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11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

The 60 km's range should also be decreased to lower ranges in upcoming missiles because tactical missiles are such which can destroy 100's of Indian Tanks in an attack. The so called Indian Cold Start Doctrine is raped by this missile.
The credible second strike capability of India is close to reality with SSBN's.. Where as it is not possible with Pakistan's reach within this decade!

Naval version already under development.........SSBN also under development.........................ur crystal ball sucks:

VLCM babur:

Threat posed by small battlefield Nukes mounted on tactical battlefield missile like Nasr has already been addressed by the addendum added to Indian nuclear doctrine in CCS meeting held in 2002.

It will be suicidal for Pakistan to hope that, use battlefield Nukes on Indian division(even on Pakistani soil) will not invite a full scale nuclear retaliation.

So unless Pakistan is going to for full scale nuclear response, it can/will not deploy small battlefield nuclear weapons.

Which makes Nasr's utility in a limited conflict, such as envisioned in Cold start doctrine limited to using conventional explosives. In which area it more than ,matched by India's Prahaar missile , which has almost three times the range and two times the missiles mounted on a single vehicle.

Know your limits stay within your border or you will smell like a barbecue...
The best thing I learnt about this missile is its inflight maneuverability capacity which makes it extremely hard for any missile defence system to detroy it . NASR, with a range of 60 km, and in-flight maneuver capability can carry nuclear warheads of appropriate yield, with high accuracy.

This quick response system, which can fire a four Missile Salvo ensures deterrence against threats in view of evolving scenarios. Additionally NASR has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems, ISPR said.
dumbo its already integrated n shown in zuhai last year!


Stupo.... There were no trails info present to justify the specs of speed!

More over having this missile will NOT deter India from using Brahmos on Nasr's Launcher... This Chinese fancy weapon will not block Brahmos!

The best thing I learnt about this missile is its inflight maneuverability capacity which makes it extremely hard for any missile defence system to detroy it . NASR, with a range of 60 km, and in-flight maneuver capability can carry nuclear warheads of appropriate yield, with high accuracy.

This quick response system, which can fire a four Missile Salvo ensures deterrence against threats in view of evolving scenarios. Additionally NASR has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems, ISPR said.

Was that tested against Patriotic ABM system or Iron Dome?
So for a few thousand men india will risk to get nuked? think abbt ur populace cities...........millions would die..........as for second strike capability...........did u forget raad,babur missiles and the new vertical launched version of babur which will soon be arming PAK NAVY? Besides how will u identify all our launch sites,bases and command centers without getting nuked in a couple of seconds!

It is not a question of number of lives lost...It is a question of survival..Pakistan resorting to use of tactical nuclear weapons means Pakistan has reached its nuclear threshold and has crossed Indian nuclear threshold.Any retaliation from here on will be an escalatory one ..ending up in full scale nuclear war

Indian priories at this time to would be minimize Indian losses in the impending nuclear war by wiping out Pakistan launch capabilities.
By preempting Pakistani full scale nuclear attack..India can significantly minimise the losses on Indian side.

It is assured that India will not be able to hit all the Pakistani nuke bases..but can take out most of them in the preemptive nuclear strikes.
It is safe assumption.. preemptive strikes in addition to India missile defence systems will be able to manage most of Pakistani launches, if not all.

Damage to India..in this scenario will considerably less than, had Pakistan been allowed to launch it's full arsenal.

Raad is an air launched weapon...Pakistan does not have long endurance, long range bomber...which can stay in the air round the clock to serve as reliable second strike weapon.

Babur is a LACM, which has not been configured for sub surface launch..even if VL version of Babur if available in future..Pakistan submarines..do not have vertical launch capabilities.
Naval version already under development.........SSBN also under development.........................ur crystal ball sucks:

VLCM babur:


The missile does not seem to come from under water platform!

Ah Pakistani SSBN under day dreams I hope!
Stupo.... There were no trails info present to justify the specs of speed!

More over having this missile will NOT deter India from using Brahmos on Nasr's Launcher... This Chinese fancy weapon will not block Brahmos!

Was that tested against Patriotic ABM system or Iron Dome?

Bachay teri kuch nahin ho sakta.........go watch ur cartoons.
Excellent News::pakistan::bounce::yahoo:
These tests will make India to sit silent,Owsum News.

Was that tested against Patriotic ABM system or Iron Dome?

There is no way to test such things through out world except during wars and that was the way russia and US both built missile and anti-missile system throughout cold war. But yes if you know the spec of a certain anti missile system then you can simulate a scenario and test how the missille will perform againt thats system and I guess ISPR was referring to such stimulations but yes indeed inflight maneuverability does support their claims.
very cost effective measure to all goodies India is buying, they will be sitting ducks when these hit them taking them all out with colossal damage. It put PAK at major advantage in Kashmir valley. once the area hit, due to very difficult landscape regarding land movements it will become disasters for indian troops to take that area back or even get back to that area, no we will not nuke you we might use other war heads so on international stage India will have not a single justification to nuke us or claim that PAK nuked india. or even nuke option is used then it will made sure that all potential war heads pointing at us are taken out after the first launch, it will be stupid to wait and get hit in return. It will be blood bath I hope this never happens. Anyways congrats PAK FAUJ :pakistan:
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