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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

There cant be an openly declared spy/military satellite by any country. But we know satellitles systems do military stuff under the tag of obtaining data for research.
But you're not right beidu is not spy system Google it its a navigational system like US GPS
China has done more for Pakistan and the Ummah then all the other Muslim nations put together. China fights and destroys the biggest haters of Muslims and Islam on this planet, namely india and indians. The Saudis and the UAE award the biggest anti-Muslims, anti-Islam haters on the planet their highest civilian honours. The Chinese are the REAL Muslims. The Saudis and UAE are NOT.

China also supports Palestine more so than many Muslim countries, and defends Iran from US pressure.

Did I hurt or rupture some soft spot.

Let it go janab. Let us concentrate on Indian propaganda here.
We all collectively do it for our own interests. Even the love and care you extend towards your parents or family is driven by your own interests. What goes for individuals goes for nations. Self interest. So I see no need for you to harp on about this.

As athiests we certainly know Chinese are not doing it for 'Muslim brotherhood' etc. It's self interest. Period.

I m completed agreed!

Relationship of two countries based on mutual interests, benefits etc...

I only replied on two cases:
1. Does China care about Kashmir or kashmiri?
Ans is simply " NO"
2. Does china developing cpec for Pakistan?
Ans is NO but here comes mutual interests. China has own and Pakistan is having own.
I believe the Indians were made to walk the plank


We are all waiting for Colonel Dhobi at the Border

I m completed agreed!

Relationship of two countries based on mutual interests, benefits etc...

I only replied on two cases:
1. Does China care about Kashmir or kashmiri?
Ans is simply " NO"
2. Does china developing cpec for Pakistan?
Ans is NO but here comes mutual interests. China has own and Pakistan is having own.
Boo fuggin hoo. :offpost:
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