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11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

When Iran is suspected of making Nuclear bomb, US, EU impose sanctions ?
When North Korea test nuclear bomb, sanctions are increased ?

Now imagine what will world do if Pakistan uses nukes on India ?
Naval version already under development.........SSBN also under development.........................ur crystal ball sucks:

VLCM babur:


Not even close .

Excellent News::pakistan::bounce::yahoo:
These tests will make India to sit silent,Owsum News.


Is it so? Musharraf thought India will NOT strike back in Kargil Conflict because Pakistan has nukes.... But India did hit back! Now I understand when I learn that Pakistani Army doing the same mistake again and again!

Keep your eyes and ears open. ;)


Are you blind? Showing a road mobile launcher!
very cost effective measure to all goodies India is buying, they will be sitting ducks when these hit them taking them all out with colossal damage. It put PAK at major advantage in Kashmir valley. once the area hit, due to very difficult landscape regarding land movements it will become disasters for indian troops to take that area back or even get back to that area, no we will not nuke you we might use other war heads so on international stage India will have not a single justification to nuke us or claim that PAK nuked india. or even nuke option is used then it will made sure that all potential war heads pointing at us are taken out after the first launch, it will be stupid to wait and get hit in return. It will be blood bath I hope this never happens. Anyways congrats PAK FAUJ :pakistan:

Do you know anything about nuclear radiations? If Hatf Nasr alone can defeat India... then why crying all the time to US and UN to mediate in Kashmir talks!
Know your limits stay within your border or you will smell like a barbecue...

This advice suits Pakistan more. :azn:

India usually stays in its borders but Pakistan seems going out stray each day and then crying India opened fire.

On your western borders Afgans/US/NATO cross your border often.:woot:
Do you know anything about nuclear radiations? If Hatf Nasr alone can defeat India... then why crying all the time to US and UN to mediate in Kashmir talks!

They think that nuke blackmail would work and foreign intervention would work but it FAILS each time as UN/US says its a "Bilateral thing between India-Pak".
Excellent News::pakistan::bounce::yahoo:
These tests will make India to sit silent, Owsum News.
Hmmm...Silent? The Indians must be crapping in their pants!!

And it's 'awesome' not 'Owsum'. You guys can't even spell right and you're firing off missiles! Amazing! :woot: :lol:
Additionally NASR has been specially designed to defeat all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems.
Huh? Has it been tested against all known Anti Tactical Missile Defence Systems? Why do these guys keep shooting from the hip?
Here, see if this pokes your eyes.


You do NOT have reasoning skill... too bad cannot pass in Competitive exams... Show a picture in which the Babur missile comes out of the under water platform!
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