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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

@ای ایران , doust e aziz,
please use a more appropriate language about pakistanis, it seems that they have been misguided by previous posts. We are not hostile toward their country. We just need to be calm and use more polite words and tell them our legitimate demands and concerns. That's it ;)
Dadash i would agree with you, but their government already knows the concerns of Iran regarding cross-border terrorism but have failed to act, perhaps these Pakistani forum members however, are unaware of this.

Many times Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar travelled to Pakistan when he was Interior Minister after major acts of terrorism were committed against Iranians by Jondallah. But nothing ever materialized from these trips.

You can see the public reaction of outrage in Iranian media from many officials like Gen. Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqaddam (Chief of Police), Mohammad Javad Zarif (Foreign Minister) Rajabali Shiekhzadeh, Mohammad-Saleh Jokar, Alaeddin Boroujerdi etc to the latest attack. They are all critical of Pakistan and letting this frustration with Pakistan out to the media because for too many years now, Iran has been getting nowhere with Pakistan.

We dont care for hostilities with Pakistan, why should we? But it is insulting to all Iranians' intelligence when people like "AmericanPakistani" toe the lame old excuses like this:

"Most of their leaders are in Kabul & Kandahar first get rid of those big birds. You need to provide intels to Pakistan if you know hideouts of these guys to GoP & then GoP will take action but allowing foreign troops...forget about it."

How do you know they are in Kabul or Qandahar, Mr "American"? Do you know something that nobody else does? Because Iranian officials have never said that Adel brigade or other terrorists operate out of Afghanistan against Iran. They have always taken this issue up with Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

So Mr "American" Pakistani, i give you the benefit of the doubt, that you are unaware of this issue.

Iranian officials, some i have given names of above, have already been in contact with their Pakistani counterparts each time acts of cross-border terrorism occur. But never has the Pakistani side made serious efforts to co-operate with Iran, this is why you can see so much criticism towards Pakistan from so many Iranian officials these days.

Dont be so sensitive. We have our legit concerns and demands when our young men are being murdered by fugitives that take refuge and operate from across the border. And when your side fails to co-operate seriously with Iran to end this, this is unacceptable for all Iranians, especially when your government has already signed an agreement with Iran to co-operate with us. I hope you understand that.
Seeing the course of this discussion, i am pretty sure that those terrorists are happy as their main purpose is to destabilize the region and surely their "mission is accomplished"...Pointing fingers at one another is not going to solve the problem, is it? Seeking for co-operation is way to go

From my point of view, Iranian friends here shouldnt expect Pakistan to fully control its own borders..Considering the geography there, its almost impossible,,, Heck, with all its mightiness even US cant control its own borders i.e. US-Mexico border..And Pakistani friends here should chill a bit and emphatize with Iranians here...14 of their soldiers have been killed and they are angry...You guys should let Iranians blow off their steam...Quoting every single sentence will make this thread a troll fest :victory1:
I would request mod @Serpentine to please look into this insulting post.
oh really ? you mean your country is a developed country and i insulted it by calling it non developed ? dude you are not even a developing country. this is a fact not an insult. i don't wonder if i get banned after this post but facts are facts. doesn't matter what you want to hear.
and about the other comments that quotd my previous post , they even didn't worth reading let alone replying.
And Pakistani friends here should chill a bit and emphatize with Iranians here...14 of their soldiers have been killed and they are angry...You guys should let Iranians blow off their steam...Quoting every single sentence will make this thread a troll fest :victory1:

Well if you go few pages back you will see my posts having very strong sympathy towards Iranis but as i said continues insults against my country cannot be tolerated for long by me...most Pakistanis don't take insults against their country lightly. If you read posts of some Irani members they are openly accusing Pakistan even after my repeated attempts to cool them down & show them the truth which is that why on earth would Pakistan support these terrorists whose aim is to separate not only Irani Balochistan but Pakistani one too, does it makes sense to you? Pakistan is suffering from terrorism sponsored & handled by india & Afghanistan, just few days ago Afghan govt was caught red handed(http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/29/w..._content=bufferbf609&utm_medium=twitter&_r=2&) so instead of pressuring these countries Iran go for a soft one. They are free to blow as much steam as they want but not convert that steam into f@rted propaganda.

But as i said in other posts...Rest In Peace to the soldiers & Rot In Hell to the terrorists. 
oh really ? you mean your country is a developed country and i insulted it by calling it non developed ? dude you are not even a developing country. this is a fact not an insult. i don't wonder if i get banned after this post but facts are facts. doesn't matter what you want to hear.
and about the other comments that quotd my previous post , they even didn't worth reading let alone replying.

All your post is offtopic & i would request Mod @Serpentine to look into it.

But FYI I never said Pakistan is a developed country but yes it is a developing country. It's exports are not dependent on Oil & Gas as some nations so it is not that lucky to have few billions more in it's GDP.
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All your post is offtopic & i would request Mod @Serpentine to look into it.

But FYI I never said Pakistan is a developed country but yes it is a developing country. It's exports are not dependent on Oil & Gas as some nations so it is not that lucky to have few billions more in it's GDP.
this topic is about iranian soldiers killed by terrorists in pakistan border and what i said was exactly about the topic if you want to prove otherwise its your problem. on the other hand those who are making us post off topic comments have flags of your country so don't act like an innocent , insulted user.
Iran Informs Pakistan about Position of Jaish al-Adl Terrorist Group
November 02, 2013 - 12:53

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Tehran has provided the Pakistani government with information about the personal details and the location of those terrorists who killed more than a dozen of Iranian border guards a week ago, a senior parliamentarian announced Saturday.

On Friday, October 25, a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran.

Fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and six were wounded in the terrorist attack.

A terrorist group known as Jaish al-Adl, whose name translates as the Army of Justice, claimed responsibility for the deadly incident.

Speaking to Tasnim today, Avaz Heidarpour, member of National Security and Foreign Policy Commission of the Iranian Parliament, said Tehran has given detailed information to Islamabad about the names of Jaish al-Adl members who carried out the October 25 attack, as well as their location on the Pakistani soil.

According to Heidarpour, the Islamic Republic has even expressed readiness for apprehending the culprits inside Pakistan, in case Islamabad lacks the ability to do so.

“The Pakistani government has been asked to stop the activities of Jaish al-Adl group, because the available intelligence suggests the group has a few members,” the lawmaker added.

On October 26, a day after the attack, Iran’s foreign ministry summoned Pakistan’s chargé d'affaires in Tehran, Sohail Siddiqui, to voice the Islamic Republic’s protest over the incident.

In the meeting, the foreign ministry strongly demanded that Islamabad act in accordance with the security pact and extradition treaty signed between the two countries and apprehend the ringleaders as well as members of the terrorist group, who fled to Pakistan after the attack.

In February, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering activities which pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran Border Guards Clash with Bandits Near Border with Pakistan
November 03, 2013 - 17:23

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A top Iranian border police commander said Sunday that an armed man was killed and another one arrested in clashes with border guards near the border with Pakistan and that 1.5 tons of illegal drugs were recovered from traffickers.

Deputy Commander of Border Police Brigadier General Ahmad Garavand said that the Iranian border guards in Nagour and Jakigour regions in Sistan and Balouchestan province clashed with a group of armed bandits and smugglers who intended to enter the country.

“The Iranian border guards got engaged in an operation to block the path of the intruders immediately,” added the commander.

Brigadier General Garavand said that in the course of heavy exchange of fire between the border guards and the armed bandits and smugglers one of the armed men was killed while another one was captured alive.

After interrogating the arrested bandit, the Iranian officers found out the hideout for some 1,245 kilos of hashish the traffickers had intended to smuggle into the country.

Deputy Commander of Border Police said that in another operation in Saravan region the border guards managed to repel a group of bandits who were trying to enter Iran and seized some 260 kilograms of opium from them.

On October 25, fourteen Iranian border guards lost their lives in an ambush attack by a terrorist group on a border post near the city of Saravan in southwestren Iran. Six more soldiers were wounded in the raid.
A big allegation has been made in the Iranian parliament against Pakistan yesterday.

‘US, Pakistan spy agencies lead Jaish-ul-Adl’

An Iranian lawmaker says the US and Pakistani intelligence services lead the Pakistan-based Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist group responsible for the recent deadly attack on Iranian border guards.

“The key point in this case is the role that US spy agencies play by means of Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) in conducting such terrorist attacks. This issue has been confirmed in the meeting between representatives of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) and members of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee,” Javad Karimi Qoddousi said on Monday.

He added, “The direct affiliation of these groups to US spy agencies and the ISI’s control over such terrorist outfits have been authenticated.”

The legislator further noted that Iran’s Foreign Ministry and other related bodies are following up the case of the recent Jaish-ul-Adl terrorist assault on Iranian border forces.

Fourteen Iranian border guards lost their lives and six others were wounded in a shoot-out with terrorists in the border region of Saravan in Iran’s southeastern Province of Sistan and Baluchestan on October 25.

The incident prompted the Iranian interior and foreign ministries to launch a joint investigation into the incident.

Sohail Siddiqui, Pakistani charge d’affaires in Iran, says that the Iranian government has briefed Pakistan on the details of the attack and urged Islamabad to carry out an investigation into the incident.

Tehran and Islamabad have signed a security agreement to work together closely to protect their common border, Siddiqui said.

He added that if proven that the assailants are on Pakistani soil, Islamabad will arrest and deliver them to Iran under that agreement.

In February, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering activities which pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran wants Pakistan to extradite terrorists

Iran’s Foreign Ministry has once again called on Pakistan to apprehend and extradite the perpetrators of a recent terrorist attack on Iranian border guards.

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said on Tuesday that Tehran seeks the implementation of the security agreement between Iran and Pakistan and the extradition of the terrorists behind the October 25 attack to the Islamic Republic.

Fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and three others were injured in the attack that took place in the border region of Saravan in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan-and-Baluchestan.

The assailants had infiltrated into Iran from Pakistan and fled back to Pakistani territory following the attack.

In February, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement, under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering the activities that pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Afkham said Iran’s embassy in Pakistan is pursuing the issue and a number of Iranian officials will pay a visit to Islamabad as soon as possible.
Dadash i would agree with you, but their government already knows the concerns of Iran regarding cross-border terrorism but have failed to act, perhaps these Pakistani forum members however, are unaware of this.

Many times Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar travelled to Pakistan when he was Interior Minister after major acts of terrorism were committed against Iranians by Jondallah. But nothing ever materialized from these trips.

You can see the public reaction of outrage in Iranian media from many officials like Gen. Esmaeil Ahmadi-Moqaddam (Chief of Police), Mohammad Javad Zarif (Foreign Minister) Rajabali Shiekhzadeh, Mohammad-Saleh Jokar, Alaeddin Boroujerdi etc to the latest attack. They are all critical of Pakistan and letting this frustration with Pakistan out to the media because for too many years now, Iran has been getting nowhere with Pakistan.

We dont care for hostilities with Pakistan, why should we? But it is insulting to all Iranians' intelligence when people like "AmericanPakistani" toe the lame old excuses like this:

"Most of their leaders are in Kabul & Kandahar first get rid of those big birds. You need to provide intels to Pakistan if you know hideouts of these guys to GoP & then GoP will take action but allowing foreign troops...forget about it."

How do you know they are in Kabul or Qandahar, Mr "American"? Do you know something that nobody else does? Because Iranian officials have never said that Adel brigade or other terrorists operate out of Afghanistan against Iran. They have always taken this issue up with Pakistan, not Afghanistan.

So Mr "American" Pakistani, i give you the benefit of the doubt, that you are unaware of this issue.

Iranian officials, some i have given names of above, have already been in contact with their Pakistani counterparts each time acts of cross-border terrorism occur. But never has the Pakistani side made serious efforts to co-operate with Iran, this is why you can see so much criticism towards Pakistan from so many Iranian officials these days.

Dont be so sensitive. We have our legit concerns and demands when our young men are being murdered by fugitives that take refuge and operate from across the border. And when your side fails to co-operate seriously with Iran to end this, this is unacceptable for all Iranians, especially when your government has already signed an agreement with Iran to co-operate with us. I hope you understand that.

Jandollah wants a free baluchistan right? see the map:


The map insurgents want:


Whose losing more territory?
Deputy FM Says Pakistan Should Account for Saravan Terrorist Incident
November 06, 2013 - 18:33

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Pakistan should respect its international and legal obligations by accounting for the recent terrorist attack orchestrated from within its territory on an Iranian border post that claimed the lives of more than a dozen border guards, said an Iranian deputy foreign minister.

This comes after a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on October 25 on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan, which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran, killing 14 border guards and injuring six others.

"The fact that such incidents take place on the border and bandits retreat to the neighboring country after committing their crimes make that country responsible and it cannot shirk responsibility," said Hassan Qashqavi, deputy foreign minister for consular and Iranian expatriates affairs, on Wednesday.

Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement in February, intended to take strict measures to combat terrorism as well as human and drug trafficking and other activities posing a threat to the national security of either country.

Also, a member of the Iranian Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Mohammad Saleh Jokar has criticized the Pakistani government for lax security along its border with Iran, which has turned Pakistan into a safe haven for terrorists and bandits.

He further added that the Iranian parliament plans to discuss a security agreement between Tehran and Islamabad in the near future, which would allow Iranian armed forces to enter Pakistani territory for counter-terrorism operations.

On Tuesday, Iran's foreign ministry spokeswoman Marziyeh Afkham said Tehran expects Pakistan to abide by the terms of a bilateral security agreement and extradite those who were behind the deadly incident, in which 14 Iranian border guards were killed.

On Friday, Tehran’s Interim Friday Prayers Leader Ahmad Khatami said the Pakistani government was responsible for the deadly attack on Iranian border guards.

“The government of Pakistan should take immediate action against terrorist organizations operating on the soil of this country. Unfortunately Pakistan has become the main harbor of terrorists in the region. Most insurgent groups have established offices and centers in Pakistan,” said Ahmad Khatami.

TEHRAN: The Sunni extremist group Jaish-ul Adl has claimed responsibility for the assassination of a public prosecutor in Iran’s restive southeast, media reports said Thursday.

The reports came a day after Mousa Nouri, prosecutor of the city of Zabol which lies near the Afghan border in Sistan-Balochistan province, was gunned down in a “terrorist attack,” according to officials.

Jaish-ul Adl, the rebel group formed last year whose name means ‘Army of Justice’ in Arabic, said in a statement Wednesday night that the assassination was carried out in retaliation for a mass hanging last week.

“After the hanging of 16 innocent young Balochis, the fighters decided to take revenge and kill a judicial official,” read the statement posted on the group’s website, jaishuladl.blogspot.fr.

Home to a large Sunni minority, the province of Sistan-Balochistan has been the scene of fresh unrest in recent weeks. The group carried out an ambush on Iranian border soldiers on October 25, killing 14 of them.

In response, the authorities in Shia-dominated Iran executed 16 “rebels” – eight Sunni insurgents and eight drug traffickers. Security forces later killed four rebels in a separate clash near Mirjaveh, a town close to the border with Pakistan, officials said last week.

Rebel group claims revenge assassination of Iran prosecutor - DAWN.COM

well that's good. The "judicial official" was most likely an akhoond so good riddance. In response, the Iranian regime will just hang another dozen or so of these wahabi desert apes and the cycle will continue (which is great if you ask me).

Two birds with one stone.
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