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14th August v/s 15th august

Not so. I said there is no provable connection. Only surmise.

Look at this way.

The people in the Indus Valley today are in all probability the descendants of the people who lived in Mohenjodaro and Harappa, + some later migrants, most prominently the Sakas and the Pahlavas. In the North, some exotic blood from the Tocharians, known to us as the Kushana.

The cultural memories of the civilization, the memes, if you like, were scattered over a wide area, it is possible that some elements, in rudimentary form, had in fact come from these hinterlands in the first place. There is a remarkable difference between Vedic and Puranic Hinduism, although nobody can PROVE a link; we can only guess. Up until the early middle ages, culture in this area and it's surrounding areas was probably similar, with the usual variations due to geographical intervals.

About the discontinuity due to discontinuity of religious practices followed, this is controversial and not worth starting out of its den.

To sum up,there was some dissemination of the culture throughout the neighborhood. But what was the neighborhood? Was it just some parts of western India or a much wider area? Since we don't know what was going on in India outside western India, it's difficult to judge.

I was just being truthful. If it annoyed you, or hurt you, I apologize. That doesn't change matters.

Cheers for the endless waltz.
The signing off of some papers for Pakistan was done on 14th August, for India on 15th August.

Celebrations kicked off on the 14th, when Lord Mountbaten came here on that day, it was planned for the 15th initially but since he couldn't be in both places at once he came to Pakistan a day earlier to formally hand it over. Although on documents it was written 15th but practically it was 14th.

Pakistan and India were given independent through an act of the British parliment called the Indian Independence Act 1947, which can still be seen on their website.

It clearly states:

BE it enacted by the King's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows :-
1.-(i) As from the fifteenth day of August, nineteen hundred and forty-seven, two independent Dominions shall be set up in India, to be known respectively as India and Pakistan.

At midnight between 14 and 15 August, the radio announced that "yeh radio pakistan hai".
Hey guys. The other day I was watching a program, may be it was of Najam Sethi. The guy pointed out something very interesting.

How is it that both India and Pakistan achieved freedom at the same time but Pakistan celebrates it's independence day on 14th August while India celebrates its independence on 15th August.

Shouldn't, logically, the independence day have been same? Either 14th or 15th August but it should have been same. Whatsay you?

India and Pakistan got their independence at the exact same moment, i.e. 12 am Indian Standard Time. But Pakistan and India has a time difference of 30 mins. So when India got its independence it was 15th August - 12 am in India but 14th August - 11:30 pm in Pakistan.
India and Pakistan got their independence at the exact same moment, i.e. 12 am Indian Standard Time. But Pakistan and India has a time difference of 30 mins. So when India got its independence it was 15th August - 12 am in India but 14th August - 11:30 pm in Pakistan.

There's a little more than that to it, and the difficulty of being in two places at the same time comes into it in a way.
There's a little more than that to it, and the difficulty of being in two places at the same time comes into it in a way.
No one needed to be at two places at the same time. No documents were signed on that day. Instead the "Indian Independence Act" was signed as early as 18th July 1947 and the appointed date was 15th of August. So technically it was an Act which was passed in June, got signed in July and became effective on the 15th of August which we celebrate as our independence day.
No one needed to be at two places at the same time. No documents were signed on that day. Instead the "Indian Independence Act" was signed as early as 18th July 1947 and the appointed date was 15th of August. So technically it was an Act which was passed in June, got signed in July and became effective on the 15th of August which we celebrate as our independence day.

I do beg your pardon. My sincere apologies. It was not known to me that you were an historian familiar with those events. Anthony Read and David Fisher were very naughty then, to mislead us by stating that Mountbatten decided to transfer power to Pakistan on the 14th of August. In addition, we are obviously facing one of the great scandals of history, as Mountbatten and Jinnah participated in the Pakistan flag hoisting ceremony at Karachi on the 14th,totally ignorant of the fact that you have pointed out, that they were a full 24 hours too early!

What chuckleheads!

Anyway, we have you to guide us now, and will not make the mistakes they made.
I do beg your pardon. My sincere apologies. It was not known to me that you were an historian familiar with those events. Anthony Read and David Fisher were very naughty then, to mislead us by stating that Mountbatten decided to transfer power to Pakistan on the 14th of August. In addition, we are obviously facing one of the great scandals of history, as Mountbatten and Jinnah participated in the Pakistan flag hoisting ceremony at Karachi on the 14th,totally ignorant of the fact that you have pointed out, that they were a full 24 hours too early!

What chuckleheads!

Anyway, we have you to guide us now, and will not make the mistakes they made.

When you don't get the evening tea on time !
Screw Najam Sethi, screw Hamid Mir, screw Fauzia Wahab & screw all those like these corrupt & evil puppet people who have no souls & hearts. They are traitors & are against Pakistan.
We celebrate our independent day, not birthday. India was not born it has evolving since last many millinia...

Some of my Indian friends claim that life pretty much started out of India that Boby, Nikki, Jay are all Indian name (lol, these names got there when Christians got there). Plus there are claims of many other things originating from India. So considering that, it seems like India existed way before anyone else. Now if you consider that, the Indian independence day should really be something else, outside of the Gregorian calendar....like 87-33-0000 (-1)?? lol

Besides the above humor, happy independence day to both, India and Pakistan. I'd love to see a day soon when both the countries open up their border and trade and can go to each others Independence days and games; vs. spending billions and getting into silly conflicts that do no good to 1.5 billion people of the region!
When you don't get the evening tea on time !

Don't be dim; it was the eleven'o'clock cuppa. And admittedly the milk had turned. That had nothing to do with it. I was being my usual cool-headed clinical self, and was originally just reminding people about Asim Aqil's statement, only a few posts above.

O kmon! Play nice :P

Since it's a celebration, I shall refrain from quoting the Indian Independence Act, and Sir Mohammed Zafarullah Khan's case before the UN General Assembly regarding the relative status of India and Pakistan, and leave it to you - for homework!

Some of my Indian friends claim that life pretty much started out of India that Boby, Nikki, Jay are all Indian name (lol, these names got there when Christians got there). Plus there are claims of many other things originating from India. So considering that, it seems like India existed way before anyone else. Now if you consider that, the Indian independence day should really be something else, outside of the Gregorian calendar....like 87-33-0000 (-1)?? lol

Besides the above humor, happy independence day to both, India and Pakistan. I'd love to see a day soon when both the countries open border and open trade and can go to each others Independence days and games. Instead of spending billions and getting into silly conflicts that do no good to 1.5 billion people of the region!

And the same to you.

Ticker and others may note that I refrain, with a commendable exercise of self-discipline, from unleashing reciprocal humour of the same quality on us all.
After reading the last few pages of this thread i went back to the first page to get reminded on what was the discussion about!!!

Btw.... Wish all Pakistani friends a Very Happy Independence Day!!!!!!
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