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115 charged with burning Christians’ homes acquitted


Oct 11, 2013
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LAHORE: An antiterrorism court on Saturday acquitted for lack of evidence 115 suspects involved in torching of more than 100 houses of Christians at Joseph Colony in the Badami Bagh area following an alleged blasphemy incident in 2013.

Know more: 125 Christian houses burnt over blasphemy

A charged mob had rampaged through Joseph Colony and set on fire the houses following alleged blasphemy committed by a suspect, Sawan Masih.

Hundreds of residents were displaced following the violence.

A court had tried Masih and sentenced him to death in a verdict delivered in 2014.

Read more: Blasphemy: Christian sentenced to death in Joseph Colony case

During Saturday’s hearing, Advocate Ghulam Murtaza Chaudhry argued that the prosecution had failed to bring even a single piece of evidence to establish the charges against the suspects. He asked the court to acquit them.

A deputy prosecutor general opposed the arguments of the defence side. He said the evidence provided by the prosecution was enough to convict the suspects. He said the incident had not only spread a wave of terror in the city but also given a bad to name to Pakistan.

The presiding judge, Chaudhry Mohammad Azam, accepted the arguments of defence and acquitted the suspects for lack of evidence.

Source: http://www.dawn.com/news/1311401/115-charged-with-burning-christians-homes-acquitted
Sad state of justice in Pakistan...guess what..India actually fared better on Babri masjid trials..at least there was a tangible verdict rather than blind acquittal of naked crimes...its not lack of evidence when those people circulated all over media...

These oppressed Christians should seek asylum in some safe country.
Orissa sounds nice;;


Sad state of justice in Pakistan...guess what..India actually fared better on Babri masjid trials..at least there was a tangible verdict rather than blind acquittal of naked crimes...its not lack of evidence when those people circulated all over media...

Who was prosecuted for killing 3000 people?
Who was prosecuted for killing 3000 people?

It may not be the best justice served but far better than simpleton acquittal of Pakistani courts which is a mark of national shame now!

Prosecution of the perpetrators of the violence hampered by witnesses being bribed or intimidated and the perpetrators' names being deleted from the charge sheets. Local judges were also biased.[101] After more than two years of acquittals, the Supreme Court of India stepped in, transferring key cases to the Bombay High Court and ordering the police to reopen 2,000 cases that had been previously closed. The Supreme Court also lambasted the Gujarat government as "modern day Neros" who looked elsewhere when innocent women and children were burning and later interfered with prosecution.[102][93] Following this direction, police identified nearly 1,600 cases for re-investigation, arrested 640 accused and launched investigations against 40 police officers for their failures.[103][104][Note 2]

In March 2008, the Supreme Court ordered the setting up of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to reinvestigate the Godhra train burning case and key cases of post-Godhra violence. The former CBI Director R. K. Raghavan was appointed to chair the Team.[93] Christophe Jaffrelot notes that the SIT was not as independent as commonly believed. Other than Raghavan, half of the six members of the team were recruited from the Gujarat police, and the Gujarat High Court was still responsible for appointing judicial officers. The SIT made efforts to appoint independent prosecutors but some of them resigned due to their inability to function. No efforts were made to protect the witnesses and Raghavan himself was said to be an "absentee investigator," who spent only a few days every month in Gujarat, with the investigations being conducted by the remainder of the team.[108]

As of April 2013 249 convictions had been secured, 184 Hindus and 65 Muslims. 31 of the Muslim convictions were for the massacre of Hindus in Godhra.[109]
If you were Christian, where would you rather stay, in India or Pakistan? Because me coming from a family of Christians, and still several there, I would take India anyday.

i would neither take India or Pakistan..look for a third country..!

I am very sad that justice isn't served in pakistan. The mullah brigade has to be destroyed as they are the enemy of our nation

thing are not going to move with talks..yes they have to be destroyed but how nurtured them in the first place? No other than Pakistan army and government ..who is going to take them out? the same institutions...and why arent they doing it??
i would neither take India or Pakistan..look for a third country..!

thing are not going to move with talks..yes they have to be destroyed but how nurtured them in the first place? No other than Pakistan army and government ..who is going to take them out? the same institutions...and why arent they doing it??
Same people that took out the ttp. The nation I stunting against these idiots. Patience but sadly patience will cost lives
Unfortunate. Culprits no matter who and which religion got to be punished. This injustice is what destroyed cultures and societies.
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