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11 Feb '13: Pakistan conducts test fires of two Hatf-IX Nasr BRBMs

Threat posed by small battlefield Nukes mounted on tactical battlefield missile like Nasr has already been addressed by the addendum added to Indian nuclear doctrine in CCS meeting held in 2002.

It will be suicidal for Pakistan to hope that, use battlefield Nukes on Indian division(even on Pakistani soil) will not invite a full scale nuclear retaliation.

So unless Pakistan is going to for full scale nuclear response, it can/will not deploy small battlefield nuclear weapons.

Which makes Nasr's utility in a limited conflict, such as envisioned in Cold start doctrine limited to using conventional explosives. In which area it more than ,matched by India's Prahaar missile , which has almost three times the range and two times the missiles mounted on a single vehicle.

Honey india would be foolish to mass retaliate (unless india has a death wish)if we wipe out ur divs on our soil.............what makes u think tht Pak wont retaliate?
tbh i dont like the idea of Nasr to be used inside our borders-

The Nasr will probably be used with conventional warheads on a battle-field to deter large mechanized/tank or infantry formations. However, the nuclear capability grants us an additional option to keep Indian forces at bay.

Assuming that the Nasr will only be launched with a nuke is simply paranoia spread by media outlets.
Honey india would be foolish to mass retaliate (unless india has a death wish)if we wipe out ur divs on our soil.............what makes u think tht Pak wont retaliate?

Ohh!!..if we launch a full scale retaliation against Pakistan(in response to Pakistan launching a TNM), we fully expect Pakistan to launch a second strike, that is why our initial nuclear strike will be against your missile basses, launch sites and command centers...to severely limit your second strike capabilities.

And absence of SLBMs ..does not give Pakistan an assured second strike capability, in case its land based assets are compromised in Indian first strike.
if the rumour of dead hand kind of system is true for pakistan as wel

so with the launch of Nasr on pakistan soil and the system detect Nuclear attack on pakistan soil.

the missile silos in pakistan will auto start firing nukes at india.

for more detail read about "dead hand" Nuclear control system
if the rumour of dead hand kind of system is true for pakistan as wel

so with the launch of Nasr on pakistan soil and the system detect Nuclear attack on pakistan soil.

the missile silos in pakistan will auto start firing nukes at india.

for more detail read about "dead hand" Nuclear control system

That was a rumor about Soviet nuclear command and control system. There is absolutely nothing like this which exists for other nations.
Both Pakistani and Indian nuclear command and control systems require days for complete mobilization from peacetime storage status.
Don't be that harsh. Of course it wasn't tested against any Tactical BMD, but the capability to maneuver unexpectedly can dodge the incoming missile.
I dont think that all tactical BMDs were meant by this statement, because laser based tactical BMD can possibly counter unexpected trajectory changes.

Obviously you know that. But I assure you, an year from now, you will see your moron compatriots jumping around claiming that Nasr cannot be intercepted by the most advanced SaM systems of US, India & Israel, just because their dear ISPR told them so.

Coming to topic. Can you tell what does pakistan hopes to achieve by this missile. I always had the impression that Nasr was to stop Indian troops from invading pakistan, but how?

60km is just shitty range. Most aircraft in the Indian can perform air interdiction very easily at that range(Even LCA, with only its current capabilities, without IOC). Even Rudra could take it for a ride. So most probably, the missile won't be fired at all.

Even if it is fired, maneuverability is not a big thing. All SAMS are designed to counter aircraft and cruise missiles, which are much more maneuverable than Nasr will ever be. The advantage with ballistic missile comes with its speed. But since the range of the missile is too low, I doubt it will have a speed to challenge even the less advanced SAM systems.

Even if the missile hits its target, it will be considered as a nuclear attack on India and we will take appropriate measures to respond(You know what I mean). So, my question. What does this missile give pakistan that it did not already posses?
Ohh!!..if we launch a full scale retaliation against Pakistan(in response to Pakistan launching a TNM), we fully expect Pakistan to launch a second strike, that is why our initial nuclear strike will be against your missile basses, launch sites and command centers...to severely limit your second strike capabilities.

And absence of SLBMs ..does not give Pakistan an assured second strike capability, in case its land based assets are compromised in Indian first strike.

So for a few thousand men india will risk to get nuked? think abbt ur populace cities...........millions would die..........as for second strike capability...........did u forget raad,babur missiles and the new vertical launched version of babur which will soon be arming PAK NAVY? Besides how will u identify all our launch sites,bases and command centers without getting nuked in a couple of seconds!
Any tactical Nuke usage will escalate to full fledged nuclear war. And even if India stops its advance if Pakistan uses Nasr', entire world will condemn Pakistan, impose sanctions and will raise issue of taking or limiting Pakistan's nuclear arsenal along with IAEA and UN observer to check the security of Pakistani nukes.

Think about why India wants to push Pakistan to use Nukes. You can kill few millions of Indians, but it will be disastrous for Pakistan on whole.

:lol: I am Evil Yindoo Baniya. :enjoy:
[--Leo--];3906319 said:
Well if we lay down with bomb under tank to stop indian tanks in 1965 why not self nuke we can do it but you can't
this is short distance missile so its for closer target to assist the army in battlefield
third thing is it have high speed so hard for missile to intercept
and you are concern about nuke we can nuke every city of india 3500 KM is enough for you buddy?

So what is your answer for taking out these missile launchers with Supersonic Brahmos? Tracking out these launchers wont be a big deal with Awacs as they are just 60 KM away from our access! Need not say about hypersonic cruise missile under development!
If Pakistan ever launches it's nukes, it certainly will not be according to Indian terms or wishes, rather when it's the last resort to preserve it's sovereignty. Considering the Indian member's reaction even after a test, one can almost conclude that Pakistan may never need to press the red button in anger. :laugh:

@ Topic, i should soon have pictures of today's test.
Strategic intuition is at an all time low in Pakistan.

60km with nuclear warhead...lo kar lo baat.
Honey india would be foolish to mass retaliate (unless india has a death wish)if we wipe out ur divs on our soil.............what makes u think tht Pak wont retaliate?

The credible second strike capability of India is close to reality with SSBN's.. Where as it is not possible with Pakistan's reach within this decade!
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