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14 Indian soldiers killed, 1 captured in clashes with Pakistan Army

How did you capture our soldier then? Means India did carry out strikes, so why was PA lying since morning? Or you kidnapped our soldier and dragged him across LOC? :rofl:

Oh very simple. We heard blatant lies from your DGMO, so we decided to teach a lesson. We crossed the LOC, killed 8 impotents, captured 1 as a proof, so nobody, even from our own country, stays in doubt. And came back with triumph and claimed he was captured last night.

Come on, if you can believe your DGMO, then this story sounds much credible than his.
Dawn has retracted the capture story it seems...
I've observed indian soldier move in and out of their posts holding plastic shopping bags , even conversations of an indian SM ( Subedar Major ) telling his soldier to go get tomatoes

your army is not as professional as you might think , you escalate this conflict and you'll have mountains of body bags
90000 pawn of professionals..
We are ready to fight Pakistani Alienic army..
I can understand Pakistan crossed and killed Indian soldier but they kidnapped one and took him across LOC is moronic to say the least

You lost me there, anyways Indians needs to calm down, whatever India has done Pakistan will do something similar on their time of choosing. If India went and took 3 steps inside the LOC and killed two Pakistani Soldiers. Pakistan will return the favour may be with less media hype. Poor soldiers will die.
Fake news.
Desperate attempt to calm Pakistani public anger after two of their soldiers were gunned down.
I can understand Pakistan crossed and killed Indian soldier but they kidnapped one and took him across LOC is moronic to say the least

Well it was PA that said since morning no cross border operation has taken place, so again make up your mind did or didn't cross border raid happened? One way or the other PA lied since morning first no raids then we captured Indian soldier attack repulsed etc
its true no cross border operation took place. the soldiers were killed in the check post. may be no soldier was captured alive or pakistan army soldiers raided on destroyed indian post capturing 1 alive.
Kulbhusan yadav = from Maharashtra state
Chandu Babulal Chohan = Again for Maharashtra state, we have 29 other states, include them from next time.

Guys if you gonna fake news, at-least cook it well another yadav fiasco in making, nothing but will bounce back on face.
So you say that recruitment in the army is not skewed totally in favor of the northern states like UP, Maharashtra and Punjab. 15-16% of your army is from Punjab. It is believed the rest too is from the north, Tamil Nadu and Madras unincluded. Pakistan just has to rely on Kashmiri and Lucknowi muslims to break India. EVen my allies from the Azad Deccan Movement see the skirmishes as an opportunity fr muslims in these parts to express support for Pakistan and deny the picture painted by India of both Muslims and Pakistanis as terrorists.
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