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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Chinese have fantastic martial arts skills. They can use a number of handheld weapons (not firearm) and can kill a number of Indian soldiers without firing a bullet.

The number of deaths for Indian army in this single clash is staggering.
It appears to me that their party was ambushed by Chinese.

There are reports that IA had decided to launch a commando attack to occupy some hills. This was the first of many possible expeditions.
Indian army involved commandos from Bihar and Tamil regiments.
Most likely Indians started their ascent on the hill in the night.

I think Chinese got the sniff and were waiting for them.
They (Chinese) took Indian by complete surprise and before Indians could organize themselves Chinese had finished the job and slipped away in darkness.
Killing of Colonel Commandant and the two second in command didn't help Indian army's organization.

@PanzerKiel Your comments Sir! (I got the above narration from YouTube).

Dear, I'll request you not to trust anything at the moment. Let it come out.
Brother! I said in a one sentence.

There is no doubt that china is more powerful than India at all fonrts "economical, military etc". but India is also not a weak country at all.

If both big country will engage military than it will not cost to both countries only but will impact to rest of the world.

The same reason the Chinese always say that we will resolve the all issues by talk. But, if anyone will try to chnage the situation at ground level than it will not be good for some kind of trust which are established from past many years.

Now, Chinese has to decide " What they want". our side, we are vry clear...
But India did try to change the situation, it has ignored it's international commitments, broke several international laws, illegally annexed disputed territory, broken bilateral agreements with both PK and China and then tried to claim territory under China's and PK control while carrying out HR abuses, killings, rapes, and burning down Kashmir, so please for God's sake stop pretending butter would not melt in your mouth.
USA & India throw money at human extremists present in every society to use them for their purposes, and create faultlines in that society (which may have opposite ideology, nukes, important geolocation, crude oil) mainly destroying peace of that region.

Proactive China sensed it and educated its Muslim population how to not fall for extremism and use intellect to reason against those who may bribe them for terrorism and differentiate national interest separate from religious interest (which is what's practiced in all Muslim countries too). China should be praised it immuned its society from US-Indian sent troubles on its soil through whatever the weakest link China thinks was present in its society. Also Tajik, Uzbek had been easily brainwashed by US brain child AlQaeda and sharing borders with Central Asian countries made it imperarive to act before its late.

All Muslim countries oppose terrorism in one voice, conduct their international relations beyond religion (and so do Nepal & India), and want their masses to not fall for adversary's propaganda.
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China has no problem with Islam or Christianity.
In the past, Hong XiuQuan used Christianity to start the Taiping rebellion and caused the deaths of hundreds of millions of people. Today, Christianity still operates normally in China. The Chinese government does not prohibit Christianity, so they have no reason to stop Islam

China does not encourage its people to be Muslims and Christians, but they do not ban these religions.
The only exception is religious organizations like Falun Gong.

Do not equate Islam and Uyghur. China has 56 ethnic groups and only Uighurs have problems. They always dreamed of founding the East Turkestan state and constantly attacked, massacred and genocide other ethnic groups in Xinjiang. In the past, rebels were crushed by the 36th division. At present, they are constantly conducting terrorist attacks such as ramming Tiananmen cars, knife attacks at Kunming railway station, riots in Xinjiang. Uighur extremists do not represent all Uighurs and Muslims, but their actions undermine the image of the Muslim community in China.

Finally, Uighurs in Xinjiang have higher incomes and better living conditions than many other countries in Asia. They are also prioritized for government support in health, education and employment. If you want to know more about the Uighurs, it is best to go to Xinjiang and see with your own eyes, not one-sided listening from western media.

CIA was trying hard to begin terrorism against China in Xinjiang, but they failed.

Then they tried to brainwash Muslims, but no Muslim country took the bait.

Today terrorist Indian govern cries Uyghurs while they are blinding and torturing Kashmiris, shameful.

We Muslims see everything. We can make our own conclusions.
dudess you're not familiar with IoT, and Big Data

you're not familiar that the heaviest user of GPS are american armed forces, NASA, and NOAA. every time i use google earth caption of US Navy comes.

visiting the following air force military website wont hurt you


China can use Big Data approaches & IoT to monitor any troubled region with beidu 3 accuracy factored in
But need receivers IA does have a beidu 3 receivers to track their positions???
CPEC shows a country of 220 million people is unable to build roads., bridges, tunnels and dams. Intelligent people are needed to build these things. Chinese are intelligent and you are not. Why to celebrate the dependence on others? Is it not derogatory?

What has that got to do with this thread?
You are derailing the thread. Please stick to topic at hand. :offpost:

Reported to MODs for derailing the thread.
And how do you know that those choppers are carrying dead bodies, Injured or are just bringing reinforecement?

You Indians are so hillarious.

By the way care to share the video and snaps of the choppers you are talking about ?
Meanwhile I understand your government lost majority after withdraw of support by BNP.. Military may take over the nation. Coup on the table!!!
I only replied on two cases:
1. Does China care about Kashmir or kashmiri?
Ans is simply " NO"
2. Does china developing cpec for Pakistan?
Ans is NO but here comes mutual interests. China has own and Pakistan is having own.
The word "care" reduces discussion of geo-politics to kindergarten level. For those whose thinking is still stuck in early childhood fine. But nation states are insititutions and organizations. They don't have 'love, sex, gender, or that time of the month'. Their calculations are always done with cold, hard, self interest. Of course in social conveersation we may mask that with niceties and doublespeak [iron brother;home from home etc] but the underlying self interest stands.
CPEC shows a country of 220 million people is unable to build roads., bridges, tunnels and dams. Intelligent people are needed to build these things. Chinese are intelligent and you are not. Why to celebrate the dependence on others? Is it not derogatory?
Why do you celebrate Padma bridge? Isn’t it being built by the Chinese? For our roads at least on ground sub-contractors are local. Says a lot about your construction “prowess”.

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