Gaza is not KSA's or Egypt's responsibility. Get that into your tiny PISS-TV infected brain.

The part with your lovely Iran is the biggest joke I have ever heard about. A country that has never even touched Israeli land.:lol:

The ACTUAL resistance ON THE GROUND is composed of Arabs and no others.

We have no land connection with Israel, so how we are supposed to go to war with them?
No country, that is not direct neighbour of Israel, has gone to war against them.

We do the next best thing, which is to train and support local forces.
The ACTUAL resistance ON THE GROUND is composed of Arabs and no others.

You mean the Arabs that your Arab country and it's allies are fighting with by supporting terrorists and civil war ?

I don't see any Arab like your type to be in the resistance but all safavids , Nasiris and pagans .
That is why Turks ruled you for nearly a 1000 years. Because your armies were so awesome.

Because the Pakistani's that made up the Northern portion of India were so weak to have capitulated to them enmasse to any foreign attack, which is evident even now.
That is why Turks ruled you for nearly a 1000 years. Because your armies were so awesome.

LOL. You ruled less than half of the Arab world for 400 years. In fact local rulers ruled but they just swore allegiance to the by large Arabized Ottomans.

Arabs ruled the Islamic Caliphate for almost 1000 years and during 90% of all the Islamic conquest. From Al-Andalus to Pakistan. Including during the Islamic Golden age that lasted for 500 years.

The Arab-ruled Caliphates were all much bigger than the Ottoman Empire. The Umayyad alone was 3 times bigger.

List of largest empires - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arabs ruled half of Turkey for centuries and much of Central Asia too. Turks were even used as slaves so don't use words like puppets or slaves if you have any shame left.

Anyway no Arab cares about creatures like you other than looking down upon them. So keep crying and hating. We don't care.:lol:
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