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14 Iranian border guards killed by terrorists in Iran-Pak cross border attack

16 is not enough , They should have killed every single prisoner connected to the terrorists .

I think Iran should use the drones or air force to hunt them in Pakistan borders and even territory . Now that Pakistan can't control it's border they should allow Iran to secure the borders or have joint cooperation .

That is cheap allow me to say Iran flexing its muscles against helpless prisoners as a retaliation to the border attack instead of chasing the killers?
also Pakistan is a sovereign country so I doubt that pakistan will allow Iran an inch inside its territories considering pakistan's military capabilities.

another thing, how do you know that those prisoners are connected when Iran fail to identify who was behind the attack.
I agree, I think they should kill masters of terrorists in KSA instead of hanging those prisoners.

Attacking KSA will be devastating to the point that you wont be able to find your country on the world map.
Attacking KSA will be devastating to the point that you wont be able to find your country on the world map.

save your BS propaganda crap for your friends. Iran f***ed all of you and your supporters and your beloved leader saddam hossein, when we were in our weakest situation. if you had balls, you would not beg US to attack Iran, as wikileaks has unveiled.
That is cheap allow me to say Iran flexing its muscles against helpless prisoners as a retaliation to the border attack instead of chasing the killers?
also Pakistan is a sovereign country so I doubt that pakistan will allow Iran an inch inside its territories considering pakistan's military capabilities.

another thing, how do you know that those prisoners are connected when Iran fail to identify who was behind the attack.

Your mates have officially admitted responsibility of attack .
save your BS propaganda crap for your friends. Iran f***ed all of you and your supporters and your beloved leader saddam hossein, when we were in our weakest situation. if you had balls, you would not beg US to attack Iran, as wikileaks has unveiled.

Dude, your leader once tried to violate KSA air space you know the story so you know what happened. we shipped the pilots back to you in garbage bags. Saddam butchered more than half million of your people, he was a nightmare to you that you brought the US to take him down so what Iran are you talking about.
Dude, your leader once tried to violate KSA air space you know the story so you know what happened. we shipped the pilots back to you in garbage bags. Saddam butchered more than half million of your people, he was a nightmare to you that you brought the US to take him down so what Iran are you talking about.
I think, We two have discussed about it before, and I feel we are repeating our previous comments.
but, about this video, what's your point? did not you know that? or did not you expect that?
Saddam and Taliban were #1,2 enemies of Iran, and Iran helped US somehow to remove them. I don't understand what's surprising about it for you?
Dude, your leader once tried to violate KSA air space you know the story so you know what happened. we shipped the pilots back to you in garbage bags. Saddam butchered more than half million of your people, he was a nightmare to you that you brought the US to take him down so what Iran are you talking about.
actually your beloved hero send your soldiers in garbage bags and he bombed Riyadh you didn't do any thing if wasn't for USA Saudi Arabia would be iraqi territory and you are the one who brought USA because you Saudis are joke can't protect your self from saddam when he was on your north side you were pissing your self cowards
I am saying he never said India is not involved in terrorism in Balochistan as you Indians are saying. He just said he doesn't have the proof. Both are two different things.

Problem with you guys is there is no consistent statements that come from your govt.. They flip flop between what to say and what not to say because they lie to hide their incompetence and you guys are taken for a ride.

Your federal govt. says they have the proof but does not come forward with any for past one decade. Then comes your Baluchistan CM who says that there is no evidence of Indian involvement in Baluchistan insurgency.

Your federal govt. lies a lot and you should be smart to figure this. They lied about mujahadeen involvement in Kargil in 1999. Then they lied about Kasab in 26/11 Mumbai bombings.. Then we have famous Abbottabad incident and your allies exposed your lies and took Osama from your backyard. We have seen it all... how they play the double game.
A picture from the terrorists posted in Facebook :

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