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Featured 10 soldiers martyred, 1militant killed and 3 apprehended when BLF attacked military check post in Balochistan's Kech district

May be. The reason, for my comment, is that in past, ISPR and Pakistan media have reported such types of incidences, within a short period, as far as I can recall. If the nature of the incidence is, as is being reported in social media; there is hardly any reason to not make it public. That is what is making it alarming.
Media did hide that suicide explosion outside Ghaddafi stadium though.
What media lockdown? It is all over the internet. @GumNaam can teach you what media blackout actually looks like.
NAh , no one here knows ........... only on the internet, yesterday i told my father about this and he didn't know yet he watches news literally 10-12 hours a day....... news on the internet has nothing to do with on ground awareness if it is not being reported by mainstream media in Pakistan's case.
Is he retired? And does he wear spectacles?
:lol: He is perfectly fine, What i am saying is if it is not reported on the mainstream media than the public in the wider context wont know about it, thus no pressure on the top brass to do anything .... problem solved :disagree:
You take everything in a negative manner. Ok, let me know what are the nearest deployment of these things to this post?

Soldiers are trained to be able to operate far away, without even air, combat aviation or even logistic support.

I say again, this war cannot be won without casualties.
Only one question, a post that far far away, then why not a single drone ? a single surveillance drone ?
Only one question, a post that far far away, then why not a single drone ? a single surveillance drone ?
In my humble opinion. What he is describing is correct from a tactical and operational perspective given the current available resources and protocols for the commander of the post. What is lacking is on a higher level rethinking and recalibration:

- Why after seeing repeated attacks of this nature that could be dealt with by quick availability of air support, infrastructure and required assets have not yet been made so that the response can be had say is XX mins?

- Why there are no protocols developed that cuts the chain shorter or expedites the flow of request for air-support quickly enough in case of the local commander has determined that he is about to be over run?
First of all, let me disconnect everything.

Leave the COAS, ISPR out of this (am not defending them of course, but then once you start the blame game, why dont you take names of all who are down the chain till the POST COMMANDER himself, the man who was well-equipped, enough manpower to hold his post.....its not fair to blame the COAS only....).

As a commander, you only tell your subordinates the concept of how you intend operating. It is upto the junior leaders, at all levels, to implement that to the best of their personal abilities.

Another fact, the nearest base to this unfortunate post is more than 30 kms away. Second, they are not connected by any road, motorway or anything. Its not a normal drive whereby you can reach there in half an hour. It takes balls that you are ready to stretch your outfit over such a vast area just because situation demands, logic doesnt demands.

Now if someone says that we should pour in more army troops, do please do simple math regarding deployments, let me know if you find any brigade or division freely available, doing nothing......if you find any, let me know.

As i highlighted before as well, troops to space ration is very unfavorable to us in Balochistan. FATA was a small area, we pumped in half of our army there and then achieved the desired results. Even then it took such a long time. Still we need to keep some chunk of our army there to retain what we got.

Balochistan, well its 44 % of our country's land mass.....imagine....almost half of total Pakistan....its true that militants number hardly hundreds, but looking for them in such a vast area is very difficult. Same goes for our deployments as well, since we are stretched too thin, so we have to make a hard choice of prioritising our assets.....we first secure our high value assets......

I am not into politics, so i will and cannot talk about PM etc....am simply not qualified for that.....however, regarding COAS.....well, all bastards getting hit across borders are being hit on his orders too.....there we dont give him credit.....and again, mind you, they are not even half of what is being done.

I told you before as well......we need to realize that we are at war.....for more than two decades.....and its not over, it will continue....its simply the new form of warfare where we are all alone....we will prevail InshaAllah, but not without casualties....thats the cost of freedom and victory.

No other country is physically helping us....and then we have the case of US, who supported by all her allies and latest equipment, could not prevail in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan.

Learn to take casualties, war means casualties....the other side is also here to fight, time will tell who wins, but not without casualties.

In any other country you’re work in PDF would be called press representative of the military and you would do it as a full time job, there wouldn’t be any outcry on PDF if a ISPR representative would release a Video statement in the format like yours. It’s not the fault of the PDF Members for their nonsense behaviour, but the ISPR. I would say ISPR should do their job good as they get paid, not like a bureaucratic institution, which is just changing the chief and the wrongdoing are repeated in the same rhythms as decades.

There is no confirmation of incident from any media source yet,

Of course not, because it’s not the policy.
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People here also seem to be missing another angle.
The firefight allegedly lasted for Five hours, before being martyred our soldiers are bound to have dispatched some of the scumbags to hell....where are their bodies... It's also said there were some 50 attackers, how did they arrive to attack the post. If they were on foot, highly unlikely they would bother collecting their dead bodies and walk back.
There is no confirmation of incident from any media source yet,
Because there is an ongoing op. Once the op concludes then a statement will most likely be released

People here also seem to be missing another angle.
The firefight allegedly lasted for Five hours, before being martyred our soldiers are bound to have dispatched some of the scumbags to hell....where are their bodies... It's also said there were some 50 attackers, how did they arrive to attack the post. If they were on foot, highly unlikely they would bother collecting their dead bodies and walk back.
This. I mentioned this before. They have 100% took casualties. They did this before with the Marwar attack(?). We killed 5 of their terrorists but they only recognised 3 of them. They only recognised 1 of them in this attack, and this attack lasted 5 hours unlike the previous one which lasted 3 hours.


Any word on how many of theirs died?
I don't see any of this in Indian media. It may be fake or number of dead is very less like 1-2.
Yes. This utter silence is quite strange.
And it's only going to get worse with how our military and govt. is getting influenced by China. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a time when there are cameras everywhere and a social credit system. Utter a single word against army and you would be jailed.
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