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11 TTP terrorists neutralised, Tanai, South Waziristan

The proper way to address this is by offering counter arguments and investing in producing better journalists and analysts that can offer opposing narratives, and not by calling for dictatorial actions like intelligence/military agencies hunting down individuals that someone decides is ‘pushing a narrative harmful to national interests’.
Yes for some, for others who are too far gone in their own greed and traitorous nature, it doesn't hurt to make an example of them.
Then you are supporting an anti-Pakistan agenda and playing your own role in damaging the country and supporting illegal and treasonous actions.

Warning points will be issued next time you advocate for criminal policies and actions.

I don’t need to address every stupid, illegal and criminal act of the ISI/Army - what has been covered already is more than enough to demonstrate their incompetence and harm and damage they have caused to Pakistan.

Again, perhaps the Army/ISI should try and stick to what the constitution tells them to, and learn basic decency and humility and take orders from elected governments like the public servants they are instead of leaching off this country.

Yes I know you dont know ISI ops in any of the rest of the countries from my post , in fact you dont even know those countries in which ISI conducted Ops, so you deleted my post. That is really a lame and shameful way to hide your incompetency through lack of knowledge on the subject. Barri jaldi hawa phuss ho gayi hay yaar tumhari.
Yes I know you dont know ISI ops in any of the rest of the countries from my post , in fact you dont even know those countries in which ISI conducted Ops, so you deleted my post. That is really a lame and shameful way to hide your incompetency through lack of knowledge on the subject. Barri jaldi hawa phuss ho gayi hay yaar tumhari.
Only truly foreign Ops that I know of regarding ISI is probably the support to Bosnia by providing weapons and manpower.

And yes it's shameful if he is deleting insightful posts to soothe his own ego.
Yes for some, for others who are too far gone in their own greed and traitorous nature, it doesn't hurt to make an example of them.
They can be made an example by being shunned professionally by media companies. If the public protests such journalists/analysts, then advertisers and Media houses will ‘follow the money’.

My biggest issue with your approach is that it advocates a violation of free speech and basic civil rights based on some arbitrary definition of ‘national interest’.

We are already seeing the damage from such an approach, with the State arresting, torturing, humiliating and dragging people like Shahbaz Gill, Azam Swati, Arshad Sharif, Jameel Farouqui and countless others over their criticism of the Establishment’s violation of the constitution and meddling in politics.

We need to overturn the laws that allow the State to go after people for mere tweets and posts, rather than supporting even more vicious crackdowns on free speech.

Yes I know you dont know ISI ops in any of the rest of the countries from my post , in fact you dont even know those countries in which ISI conducted Ops, so you deleted my post. That is really a lame and shameful way to hide your incompetency through lack of knowledge on the subject. Barri jaldi hawa phuss ho gayi hay yaar tumhari.
What does any of that have to do with my previous responses to you?
They can be made an example by being shunned professionally by media companies. If the public protests such journalists/analysts, then advertisers and Media houses will ‘follow the money’.

My biggest issue with your approach is that it advocates a violation of free speech and basic civil rights based on some arbitrary definition of ‘national interest’.

We are already seeing the damage from such an approach, with the State arresting, torturing, humiliating and dragging people like Shahbaz Gill, Azam Swati, Arshad Sharif, Jameel Farouqui and countless others over their criticism of the Establishment’s violation of the constitution and meddling in politics.

We need to overturn the laws that allow the State to go after people for mere tweets and posts, rather than supporting even more vicious crackdowns on free speech.

What does any of that have to do with my previous responses to you?
I think, if our so called Independent Judiciary ( which is not under Fed. Govt. or Est. etc.) start doing its job, most of the problems could be solved, including Neutrals.
They can be made an example by being shunned professionally by media companies. If the public protests such journalists/analysts, then advertisers and Media houses will ‘follow the money’.

My biggest issue with your approach is that it advocates a violation of free speech and basic civil rights based on some arbitrary definition of ‘national interest’.
In some cases, not all. All patriots are in full support of the ISI's actions against traitors weaponising the use of "free speech" for nefarious purposes.

The definition is not arbitrary, the state has clear guidelines on what it's national interests are, and what narratives are damaging to it. It's not difficult to understand at least the basics of this, such as propogating divisive narratives on the basis of ethnicity and sects. The region is too unstable to tolerate such evil.

Anyone who consistently & constantly undermines state interests and seeks to shake the foundation of the state is not off-limits. I trust the relevant agencies to make the right decisions in their approach to handle such individuals. Whether it be your suggestion or mine. It will be highly contextual on the individual.
where about did that happen? which agency in tribal areas is it? place looks like Khyber to me
is it legit or just fake claim over a brunt out car? somewhere else?

reason I am suspicious is that I have seen many mislabeling and fake footage that I have given up believing readily. like pictures from middle east. unrelated pictures from accidents or old picture's and videos shared on social media with claims.

Sir its been verified from reliable sources.

This isn't going to cut it. When you have a deeper understanding of insurgency war and countering it, then these actions seem piecemeal. Military is delivering blows but what happens after this when the civilian setup and political parties need to sit down and plan the roadmap ahead ?

The lifeline of insurgency is support from locals and its funding. The support from locals gives it recruits and refuge after striking military. The funding provides its salaries, training and training grounds, weapons, ammunition, body armor, paperwork and other amenities.

You strangle one, other automatically reduces, but here the finished product (insurgent/terrorist) is being taken out.

This was in Pakistan news: Over 30,000 people attended a recruitment event for a Pakistani police force hiring around 1,600 new staff. It is the same for insurgents/terrorists, as they get recruited for a suitable amount of $$. This shows that both sides can keep throwing in men and material over and over again. It will remain a stalemate.

If after a year the equation is : 10,000 troops and 15,000 terrorists killed. who is winning ? No one. The recruiting grounds are ripe for both.
That’s why I said we need to go after their ideology. People always hate on me when I say this but that’s the only way to win this war. And you don’t counter religious extremism with secularism because they want you to do that so they can show the people and recruit more people to their cancerous ideology. Only way to defeat ttp is by using Islam to destroy their ideology and prove that their khawarij blood is halal to spill and a must for every Muslim.
They can be made an example by being shunned professionally by media companies. If the public protests such journalists/analysts, then advertisers and Media houses will ‘follow the money’.

My biggest issue with your approach is that it advocates a violation of free speech and basic civil rights based on some arbitrary definition of ‘national interest’.

We are already seeing the damage from such an approach, with the State arresting, torturing, humiliating and dragging people like Shahbaz Gill, Azam Swati, Arshad Sharif, Jameel Farouqui and countless others over their criticism of the Establishment’s violation of the constitution and meddling in politics.

We need to overturn the laws that allow the State to go after people for mere tweets and posts, rather than supporting even more vicious crackdowns on free speech.

What does any of that have to do with my previous responses to you?
I wrote a long post as reply but then deleted it that you had not asked me if you knew why I asked, what I asked. I dont want to be the one putting that sense in you, not my job.

Infact, I apologise for what I said. And just carry on. You are correct in all your assessments and may you forgive me for pointing out whatever I did.
All patriots are in full support of the ISI's actions against traitors weaponising the use of "free speech" for nefarious purposes.
No, and such people cannot be 'patriots' since to do so would mean supporting unconstitutional actions by a military intelligence agency against Pakistani citizens on the basis of a disagreement over speech.
No, and such people cannot be 'patriots' since to do so would mean supporting unconstitutional actions by a military intelligence agency against Pakistani citizens on the basis of a disagreement over speech.
Anyone who staunchly supports the greater national strategic interests of Pakistan and defending them at all costs is a patriot. This includes using methods outside of the constitution in certain cases, it is absolutely tolerable for the greater good.

If they are prepared to work against our interests and target our society with harmful narratives to shake our foundation, then they do not deserve the protection of the constitution. Their actions are a crime against the Pakistani people and the nation.

I fully support any and all actions of the agencies in putting them to task and so do majority of others.

Your love for this so called "freedom of speech" and the constitution is entirely American in nature and alien to Pakistan, the small sentiment that does exist is imported from America. Traitors are free to be dealt with however agencies please, all options on the table.
1. States don’t ambush people in their own boundaries. They arrest, interrogate and prosecute them. If they were in Pakistan then they should have been raided. It’s shows weaken of state and it’s institutions.
bhai shukar karo, maara to ha, chaahe own soil pr hi sahi. chai paani nahi offer kia is dafa.

Lol, You dumb Sh!t. I hunted Talibs back in the day.
I see. Which call of duty edition was your favorite? :D
Let's say theoretically Pakistan wasn't happy with the Afg Taliban or wanted to pressure them, wouldn't it be a good idea to spread some propaganda on an ethnic basis claiming they are massacring and stealing the lands of other ethnicities like Tajiks, Hazaras, etc? (They probably are tbf)

Could even produce a few fake videos by hiring our own ones and filming in some mountain areas, promoting it as ethnic tension/genocide. Then letting sentiments & tension rile up on the other side of the border...
username checks out. :lol:

where about did that happen? which agency in tribal areas is it? place looks like Khyber to me
is it legit or just fake claim over a brunt out car? somewhere else?

reason I am suspicious is that I have seen many mislabeling and fake footage that I have given up believing readily. like pictures from middle east. unrelated pictures from accidents or old picture's and videos shared on social media with claims.
sir, look closely and you'll see a terrorist kebab next to the vehicle in one of the pictures.

to be honest you have a valid question although it does appear a nonserious one.

those drone types are of specific roles and have specific onboard equipment and they vary in sizes. some have more range and endurance than others some are armed some are surveillance and some are reconnaissance depending again on their endurance, range and type of payload and equipment they carry. from quad copters the size of a shoe box to Akinci drones the size of an aeroplane.

if an attack drone was to be employed then it should've been airborne already and there has to be a local base with the drones that can go airborne and engage the target in time and then there has to be either ground or air reconnaissance already in place if the attack was preplanned and specific not target of opportunity that just came up after the surveillance.

there is a chance that some air based asset was tracking the vehicle and then the ground forces engaged it. they employed whatever was best suited for the job and if the picture's are not doctored or borrowed from some other incident then you and I have no room to complain do we?
We understand, sir.
Just that we never really see all those shiny attack drones in action.
Just a innocent childish wish we have.
First you need consistent message, our ex-PM was probably biggest apologist of terrorists ever. These types create doubt in minds of average laymen. Even though situation isn't as bad as in 2008 but still likes of Imran Khan are alive who continue to defend terrorists. Need to push back against pushtunists justification of TTP terror acts.

Then you need to take care of so called liberal left in Lahore universities and their poster boys Baloch terrorists.
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