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11 TTP terrorists neutralised, Tanai, South Waziristan


This isn't going to cut it. When you have a deeper understanding of insurgency war and countering it, then these actions seem piecemeal. Military is delivering blows but what happens after this when the civilian setup and political parties need to sit down and plan the roadmap ahead ?

The lifeline of insurgency is support from locals and its funding. The support from locals gives it recruits and refuge after striking military. The funding provides its salaries, training and training grounds, weapons, ammunition, body armor, paperwork and other amenities.

You strangle one, other automatically reduces, but here the finished product (insurgent/terrorist) is being taken out.

This was in Pakistan news: Over 30,000 people attended a recruitment event for a Pakistani police force hiring around 1,600 new staff. It is the same for insurgents/terrorists, as they get recruited for a suitable amount of $$. This shows that both sides can keep throwing in men and material over and over again. It will remain a stalemate.

If after a year the equation is : 10,000 troops and 15,000 terrorists killed. who is winning ? No one. The recruiting grounds are ripe for both.
Finally a sensible post in this thread after a long time.
Please stop - make claims like these and they'll be thrown back at you with the disgraceful and highly politically partisan press conference held by the current DG ISI and DG ISPR.

If the events that occurred are confirmed, then the action itself absolutely should be appreciated, but the institutions of the Army and ISI have damaged their reputation to a degree that broad claims like yours will cause nothing but counter arguments criticizing the institution.

Again, accept and praise successes like these ops, but do not forget that the military and intelligence agencies have destroyed their reputation with their unconstitutional meddling in politics which would be considered treason in most civilized, law abiding nations and we simply cannot look the other way and excuse those actions.
That account is an Indian guy, he just spreads stupid logic so Pakistanis follow along like foolish sheep
Your profile photo suits you. Like Zia ul Haq, you too are devoid of wit and reason. He too took his nation into a fatal nosedive towards anarchy and destabilisation.

Haq had dreams of grandeur, far above his station. He forgot he was but a man and a mortal, he had no succession planning, an ego inflated by that braggart Sharif and his own ADC.

When Zia tasted the last mango, he must have felt on cloud 9, having broken the back of the Soviet Union and hoodwinked the US.

Little did he know that the universe has other plans and on this mortal realm, everybody is disposable 😂.

I'm confused about one thing what I do or say to elicit such a response? I was mentioning something else.

As for Zia, he's the least understood but hated for no logical reason. As another member posted on this forum, Zia wasn't the mastermind of creating jihadists. You have to dig deeper into the political corner of that decade.
I'm confused about one thing what I do or say to elicit such a response?
My apologies @PakFactor

Sincerely, I fired a broadside at that annoying Multani whatever he is called and for some reason I ended up quoting you.

Please accept my apologies. 😂 I must be going senile in old age 😂
You see, everywhere, everything is done by ISI, so your comment as top agency in the world, holds solidly. One agency, undertaking tasks everywhere.
On the same flippant note, time for assessments and report cards:

1. ISI meddling in domestic politics: Destroyed civilian institutions, caused the current extreme polarization in the country and has caused damage that will take generations to fix (assuming it stops meddling in domestic politics immediately)

2. ISI meddling in India:
India has completely outpaced Pakistan economically, scientifically and culturally. IIOJK remains under Indian control with Pakistan completely on the backfoot in supporting Kashmiris for fear of being isolated for ‘supporting terrorism)

3. ISI meddling in Afghanistan:
The ISI picked the shiftiest possible factions to support - vile extremists and warlords that no other country around the world wants to touch without putting on a hazmat suit. And we continue to pay the price of supporting extremists in Afghanistan with extremism & terrorism in Pakistan.

4. ISI killing TTP in Afghanistan, as it seems so.
No credible evidence of such ops, and considering that we officially issued statements criticizing the Afghan Taliban for not stopping TTP, such ops, even if they are occurring covertly, have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism again.

5. ISI providing baseline intel for IBOs inside Pakistan, as seen by CTD Ops.
Mostly same as point 4 above - such ops have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism.

6. ISI sending Vigo's, as alleged by journos.
Given that the journalists targeted were critical of the Army and were allowed to return once they redirected their criticism, yet another failure that has irreparably harmed free speech, freedom of the press and public accountability and transparency via independent (not ISPR sponsored) journalism.

7. ISI taking out civilian targets, again as alleged by journos.
Has the FIR that Imran Khan tried to register against those he suspected (including serving Army officers) finally been done?

Perhaps if the Army and ISI actually stuck to what it is supposed to do under the constitution, it might actually be able to demonstrate more long term success.

As for Zia, he's the least understood but hated for no logical reason.
“No logical reason”?!

Does overthrowing an elected government (and therefore committing treason) and imprisoning and then murdering the most popular political leader and Prime Minister of the time not seem like a good enough “logical reason” to hate Zia?
6. ISI sending Vigo's, as alleged by journos.
Given that the journalists targeted were critical of the Army and were allowed to return once they redirected their criticism, yet another failure that has irreparably harmed free speech, freedom of the press and public accountability and transparency via independent (not ISPR sponsored) journalism.

7. ISI taking out civilian targets, again as alleged by journos.
Has the FIR that Imran Khan tried to register against those he suspected (including serving Army officers) finally been done?
Well done to the ISI for this 🫡

But they missed several targets, many journalists are just mouth pieces for foreign hostile agencies working against the nation, they hide behind the smoke screen of "freedom of speech" and "freedom of press" to spew their anti-Pakistan narratives.

I encourage the ISI to pursue these targets more ferociously, the idea of human rights and freedom of speech is not only an alien concept to our region, but used as a tool to work against our national interests.

There are many journalists currently still spewing such narratives untouched by the ISI, so I would encourage them to be more aggressive in this aspect.

Propogating narratives that go against the national interests of Pakistan is a redline no one should be able to cross, stay within your political limits and do not transgress. There's one thing critiquing politicians, but these journalists cross all redlines.
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On the same flippant note, time for assessments and report cards:

1. ISI meddling in domestic politics: Destroyed civilian institutions, caused the current extreme polarization in the country and has caused damage that will take generations to fix (assuming it stops meddling in domestic politics immediately)

2. ISI meddling in India:
India has completely outpaced Pakistan economically, scientifically and culturally. IIOJK remains under Indian control with Pakistan completely on the backfoot in supporting Kashmiris for fear of being isolated for ‘supporting terrorism)

3. ISI meddling in Afghanistan:
The ISI picked the shiftiest possible factions to support - vile extremists and warlords that no other country around the world wants to touch without putting on a hazmat suit. And we continue to pay the price of supporting extremists in Afghanistan with extremism & terrorism in Pakistan.

4. ISI killing TTP in Afghanistan, as it seems so.
No credible evidence of such ops, and considering that we officially issued statements criticizing the Afghan Taliban for not stopping TTP, such ops, even if they are occurring covertly, have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism again.

5. ISI providing baseline intel for IBOs inside Pakistan, as seen by CTD Ops.
Mostly same as point 4 above - such ops have not done much given the spike in TTP terrorism.

6. ISI sending Vigo's, as alleged by journos.
Given that the journalists targeted were critical of the Army and were allowed to return once they redirected their criticism, yet another failure that has irreparably harmed free speech, freedom of the press and public accountability and transparency via independent (not ISPR sponsored) journalism.

7. ISI taking out civilian targets, again as alleged by journos.
Has the FIR that Imran Khan tried to register against those he suspected (including serving Army officers) finally been done?

Perhaps if the Army and ISI actually stuck to what it is supposed to do under the constitution, it might actually be able to demonstrate more long term success.
But that is just one geographical region you addressed where as in further posts its quoted,
"reality is ISI is everywhere, where ever human life exists. and thats a true statement."

So do I need to go in more details to get more extended reply from you or will you address the existence of ISI wherever human life exists on your own?
I encourage the ISI to pursue these targets more ferociously, the idea of human rights and freedom of speech is not only an alien concept to our region, but used as a tool to work against our national interests.
Then you are supporting an anti-Pakistan agenda and playing your own role in damaging the country and supporting illegal and treasonous actions.

Warning points will be issued next time you advocate for criminal policies and actions.

But that is just one geographical region you addressed where as in further posts its quoted,
"reality is ISI is everywhere, where ever human life exists. and thats a true statement."

So do I need to go in more details to get more extended reply from you or will you address the existence of ISI wherever human life exists on your own?
I don’t need to address every stupid, illegal and criminal act of the ISI/Army - what has been covered already is more than enough to demonstrate their incompetence and harm and damage they have caused to Pakistan.

Again, perhaps the Army/ISI should try and stick to what the constitution tells them to, and learn basic decency and humility and take orders from elected governments like the public servants they are instead of leaching off this country.
Then you are supporting an anti-Pakistan agenda and playing your own role in damaging the country and supporting illegal and treasonous actions.

Warning points will be issued next time you advocate for criminal policies and actions.
What rules did I break, like specifically? So I can avoid that next time.

Anyway, my point is anyone who propagates narratives that are harmful to our national interests under the veil of "freedom of speech" is not off-limits.

Many of these people are on the payroll of hostile actors and utilise this very well.
Anyway, my point is anyone who propagates narratives that are harmful to our national interests under the veil of "freedom of speech" is not off-limits.
The proper way to address this is by offering counter arguments and investing in producing better journalists and analysts that can offer opposing narratives, and not by calling for dictatorial actions like intelligence/military agencies hunting down individuals that someone decides is ‘pushing a narrative harmful to national interests’.
Well done to the ISI for this 🫡
Vehicle selection is critical.

Vigo is just used for defamation of the Vigo version of Hilux :(
I mean the local version is Vigo Champ which uses a Pathetic 2.5L engine with 102 Bhp. The imported Vigo uses D4D 3.0 which was real good, but there are other better pick up options in use. I don't like Champ.

The other list is:
1. Revo - the most modern of them with 2.8 and 3.0 options. The 2.8L is better
2. Hilux Tiger - the common looking version before Vigo, it has 2.8 L too but an older version, lesser Bhp ofcourse.
3. Mitsubishi Triton L-200 - You should see it acceleration, its a beast of its own in related pick up category. 2.5L and 2.8L options.
4. LandCruiser 70 series Pick up - another tough 4x4 though usually single cabin considering that ISI prefers twin cabin.
5. Foton Tunland - Some have seen these in action recently. Again 2.8 L diesel.

Maybe sending Revo would give an impression of VIP transport where as sending Tiger with AIr-conditioned cabin gives a poor man transport status so Vigo stands in between them ? But then Triton L-200 is missing still.

I think Vigo gives that "badmaash" outlook :triniti:
Revo is not far behind in looks, sending Revo maybe another option, its 2.8L is economical in fuel too.

Second factor is "black" paint. Vigo does look dashing with black paint and for ISI they might have tinted windows. However Triton and Revo look dashing in black too. 70 series pick up looks bad-a$$ in black. Silver and white look decent. Red/magenta are not common. Dark blue looks okay, where as bottle green looks odd. Metallic brown is another option.

Silver/white is best instead of black in day time due to less visibility as distance grows, where as dark colours like black/dark blue/bottle green are good for night time. In any case, ISI re-paints vehicles weekly/fortnightly (sometimes daily though rarely) and keeps changing number plates.
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