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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

5 hours and no backup/support? WTF is the military doing? What are the drones for?
No operational planing. Old farts in GHQ still read outdated Gora warfare manual or whatever third tier tactical manual Gora sahib recently authorized to release for Desi Generals. They are contented with that.

Seems like PA bought drone but they got no clue how to properly employ and develop methodology for drone warfare.

Should be sacked for incompetence.
did any mainstream media channel reported the attack??? there is a complete blackout on this issue.........such a disgrace, hiding our casualities, we are no better than those indians..........

Yes. This utter silence is quite strange.

Silence is not a disgrace. Change of plan indeed. Will pen down my opinion once there are less of emotions and we are sober for discussion. Whole of social media and news media individuals have tweeted. Official release is not there since we will work on a different strategy.
What a fantastic genetics!!!! No spectacles used despite watching 10-12 hours of television! And what occupation gives him so much time? @313ghazi
family business sort of thing, farms, factories that sort of thing. he is kind of retired now, i take care of things.
Only one question, a post that far far away, then why not a single drone ? a single surveillance drone ?

Why "Hazam nahi ho rahee" dear ?

We see photos of the big budget toys, like drones, fighter jets and some 3rd generation tanks and we think entire army is like this. Not its not like this.. The rare hi-tech gear is for primary threat that is eastern border. The FC gets obsolete equipment.

Forget about drones, the FC even didn't had automatic machine guns, they used to wear shalwar kameez & Peshawari chappals till mid-2000s. I mean in which world people are living that we think hi-tech solutions readily available to our troops. Its far from reality. Pak army is world's 6th largest military in terms of man-power, Even FC has 1,10,000 man-power. Its not practical to equip every post given our budget. The solutions we "suggest" here in forums have to be in spectrum of our economic situation. What is practical is I already explained in earlier post that checkposts can be well defended & some APCs should be provided to far-off or sensitive area checkposts.

Drones can never track vast distances 24/7/365. There are thousands of checkposts in the country and at borders of AFG, IRAN and India. Simply not practical to do surveillance by drones all the time. Country needs to generate many times more funds to even think about it and even that will not be effective. Even USA with greatest satellite coverage, drones, sensors is unable to properly cover Mexican-US border, even they had to resort to Steel wall.. even that was not fool-proof.

BTW for an ambush on a check-post. Even if there's a surveillance drone in air the militants can easily evade being detected. If the checkpost is on road or near road, They can merge with normal transportation or can use public transport. If its near border, they can easily use Decoy method. Anyone who reads about militant tactics knows its most effective way to deceive surveillance. They will send some people purposedly to be tracked. The drone will keep following that party and another real party will attack the check-post.
And it's only going to get worse with how our military and govt. is getting influenced by China. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a time when there are cameras everywhere and a social credit system. Utter a single word against army and you would be jailed.
Decent trade-off if we see similar economic performance too
I see all lot of people crying on twitter about not sending in drones, gunships,f-16 while the fighting ensued. I was not there, it's been a while since i stepped foot in the land of Balochistan but i can throw in my 2 cents why its not easy to send reinforcement in the middle of a fire fight:

  • F-16 / JF17 / Mirages / F-7s : none of this fits into the needs of the operation. A low level flypast can deter the militants but carrying out an airstrike is not easy. Tac Ops need to provide grid coordinates, if laser guided bomb being dropped, whose lasing the target? Friendly forces in the area? is it DCAS (Danger Close Air Support) ? going by the past experience and reviewing the footage of past incidents, either militant snipers are hiding far away on ridge top laying down support fire while others get close to the CP or OP (Observation Post). Last thing you need is your own men getting burnt with the PGMs
  • Gunship: looks like those suggesting this never been to a gunfight. Below is a picture taken almost a decade ago during my field visit to Balochistan. thats what a 7.62 bullet from LMG does to a 3inch thick metal beam (firing at a cellphone tower) imagine what it would do to a approaching gunship helo? How many helos have been lost in battlefield around the world just because they were carrying QRF or providing support fire when came under RPG or LMG firing from enemy.

  • Drone: they fit the profile but how many PGMs can it carry? how far is the base ?
All these can be used on Offence front not when you are defending an OP being overrun by militants.
Did this happen or is it bakwas?

QRF always get sent and militants incorporate this into their attack strategy, we have had cases where militant snipers and LMGs laid suppressive firing to the approaching QRF at a distance while larger group continued with the attack on OP / CP
QRF always get sent and militants incorporate this into their attack strategy, we have had cases where militant snipers and LMGs laid suppressive firing to the approaching QRF at a distance while larger group continued with the attack on OP / CP
According to aerosint, heli gunships were dispatched but turned back due to the heavy presence of terrorists. His claims seem to be false incl the QRF ambush
I see all lot of people crying on twitter about not sending in drones, gunships,f-16 while the fighting ensued. I was not there, it's been a while since i stepped foot in the land of Balochistan but i can throw in my 2 cents why its not easy to send reinforcement in the middle of a fire fight:

  • F-16 / JF17 / Mirages / F-7s : none of this fits into the needs of the operation. A low level flypast can deter the militants but carrying out an airstrike is not easy. Tac Ops need to provide grid coordinates, if laser guided bomb being dropped, whose lasing the target? Friendly forces in the area? is it DCAS (Danger Close Air Support) ? going by the past experience and reviewing the footage of past incidents, either militant snipers are hiding far away on ridge top laying down support fire while others get close to the CP or OP (Observation Post). Last thing you need is your own men getting burnt with the PGMs
  • Gunship: looks like those suggesting this never been to a gunfight. Below is a picture taken almost a decade ago during my field visit to Balochistan. thats what a 7.62 bullet from LMG does to a 3inch thick metal beam (firing at a cellphone tower) imagine what it would do to a approaching gunship helo? How many helos have been lost in battlefield around the world just because they were carrying QRF or providing support fire when came under RPG or LMG firing from enemy.
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  • Drone: they fit the profile but how many PGMs can it carry? how far is the base ?
All these can be used on Offence front not when you are defending an OP being overrun by militants.
The gunships have been used quite effectively in ex-FATA.
According to aerosint, heli gunships were dispatched but turned back due to the heavy presence of terrorists. His claims seem to be false incl the QRF ambush
Why false? it makes sense why helo would return, read my post here:
  • Gunship: looks like those suggesting this never been to a gunfight. Below is a picture taken almost a decade ago during my field visit to Balochistan. thats what a 7.62 bullet from LMG does to a 3inch thick metal beam (firing at a cellphone tower) imagine what it would do to a approaching gunship helo? How many helos have been lost in battlefield around the world just because they were carrying QRF or providing support fire when came under RPG or LMG firing from enemy.
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.
Sorry sir. Having manned combat post myself. I buy non of this. US troops hardly take casualties while in outpost. US casualties were due to IEDs. Despite 20 years of war, there were only 1921 casualties resulted because of hostile action. Compared this is 51,000 dead Taliban or 66,000 Poorly trained ANA.

Warfare has evolved. Small surveillance drones operated at battalion or regimental cost as much fuel as Honda 125. You don’t set up and outpost, send troops and than abandoned them. It was a piss poor operational planing by commander.

COAS is ultimately responsible for every men. If troops are ill equipped or not trained properly than he is responsible.

Reason PA failed to fix this issue in last 20 years is due to “All at Rest” mentality that casualties are acceptable.

Ok, If PA army is gunning to take peaks in Kashmir, clearing way towards Srinagar and Indians are pound relentlessly using artillery than I see this statement make sense, but not in Baluchistan.
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