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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Yaar! actually... I am trying to follow PDF rules....If you are asking me! than i would say that I say "Sir" to everyone... does not matter, who is he! during the duscussion even if he is newly born baby...

Please stay on topic and don't quote me unnecessary... Thanks

I promise, I won't quote you unnecessarily.
these soldiers died a terrible death. beaten and then thrown alive from the steep rocky slopes into the freezing water. beasts in the form of humans. both the chinese and indian soldiers. shame on them and their leaders.

Indian animals have done same in Kashmir in river Jhelum. Dumping hundreds of dead Kashmiris bodies woman , girls & children fished out by pakistan authorities down stream at least the chinese have killed Indian soldiers ! What was excuse for murdering Kashmiris civilians you sick indians. They got what they deserved
these soldiers died a terrible death. beaten and then thrown alive from the steep rocky slopes into the freezing water. beasts in the form of humans. both the chinese and indian soldiers. shame on them and their leaders.
Aww so cute:
Ambulance targetted by india


Above is the cost of indian mil shelling civilian populations.

Below is a report on gangrape of an entire kashmiri village:

Torture trail


This is just the tip of the ice berg.. i salute PLA for doing a good job.. and PA of dishing out punishment on LOC.
Typical indian fake media and wiki warrior trick here...
View attachment 642716
View attachment 642715
indian media are barking like dogs.. indian army are beaten like dogs...lol...

Report anyone who edits your quotes. It is against forum rules.

This is the tool Indian Army were beaten by Chinese View attachment 642726View attachment 642726

They deserve every nail through their skull for torturing, raping, murdering Muslims in Kashmir and in Indian states like Gujurat, UP, and other places.
We all collectively do it for our own interests. Even the love and care you extend towards your parents or family is driven by your own interests. What goes for individuals goes for nations. Self interest. So I see no need for you to harp on about this.

As athiests we certainly know Chinese are not doing it for 'Muslim brotherhood' etc. It's self interest. Period.

China has done more for Pakistan and the Ummah then all the other Muslim nations put together. China fights and destroys the biggest haters of Muslims and Islam on this planet, namely india and indians. The Saudis and the UAE award the biggest anti-Muslims, anti-Islam haters on the planet their highest civilian honours. The Chinese are the REAL Muslims. The Saudis and UAE are NOT.
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