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14 Indian soldiers killed, 1 captured in clashes with Pakistan Army

Gotcha. So U admit that it actually happened even if it was in the past? So Pakistan did actually conduct such strikes in the past?
It seems Indian soldiers but video is not of yesterday's..What's to gotcha?
You Pakistanis are too desperate to satisfy own ego..
That's an old video..lol
While mortar fires were going on do you think Indian army will roam around with Napkin..Try harder:rofl:

I've observed indian soldier move in and out of their posts holding plastic shopping bags , even conversations of an indian SM ( Subedar Major ) telling his soldier to go get tomatoes

your army is not as professional as you might think , you escalate this conflict and you'll have mountains of body bags
dawn has withdrawn that headline and has replaced it with "Earlier, sources had said an Indian soldier by the name Chandu Babulal Chohan was taken into custody by Pakistani forces. However, there is no official confirmation of this claim."
Remember last time India claimed PA came inside and took their Army soldiers.... off. LOC is not one straight line....there are lines, warning lines, no man areas. Its not like you take one step forward you are in Pakistan and one Step back you are in India.

I can understand Pakistan crossed and killed Indian soldier but they kidnapped one and took him across LOC is moronic to say the least

Because you all released a bollywood script before you could release what happened. Now we are releasing news slowly.

Well it was PA that said since morning no cross border operation has taken place, so again make up your mind did or didn't cross border raid happened? One way or the other PA lied since morning first no raids then we captured Indian soldier attack repulsed etc
Your media can post pic of destroyed post but dead bodies!!Funny nah??Lollywood media lol

would u like me to post the thread of how indian army put scraps of their own jets and pretend that they are pakistani jets that were shot down. :flame::flame::flame::flame:bollywood media at its best

Earlier I contacted a military friend of mine. He told me that lots more than whats being reported.

India did infact send a force into our territory. As we were on alert the force was detected and practically wiped out, many injured or killed. Rest fled without taking bodies.now the media is slowly revealing the truth. i can say this here. India to avoid the embarassment gave the news breafing so quickly before we could.
the bodies are lying on the indian side of the border killed in LOC firing. they recovered the body after situation calmed at around 4:30 pm. no surgical strike took place.
Kulbhusan yadav = from Maharashtra state
Chandu Babulal Chohan = Again for Maharashtra state, we have 29 other states, include them from next time.

Guys if you gonna fake news, at-least cook it well another yadav fiasco in making, nothing but will bounce back on face.

Where did you do a sirGKal strike ? Who was the target ?:D .
Dil behla rahey :)
I can understand Pakistan crossed and killed Indian soldier but they kidnapped one and took him across LOC is moronic to say the least

Well it was PA that said since morning no cross border operation has taken place, so again make up your mind did or didn't cross border raid happened? One way or the other PA lied since morning first no raids then we captured Indian soldier attack repulsed etc

We slaughtered your monkeys at the border before they could cross over.
I really believe they just lobed a few vegetables across calling it a surgical strike pfft
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