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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

^ Good discussion and I agree with Sir M. Alam that we(Bangladesh-Pakistan) should work together, at least in defense to counter enemy India.

International politics and polarization is rapidly changing. It is yet hard to perceive who will be in what side in the years to come. Pakistan basically has no friend in south asia except Bangladesh and if PK want to keep a foot print in south asia it must keep a good term with BD. India is making drastic change in its diplomacy and might come up with a Kashmir solution too. Inviting BKZ is also shift towards that direction. India's willingness to participate with China in deep sea port will be interesting to watch and China is open to that very suggestion. Another thing to watch in Burma. Obama is visiting burma next week and never a US president visit a country with no agenda.

The last thing BD wants at this moment to make enemy with India. Pakistan is our least priority now.
bangla buddu was a traitor who was caught for conspiring against the state and released in 1968 ( agartala conspiracy case ) since the political parties were more interested in defaming the armed forces rather than putting a traitor on trial
International politics and polarization is rapidly changing. It is yet hard to perceive who will be in what side in the years to come. Pakistan basically has no friend in south asia except Bangladesh and if PK want to keep a foot print in south asia it must keep a good term with BD. India is making drastic change in its diplomacy and might come up with a Kashmir solution too. Inviting BKZ is also shift towards that direction. India's willingness to participate with China in deep sea port will be interesting to watch and China is open to that very suggestion. Another thing to watch in Burma. Obama is visiting burma next week and never a US president visit a country with no agenda.

The last thing BD wants at this moment to make enemy with India. Pakistan is our least priority now.

I agree with you somewhat but understand this. Indian Hindu never accepted our sovereign existence(Islamic identity). It want us to become it's servant. So If Pakistan goes then we are not there either. We become another Sikkim.
I agree with you somewhat but understand this. Indian Hindu never accepted our sovereign existence(Islamic identity). It want us to become it's servant. So If Pakistan goes then we are not there either. We become another Sikkim.

Since when in Bangladesh's 40 years of existence has "Hindu" India not accepted your existence ?

It's just your personal insecurity and blind hatred that's evident from your post , nothing more, nothing less.
^ Good discussion and I agree with Sir M. Alam that we(Bangladesh-Pakistan) should work together, at least in defense to counter enemy India.

India is not our enemy country the way you want others to believe. Rather, it is Pakistan who behaved more than an enemy for a long 22 years. They have killed also many lakhs of people here in 1971. When you guys are so fond of shouting at the killing of500 smugglers at the border, you try to deny those killings. It is a shame.
India is not our enemy country the way you want others to believe. Rather, it is Pakistan who behaved more than an enemy for a long 22 years. They have killed also many lakhs of people here in 1971. When you guys are so fond of shouting at the killing of 500 smugglers at the border, you try to deny those killings. It is a shame.

How they behave like enemy elaborate. how may Benglese were killed by west Pakistani during 1947-1970 just because were Banglaes ? there is no infinitive friends or foe in international relation . what happened in 1971 cannot be a excuse for our relation with Pakistan .
How they behave like enemy elaborate. how may Benglese were killed by west Pakistani during 1947-1970 just because were Banglaes ? there is no infinitive friends or foe in international relation . what happened in 1971 cannot be a excuse for our relation with Pakistan .

What the hell do you want to suggest by asking an elaboration? We are no more Pakistan and BD has nothing to gain from a taliban country. Stop spreading your single track Moududi view. Have I or anyone ever said there were killings by west before 1971? But, they have kept on stealing our money for 22 years, can you deny it? Even the Pakistanis do not deny it, but the Moududis here deny everything!

Stop preaching like an animated all knowing mullah here and accept the truth that millions of innocent people were purposefully killed by the PA in east pakistan in 1971. When even the politicians and newspapers in Pakistan want their govt to apologise, it is only our mullah ignorants who deny it. Your kind of Talibans have infested Pakistan and are destroying that country. We will not let you do the same to our country.
I agree with you somewhat but understand this. Indian Hindu never accepted our sovereign existence(Islamic identity). It want us to become it's servant. So If Pakistan goes then we are not there either. We become another Sikkim.

If at all India wanted "another Sikkim" out of Bangladesh, then 1971, was your most vulnerable moment, and was India's best opportunity. However, India never did any of that. You guys formed your own government. Agreed there are some issues in the relationships that both India and BD have done wrong, but tell me any country that does not have a problem with another. But to say that India will usurp BD if Pakistan goes, is insecurity of the highest order. Reality is much different. Pakistan isnt going anywhere. BD isnt going anywhere either. And India isnt going anywhere too. You need to drop that insecurity and look at India as another neighboring country with whom you try to develop trade relations. Not as this country that is out to get you. This is Pakistani paranoia infecting your judgement.
What the hell do you want to suggest by asking an elaboration? We are no more Pakistan and BD has nothing to gain from a taliban country. Stop spreading your single track Moududi view. Have I or anyone ever said there were killings by west before 1971? But, they have kept on stealing our money for 22 years, can you deny it? Even the Pakistanis do not deny it, but the Moududis here deny everything!

Stop preaching like an animated all knowing mullah here and accept the truth that millions of innocent people were purposefully killed by the PA in east pakistan in 1971. When even the politicians and newspapers in Pakistan want their govt to apologise, it is only our mullah ignorants who deny it. Your kind of Talibans have infested Pakistan and are destroying that country. We will not let you do the same to our country.

It's not millions. Likely to be in hundreds and thousands over the entire course of the war.

How they behave like enemy elaborate. how may Benglese were killed by west Pakistani during 1947-1970 just because were Banglaes ? there is no infinitive friends or foe in international relation . what happened in 1971 cannot be a excuse for our relation with Pakistan .


Look at it this way:
The whole thing started off with the language movement, rowdy protests followed and excessive force was used against them (for?)

After Operation Searchlight, a civil war followed which created 10 million refugees flowing into India. Yes, you read it right; 10 million. That is not a small number over the course of such a short time.

What does that tell us about their commanders?

It tells us that they weren't doing their jobs properly, let alone do so responsibly. Their leaders not only refused to take responsibility, but they refused to share power with Mujib - a fatal mistake Bhutto made.

End hence, the result. They failed miserably.

There is a reason why there are international laws regarding human rights and the use of force.

Another laughable thing is that Yahya Khan was an alcoholic. Imagine that under a drunken leader and the Jimmies going "Islamic brotherhood!"

They still go by this line. No change whatsoever over the past 40 years. Those guys have been living in a nutshell for all the time. It's a like a missile boat going around in circles, and a miracle that it still didn't blow up into a firecracker. It's a failed ideology.

They can beat a dead horse all they like. Hey.....FREEDOM OF SPEECH! :welcome: :chilli:

But, so are the Awami League :azn: Nationalism based on culture alone (primarily language in this case) is guaranteed to fail. It's not a sustainable ideology. Nationalism has multiple aspects. This applies no matter which country or culture you are in.

Now the question is: How does having relations with Pakistan improve Bangladesh's leverage?

Answer: It may to some extent, but not very significant. Interestingly in fact, even in the eyes of China, Pakistan is of very little consequence. There's a whole bigger ball game out there. It's a jungle out there....

The bottom line is that India and China are rising. Some say the latter is the future superpower. They won't stop, they'll keep rising and advancing.

And it is crucial that we brush shoulders with them. Otherwise, we'd be left behind. Sure, there are challenges, but there are great opportunities as well.

For Bangladesh right now, the biggest challenge is the government and its implications on the private sector. It must offer an environment favorable to do business in.

For example: there's been news of a proposal about placing a government administrator to dictate both private and state enterprises, these proposals are very unfavorable. In fact, they're downright idiotic.
Administrator appointment plan worries FBCCI

Of-course, there are many other issues. We just need a more effective and efficient government.

As I said, those who refuse to take responsibility for history are doomed to repeat it.
bangla buddu was a traitor who was caught for conspiring against the state and released in 1968 ( agartala conspiracy case ) since the political parties were more interested in defaming the armed forces rather than putting a traitor on trial

oh no again that busterds name. may the almighty bless him hell
71 thread collection:





































Today 41 years ago Indian & Pakistan declared war on each other which culminated in the creation of Bangladesh.

Something both nations have not forgotten nor ever will.

This is not a thread for chest thumping or display of bravado.

Please join me in a prayer for all those who fell, for all those who did not return, for all those who suffered grievous & permanent disabilities for life.

To all those who still languish in prisons on both sides with no hope of return.

To families on both sides who still wait & hope for a miracle.

May the lord give us sanity to resolve our self created ' insurmountable' problems and the resolve never to have to resort to such acts again.

May our leadership show the sagacity to lead us to better relations.
This incident will never be forgotten in Pakistan.. We will always keep this in our black hearts and may our enemies weaken
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