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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack


All you Iranians were crying and moaning for 30 pages over nothing.

Drink a coke and settle down now.
Sorry pal. 14 of our young boys got killed for nothing, so we aint gonna sit ''drink coke''. We will go after these terrorists wherever they are with efforts of our diplomatic and military apparatus.
You are getting brainwashed by fellow Pakistanis. Let me tell you some facts how Pakistan wants to separate India by carrying separatist movements in Kashmir in the form off Jamat-Ud-Dawa , Hizbul Mujahideen, Indian Mujahideed (GOOGLE em') and many more in Kashmir as well as eastern sides like Manipur, Sikkim.

Pakistan supports separatists movements in India.
India supports separatists movements in Pakistan.

Both result in many Indian and Pakistani soldiers and civilians dying each year.

Wouldn't it be better if Pakistan and India got along? You know this is keeping everyone poor and both countries underdeveloped. What if you focused on trade and development instead of destabilizing each others country. I guess rivalries won't allow you to do that.
You are getting brainwashed by fellow Pakistanis. Let me tell you some facts how Pakistan wants to separate India by carrying separatist movements in Kashmir in the form off Jamat-Ud-Dawa , Hizbul Mujahideen, Indian Mujahideed (GOOGLE em') and many more in Kashmir as well as eastern sides like Manipur, Sikkim.
lol, you dont need to tell me these things. I am fully aware of Pakistans role in terrorism
Pakistan supports separatists movements in India.
India supports separatists movements in Pakistan.

If any country occupy your country will you not fight for your independence? Kashmir is not fighting for separation but fighting for independence, it was occupied by india & is considered disputed territory. Please read before supporting trolls.
lol, you dont need to tell me these things. I am fully aware of Pakistans role in terrorism

Indian government destabilizes Pakistan as well. By supporting Balouch separatists. Most of the terrorists attacks on Shia Muslims in Baluchistan (Pakistan) is done by Balouch separatists.


Kashmiris are fighting for their independence, their land has been occupied by india in 1947 & india has unleashed state sponsored terrorism in Kashmir since. Don't mix the things just to play as a victim.

@Aeronaut @WebMaster @Oscar please take care of this offtopic troll dragging Kashmir/IOK.

You could also argue Balouch people are fighting for their independence from Pakistan as well. India and Pakistan can continue to destabilize each other for another 100 years, it will only hurt both countries. Maybe try something different.
You could also argue Balouch people are fighting for their independence from Pakistan. India and Pakistan can continue to destabilize each other for another 100 years, it will only hurt both countries. Maybe try something different.

Did you read about Balochistan before commenting? Do you know in 47 Balochistan had several states such as Khuzdar, Makran, Las-Bela, Kalat, Gawadar? Do you know Khuzdar, Makran, Las-Bela had joined Pakistan much before than Kalat? It was just landlocked Kalat who had troubles but what happened here was that there was a debate in Kalat's jirga/parliament but the Prince of Kalat didn't wait for it & annex his state to Pakistan. Gawadar was purchased by GoP from Oman. That's why i said please read before posting. Further more Balochistan is legal province of Pakistan & world/UN accept it unlike Kashmir. 
Only a fraction of them are pro-Pakistan rest all Kashmiris want a complete merger with India or a special status. Talk about your Pakistani occupied Kashmir which remains hidden and we all know it is burning from within...lets not ruin this thread...we will settle this out in some other thread.

Are you dumb? Don't make me start posting pictures & news or you will wish for another chance.

P.S Stop f@rting the thread by your offtopic posts.
Did you read about Balochistan before commenting? Do you know in 47 Balochistan had several states such as Khuzdar, Makran, Las-Bela, Kalat, Gawadar? Do you know Khuzdar, Makran, Las-Bela had joined Pakistan much before than Kalat? It was just landlocked Kalat who had troubles but what happened here was that there was a debate in Kalat's jirga/parliament but the Prince of Kalat didn't wait for it & annex his state to Pakistan. Gawadar was purchased by GoP from Oman. That's why i said please read before posting. Further more Balochistan is legal province of Pakistan & world/UN accept it unlike Kashmir.

Look I'm not trying to argue with anyone. I like both Pakistan and India. I wish for both to get along and start focusing on taking care of their citizens.

I stated some facts, and that is both India and Pakistan try to destabilize each other through movements that result in terrorism that is horrible crimes against civilians and soldiers.

Pakistan in particular has pissed off all it's neighbors. India, Afghanistan and now Iran. Iranians are not gonna sit quiet while terrorists cross over from Pakistan and attack our soldiers and civilians.
Only a fraction of them are pro-Pakistan rest all Kashmiris want a complete merger with India or a special status. Talk about your Pakistani occupied Kashmir which remains hidden and we all know it is burning from within...lets not ruin this thread...we will settle this out in some other thread.

Lmao.. yet india is scare to hold a refrendum or even allow UN or HR groups heck even international media into IOK.. i wonder why.. 
Indian government destabilizes Pakistan as well. By supporting Balouch separatists. Most of the terrorists attacks on Shia Muslims in Baluchistan (Pakistan) is done by Balouch separatists.



You could also argue Balouch people are fighting for their independence from Pakistan as well. India and Pakistan can continue to destabilize each other for another 100 years, it will only hurt both countries. Maybe try something different.

And most of those turds are not even baluch.. or from baluchistan..

P.S: What do you know abt baluchistan and us baluch people?
Please no more India Vs. Pakistan

Look I'm not trying to argue with anyone. I like both Pakistan and India. I wish for both to get along and start focusing on taking care of their citizens.

I stated some facts, and that is both India and Pakistan try to destabilize each other through movements that result in terrorism that is horrible crimes against civilians and soldiers.

I respect you & i' am not arguing with you but the fact is that Pakistan may have supported the Punjabi independence movement in india but not Kashmir's. Kashmiris are fighting just like Palestinians for their land. Pakistan support them diplomatically & morally but not any movement.
I respect you & i' am not arguing with you but the fact is that Pakistan may have supported the Punjabi independence movement in india but not Kashmir's. Kashmiris are fighting just like Palestinians for their land.

And any sane person with even little knowledge abt Kashmir issue will support Pakistan on this issue.. there is a bloody reason IOK issue is in the UN...
I respect you & i' am not arguing with you but the fact is that Pakistan may have supported the Punjabi independence movement in india but not Kashmir's. Kashmiris are fighting just like Palestinians for their land.

IMO, it would be better for Pakistan and India to reach an understanding and stop destabilizing each other. Both countries are extremely vulnerable.

and I've done a lot of research about Kashmir, I know a lot about their situation. I wouldn't compare it to Palestine because Palestinians have their land confiscated and given to Jewish immigrants coming from Europe and America. They are forced to leave their country, and there are millions of Palestinians refugees.

Kashimir Muslims are definitely oppressed by Indian Hindus, but it can not be compared to Palestinian issue at all.
Most of the terrorists attacks on Shia Muslims in Baluchistan (Pakistan) is done by Balouch separatists.

Im afriad you're wrong. Those terrorist attacks on Shi'a Muslims are being carried out by Lashkar Jhangvi and the Sepah Sahaba. They have nothing to do with Baluch peoples rebellion against Pakistan. There are multiple conflicts taking place in that part of Baluchestan (Pakistani part).
IMO, it would be better for Pakistan and India to reach an understanding and stop destabilizing each other. Both countries are extremely vulnerable.

and I've done a lot of research about Kashmir, I know a lot about their situation. I wouldn't compare it to Palestine because Palestinians have their land confiscated and given to Jewish immigrants coming from Europe and America.

Kashmiris are living in their lands for hundreads of centuries...it was British who sold that land to Hindu King who then promised that he will join Pakistan which later he didn't do. But lets cut it as this is all Offtopic.
are these Iranians trying to call Pakistanis terrorists?

IMO, it would be better for Pakistan and India to reach an understanding and stop destabilizing each other. Both countries are extremely vulnerable.

If we wanted to do tht.. we could support the dozens of insurgencies active in india.. from the 7 sister states to khalistan...

and I've done a lot of research about Kashmir, I know a lot about their situation. I wouldn't compare it to Palestine because Palestinians have their land confiscated and given to Jewish immigrants coming from Europe and America.

And i hope u know abt the kashmiri people,the mass graves? the mass rapes? the killings,torture and kidnappins? not to forget the mass protects in the worlds most militarised and occupied zone int the world ?

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