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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

should i bring their nationality issue here...;)

LOL:D they are not saudi , they are saoodi :D

that statement from the troll guy was funny :)

hizbullah fights for its integrity (unlike saudi) and is shamelessly called by saudis as terrorist .

at the same time they call iranians also terrorist as they support hizbullah :D :D

but when they blow up the twins , it wasnt them :D :D
Nice, I think KSA should strongly support those groups and arm them well so that they put an end to the occupation of their territory. If Iran can arm terrorist organizations like HizboAlshaytan and the Houthies then it shall takes a sip of its own medicine.

By this post, first you are insulting your own country mate and you are implying that KSA is capable of supporting these animals.

They were REGULAR soldiers and even conscripts, not political figures or high ranking generals, they had nothing to do with politics, they were coming back to their camp to rest after a long day of securing the border, out of the political and sectarian fights. They were attacked cowardly by these animals in the middle of the night.

And comparing Hezbollah to these groups, no matter how hard people try, is impossible, they are in different leagues and you know it better.

Sometimes, having some respect for dead people, regardless of political and religious differences, doesn't hurt much.

If terrorists attack Saudi border guards and kill them, I won't run screaming in the thread that how happy I am, good riddance, they deserved it and etc, as you and your other friend, Juba, did. I will say, may they rest in peace, because I know I'm mature enough to distinguish between political differences and hatred and border guards who had absolutely nothing to do with politics, who had families waiting for them to go home. I wouldn't cheer on their death, because I knew that they were innocent and were not involved in any crimes, terrorism and dirty political games.
By this post, first you are insulting your own country mate and you are implying that KSA is capable of supporting these animals.

They were REGULAR soldiers and even conscripts, not political figures or high ranking generals, they had nothing to do with politics, they were coming back to their camp to rest after a long day of securing the border, out of the political and sectarian fights. They were attacked cowardly by these animals in the middle of the night.

And comparing Hezbollah to these groups, no matter how hard people try, is impossible, they are in different leagues and you know it better.

Sometimes, having some respect for dead people, regardless of political and religious differences, doesn't hurt much.

If terrorists attacks Saudi border guards and kill them, I won't run screaming in the thread that how happy I am, good riddance, they deserved it and etc, as you and your other friend, Juba, did. I will say, may they rest in peace, because I know I'm mature enough to distinguish between political differences and hatred and border guards who had absolutely nothing to do with politics, who had families waiting for them to go home. I wouldn't cheer on their death, because I knew that they were innocent and were nit involved in any crimes, terrorism and dirty political games.

Thats only you My friend but most of your countrymen feel otherwise only if you can flip back a few pages. I do respect what you just wrote now but regarding HizoAlshyatan we may agree to disagree. So let me take back what I just wrote in my previous posts.

Im dropping my stick here mate, you know the internet and you know how much I respect you so let it go mate.
The IRGC is nothing but bunch of mercenaries. they are a jock tbh.

Last time I checked it was KSA who founded and currently funding the UN counter terrorism committee so put that claim back into your pocket. On the other hand iran has been accused for many terrorism activities around the globe.


woooow , So , now Iran is behind 9/11 ?

Who writes wiki ?

Your allies in the west , right ?
By this post, first you are insulting your own country mate and you are implying that KSA is capable of supporting these animals.

They were REGULAR soldiers and even conscripts, not political figures or high ranking generals, they had nothing to do with politics, they were coming back to their camp to rest after a long day of securing the border, out of the political and sectarian fights. They were attacked cowardly by these animals in the middle of the night.

And comparing Hezbollah to these groups, no matter how hard people try, is impossible, they are in different leagues and you know it better.

Sometimes, having some respect for dead people, regardless of political and religious differences, doesn't hurt much.

If terrorists attack Saudi border guards and kill them, I won't run screaming in the thread that how happy I am, good riddance, they deserved it and etc, as you and your other friend, Juba, did. I will say, may they rest in peace, because I know I'm mature enough to distinguish between political differences and hatred and border guards who had absolutely nothing to do with politics, who had families waiting for them to go home. I wouldn't cheer on their death, because I knew that they were innocent and were not involved in any crimes, terrorism and dirty political games.

khube , shoma hamishe tori nazar midi ke na sikh besuze na kabab but believe me , everyone does not worth it .
lol i forgot to say something ~!

SA is in war with AQ?? OMG !! the most funny joke ever !! :D

Zarif to Hold Talks with Pakistani FM on Saravan Terrorist Attack
October 28, 2013 - 11:30

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Monday that he will call his Pakistani counterpart to discuss the recent terrorist attack in Iran's southeastern city of Saravan.

On Friday evening, a group of armed men carried out an ambush attack on a border post in Gazbostan, near Iran’s southeastern city of Saravan, on the border with Pakistan which has almost no control over its side of the shared frontier with Iran.

Fourteen Iranian border guards were killed and six were wounded in the terrorist attack.

In a message posted on his Facebook page on Monday, Zarif condoled with the dear families of martyrs and the great Iranian nation over the "painful disaster", and announced his intention to call the Pakistani foreign minister over the issue.

Zarif also referred to Saravan event as an "example of the international terrorism and a symbol of the expansion of extremism."

“Extremism and terrorism have no boundaries. In today's world, security is not an isolated issue, and thus, we have no way but to contribute to the establishment of regional security in a bid to preserve and safeguard our country’s security."

A senior Iranian provincial security official said Sunday Pakistan has failed to fulfill its commitments about joint security cooperation along its border with Iran.

Deputy Governor General of Sistan and Balouchestan Province for Political and Security Affairs Rajabali Shiekhzadeh said in an interview with the Tasnim News Agency in provincial capital city of Zahedan that Iran and Pakistan boarder commitments oblige the two countries to cooperate in security fields, but "unfortunately Pakistan has not acted satisfactorily in that respect."

He said that the Iranian Foreign Ministry, too, must in the framework of the international conventions and joint meetings on border issues pursue the implementation of the required security measures on the part of Pakistan "so that in the future we would not witness any such incidents in Iran."

Sheikhzadeh also complained about Pakistan's apparent foot dragging over improving border security, saying despite previous attacks on Iranian forces from the Pakistani side of the shared border, it has failed to keep its side of the bargain.

Iran MP urges Pakistan to respect security pact

A senior Iranian legislator has called on Islamabad to make good on its security deal with Tehran, and follow up on the case of the recent deadly attack on Iranian border guards.

“If Pakistanis are unable to take appropriate measures in that regard, they should allow our forces to enter the Pakistani soil to hunt for and pursue the rogue elements,” said Chairman of the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of Iran’s Majlis Alaeddin Boroujerdi on Sunday.

He added that the Majlis committee would hold a session on Monday to investigate the border assault on the Iranian forces.

Fourteen Iranian border guards lost their lives and three others were wounded in a shoot-out with terrorists in the border region of Saravan in Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchestan on October 25.

The incident prompted the Iranian interior and foreign ministries to launch a joint investigation into the incident.

Sohail Siddiqui, Pakistani charge d’affaires in Iran, says that the Iranian government has briefed Pakistan on the details of the attack and urged Islamabad to carry out an investigation into the incident.

Tehran and Islamabad have signed a security agreement to work together closely to protect their common border, Siddiqui said.

He added that if it is proven that the assailants are on Pakistani soil, Islamabad will arrest and deliver them to Iran under that agreement.

In February, Iran and Pakistan signed a security agreement under which both countries are required to cooperate in preventing and combating organized crime, fighting terrorism and countering activities which pose a threat to the national security of either country.

Iran demands extradition of Saravan border attack terrorists

TEHRAN, Oct. 28 (MNA) – Iran’s ambassador to Islamabad has demanded Pakistan arrest and extradite Saravan terrorist attack agents.

Mehr News reported that Alireza Haghighian visited Pakistan’s deputy FM and provided him with a report about the terrorist attacks on Iran-Pakistan borders in Saravan. He also demanded arrest and immediate extradition of the terrorists.

Terrorist attacks against Saravan border patrol police staff left 15 dead and 5 injured.

During the meeting Pakistan’s deputy FM offered his condolences to the Islamic Republic of Iran’s government and people for the event, and ensured the ambassador that, Pakistani authorities would cooperate with Iran and do their best to deal with terrorist acts.
Problem with you guys is there is no consistent statements that come from your govt.. They flip flop between what to say and what not to say because they lie to hide their incompetence and you guys are taken for a ride.

Your federal govt. says they have the proof but does not come forward with any for past one decade. Then comes your Baluchistan CM who says that there is no evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan insurgency.

Your federal govt. lies a lot and you should be smart to figure this. They lied about mujahadeen involvement in Kargil in 1999. Then they lied about Kasab in 26/11 Mumbai bombings.. Then we have famous Abbottabad incident and your allies exposed your lies and took Osama from your backyard. We have seen it all... how they play the double game.

Whatever. But it still doesn't prove what Indians were saying about CM of Baluchistan.
dude they are the ones spreading all these extremism .....

RIP to all iranians including @I-LEK

It seems that one of martyrs is from Lezgians. RIP @I-LEK

:(:oops: RIPs jan! jan! 14 martyrs! 14 heroes! Paradise is open for them!
One soldier was حمید لزگی
8 - حمید لزگی
8 - Hamid Lezghian (Hamid Lezghini. Gafgaz. Caucasian)

today, thanks to you, friends, and friends (pan-Iranists) with FB,
I learned that he Irani-Lezgi! wow this is an unexpected course of events!

Lezghins defended the Iran! was killed in a battle with terrorists. (Iran-Pak)
you all know about their fate ?????: Rolleyes:

Now I hope Iran will protect Lezghians to the Aran (Paku "Baku") ...

I ask! Help me find info about it! sources, contacts, data. it's very heroic, rare moment..
if you find data that will strengthen the ties between Lezghins (+ Caucasians) and Irani = Brotherhood forever!

The hero does not have to fade!
it is necessary to know, to remember and to honor!
When Rigi was executed, there were demonstrations in Karachi against Iran and Pakistani people were burning Iranian flags (even tho they make the wrong flag) on the streets and holding posters praising Abdolmalek Rigi and Jondallah:



I hope you can read a bit of Urdu/Balochi...if you notice these placards you will understand these people are even against Pakistan. Pakistan has very free media, if Police/Army take action against these low life idiots then media will start demoralizing Police/Army institutions.
Iran says four rebels killed in fresh border clash

TEHRAN: Iranian security forces have killed in a fresh clash four members of an extremist rebel group behind an attack that left 14 Iranian border guards dead, a top border guard commander said Tuesday.

“We clashed with Jaish-ul Adl and killed four of them,” the Fars news agency quoted brigadier general Hossein Zolfaqari, commander of Iran's border guards, as saying. He did not say when or where the new clash took place.

Jaish-ul Adl, a rebel group formed last year whose name means Army of Justice in Arabic, has claimed responsibility for the deadly ambush on Friday in the mountains of Sistan-Baluchestan in the restive southeast.

The attack killed 14 border guards and wounded another seven.
Iran in retaliation said it had executed 16 “rebels” – eight insurgents and eight drug traffickers, all of whom had been on death row, according to Iranian media.
“Whatever measure they take against us, our response will be more crushing,” Zolfaqari said.

In a press briefing in the afternoon, he said that 20 “bandits” had been killed in 67 clashes near the border since March 2013, the Mehr news agency reported.
The general also warned that Iran “reserves the right to pursue the bandits on Pakistani soil,” adding that his unit had informed its Pakistani counterparts of this, Mehr added.

Tehran has demanded Islamabad take “measures to control the borders more seriously,” saying the militants had crossed from Pakistan and fled back across the border after the attack.

Iran says it plans to exert more pressure on Pakistan to prevent such attacks.
“A deputy interior minister will visit Pakistan to discuss the attack,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said Tuesday during her weekly briefing.

Another militant group, Jundallah, Arabic for Soldiers of God, has also launched deadly attacks on civilians and officials in the southeast.Iran captured and hanged its leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, in June 2010.The restive region near the Pakistani border is home to a large community of minority Sunni Muslims, unlike the rest of Shia-dominated Iran.
Drug traffickers and militants have clashed with Iranian forces in the region on several occasions.

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