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18 israeli soldiers killed in Gaza operation Sunday (confirmed by israel)

here comes fking arab with talking only. only does shia-sunni *** licking and when some one ask action against Israeli, it pissed off the arab.

These arabs have the audacity to call the whole world stupid,,,ya sure we are not earning petro dollars doing fucking nothing.
We actually have to do something useful to earn money
What is a joke is the size of your economy, state of your country, your relative irrelevance compared to your 1.2 BILLION big population, your scientific and academic output etc.
For god's sake 600 million of your people do not even have an access to a toilet and hundred of millions can neither read or write their own name.
People from what is now KSA founded 3 of the 11 largest empires in history. More than any other ethnic group. billion You should not speak as you are irrelevant in comparison.
History did not start 100 years ago, troll.
Wait...when you were Nomads, we had palaces and kingdoms. And as for your sports cars and lavish cars and US as your bodyguard, we are not depended on anyone for our own security. We are one of the major Force in the world.

And what did you say about scientific and academic output ? Well, we do have one the major successful spacec space program. Here I rest my case.

As for millions of poor, hungry, and have access to a toilet, we have 1.2 billion people, in one country.

We support !.2 billion population in Just one country, manage it which 50 + Muslim nations can't handle 1.5 billion Muslims.
i agree with you, those arabs are backboneless.

Sure they are,,,what have they done in their entire existence??
Saudi still has american bases on its soil,,,even with a huge airforce it has no balls to do shit and then these people come on such forums and become aggressive and shit.

Showing us how rich they are when in reality they have done nothing but drill oil,,,even that was taught to them by the west:rofl:
here comes fking arab with talking only. only does shia-sunni *** licking and when some one ask action against Israeli, it pissed off the arab.

Disgusting people just like Zionists and European/American right-wingers. To hell with them. Maybe they should all slaughter each other?
Nobody cares about Iran as you never attacked Israel or will attack it. Is Iran the only non-Muslim Arab country out there? Can you answer such a question? Just empty talk.

You are not fooling anyone here with your empty talk. Go act instead of talking. Show what a big SUPERPAWA that you are and that you brag so much about being, LOL.

Except Iran and Egypt I don't see any other non arab Muslim country that care about Palestine .

By the way , Don't humiliate yourself more than that , Its stupid to think Hezbollah fought Israel all on it's own with no support from Iran and Syria , the same goes for Hamas .

I need to mention that thousands of Iranian forces entered Syria to fight Israel during Iran - Iraq war but your beloved Saddam put pressure on Iranian fronts and stopped the operation .

All you are good at is sending some useless pipes to Hamas and Hezbollah and let the local Arabs do the fighting and then you have the audacity to claim their "victories" as your own?

Our political support , training support and even our advisers are in Lebanon + Syria and they support Palestinians as well but what have the symbol of slam Saudi Arabia done ?

Let me help you , Not only NOTHING but also condemned any action against Israelis .

Please stick to your friendly relationship with Israel as more comments will only reveal bitter facts .
@Hasbara Buster

LOL, you are a brainwashed Turk. Your country is NATO member. So talk about being a puppet.:lol:

You even have excellent trade relations with Israel and your prime minister is making a mockery out of himself by claiming to be anti-Isreali despite all that.
What don't you understand? If Israel could be easily attacked at least 1 single Muslim country would have done it. Besides Gaza is not KSA's or Egypt's responsibility. Get that into your tiny PISS-TV infected brain.

The part with your lovely Iran is the biggest joke I have ever heard about. A country that has never even touched Israeli land.:lol:

The ACTUAL resistance ON THE GROUND is composed of Arabs and no others.
Wait...when you were Nomads, we had palaces and kingdoms. And as for your sports cars and lavish cars and US as your bodyguard, we are not depended on anyone for our own security. We are one of the major Force in the world.

And what did you say about scientific and academic output ? Well, we do have one the major successful spacec space program. Here I rest my case.

As for millions of poor, hungry, and have access to a toilet, we have 1.2 billion people, in one country.

We support !.2 billion population in Just one country, manage it which 50 + Muslim nations can't handle 1.5 billion Muslims.

The guy is probably suffering from delusions of grandeur,,,classic symptom of tertiary syphilis.
treatment is easy................benzyl penicillin g:coffee:
i agree with you, those arabs are backboneless.

Yet those Arabs have a military history not comparable with many other people in the entire history.

What I said is correct and don't throw stones when you live in a glasshouse. Last time I checked I did not claim any victory against Israel or said that this or that country will defeat it or attack it.

Now stop trolling my Bangladeshi friend. You are in no position to do so on any front. Whether currently or certainly not historically.

Just a friendly advice.
why don't you guys take action too ?

Yes, that's my point, the whole Islamic world is more or less the same, except Iran. And Arabs are the worst by far. The most unreliable and hypocritical people by far. I almost vomit when reading their comments here.
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