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16th December 1971: From East Pakistan to Bangladesh

"As far as my indentity is concerned I am a 70 years old soldier who, as comapnay commander of an infantry company traversed almost one third of the East Pakistan mainly on foot between the months of April to Dec 1971. My unit 34 Punjab, started its move from Dacca on 11th April (after being airlifted by PIA on 06-08Apr) moving to Narsinghdi, Bhairab Bazar, crossed over towards Brahman Baria, recrossed back to continue towads Kishor Ganj, Mymen Singh. Nitrakona and Durgapur. This was first phase till end April.

In second phase we crossed over towards Rangpur, Kurigram, Nageswary, Bhurangamari and then to Thakurgaon covering the area Pirganj, Ranishankail, Nekmard, Ruhea, Pacharagh, Jagdalhat and Amarkhan along the borders. From there I with my company was moved south to Hilli , remained in Pachbibi and during the war mover further west to Patnitola finally coming to Nogaon where my group met the Indians on 22 Dec 71."

@ Dear Armstrong, more I read the above statement of Colonel (Retd) Nazir Ahmed, more I became trilled, surprised, amazed. You see still he could remember the names of the areas correctly, could spell correctly and the direction is also absolutely correct. How could he and his troops could travel in those marshy areas. More so, in those days there were hardly any bridge or culverts were available. These people are legend not only for Pakistan but for BANGLADESH also. I salute this Colonel. Please convey my best regards to him. You see he also fought at Hilli Battle where the Allied Forces were delayed for 20 days. I think, that was the reason why Brig Tozammel did not wants to surrender. Probably people like Colonel Nazir Ahmed was there with him. I liked the fighting spirit of this Brig Tajammul Hussain Malik. You know Arnstrong this Brig was sitting at GHQ, Rawalpindi and monitoring the battle situation till October 1971. Once he saw that there was a casualty of 30/40 everyday in the than East Pakistan he could not stopped himself and was volunteer to be posted in East Pakistan. Soon he came, pacified the local people, trained his troops to its highest extend, fought to the last but did not surrendered though ordered by General Niazi. Finally once he was moving to his tactical HQ to Noagaon from Bogra he was ambushed and seriously injured and was captured. During those critical days once other General were positioned themselves inside over head protected under ground command post. This poor Brigadier was moving with his small command element inside the streets of Bogra Town with full zeal and enthusiasm and inspiring the Biharis and local people to fight till the last. Under the leadership of this Brig, the Battle of Hilly has become legend in the history. Still people come to see this area. I think now we have to preserve this area. In the present situation in context with Bangladesh we need people like Colonel Nazir Ahmed and Brigadier Tazammal Hossain Malik.


- 205th Infantry Brigade: Brig. Tajammul Hussain Malik HQ: Bogra (Tac HQ – Chatni in 4 FF area)
- 32nd Baluch – Ghoraghat
- 4 Frontier Force – Hilli
- 8 Baluch – Jaipurhut
- C Coy 34 Punjab (R&S) at Hilli/Panjbibi

@ Armstrong, don not go with the idea that your troops had not fought in this rain prone area. Even after fighting with initial resistance against the deflectors, than with the insurgents and finally with the combined forces of India and Bangladesh, your troops displayed a good performance. Your another Brig Hayat also fought with the Indians at Khulna sector till the last. I was surprised to read even under these critical situation your Command structure could follow the Battle Procedure like the final execution of Denial Plan. Some of the good examples were demolishing all bridges, burning of Pakistani notes almost in all Districts, destroying the heavy equipments including the aircraft, burning the oil, drowning the battle ships and finally shifting the golds/money along with women and children with the squadron of Helicopters to Burma.
What a trained soldier you had !!!!!!!!!!!!Give me a break!!!!!
1971 was a disaster for the muslim world as a whole. Incompetent leaders sold their country off for petty interest. Look at india,
they know the meaning of unity and strength. You won't find North Indian bharmins discriminating against their W.bengali
Hindu brothers and vise-versa. We stupid muslims fell for the curse of ethnic nationalism and divide and rule policy. But as a
muslim I believe that nothing happens without Allah(swt) will. May be 71 was a punishment on subcontinental muslims by
or may be it was a test by Allah(swt) and we are undergoing that test. But whatever Allah(swt) does is for the best and
we have to march forward and look to the future. Inshallah a bright and prosperous future holds for both BD and PAK. The
whole muslim world should learn from the mistakes of 71.

very right bro... both muslims and hindus of subcontinent should come closer
So you opine people of subcontinent should not live together irrespective of religious background (not only hindu muslim but all) !!!

I opine that the present political arrangements are good enough to do whatever we have to do, and advocating any political unions is unnecessary, causes fear and alarm in others, and is best avoided. If it has to happen, it will happen.
I opine that the present political arrangements are good enough to do whatever we have to do, and advocating any political unions is unnecessary, causes fear and alarm in others, and is best avoided. If it has to happen, it will happen.

Living people together irrespective of religious background is definitely not a political issue but yes it's been made such by ill headed politicians of subcontinent.
Living people together irrespective of religious background is definitely not a political issue but yes it's been made such by ill headed politicians of subcontinent.

Precisely. It has become political. Until the people take back this issue, it is best left alone.
Living people together irrespective of religious background is definitely not a political issue but yes it's been made such by ill headed politicians of subcontinent.

You are wrong, the issue was not invented by the politicians but politicians did exploit the prevailing religious division.
Although the separation was bloody but there is still connection/jazbaati link between the former country men. I have first hand experience living in the west. We try to avoid the saga of 71 whenever comes up because this open up old wound. Our strongest bond is our Deen(Islam) and those live by the teaching of our prophet (s.w.s) has no grivence over 71. I believe Bd-Pakistan would have formed some kind of loose federation if it not the presence of Awami dalal league in Bangladesh.

Bangladeshi nationalists forces can seek help from Pakistan to eliminate Awami from Bd land in order to purify it's root.
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