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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China


Waiting to be confirmed, if true, how despreate are they when they were trying to get out, they are everywhere,river,slopes.
@silent_poison @Areesh
I will tell you very openly " chinese does not care about Kashmir". previously, they never care and future, they will never care!

Rest you are a Moderator...... You can Ban me or say anything! Thank you

I will tell you more openly...that is just your disinformation to drive a wedge on pak and china.

Mods have you indians under the radar
NOT for Pakistan, Man!

They are doing for their own interests.

hope, we will come to the topic! please...

China & Pakistan are not antagonists. Their geopolitical interests converge. Consider them one.

Having said that, it naturally leads us to discussing two antagonists in the region!
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So, it was China that was unlawfully building structures in a disputed land and then suddenly opened fire. IA troops were protecting their land that China wants to grab. Catching the workers do not go against the norm. What do you mean by beating. A little mishandling is not beating. China should value human lives. Historically it is a demonic country that we can see also in the South Pacific.
A little manhandling is not beating? Really?
Who are you to manhandle anyone?
This was always on the cards from when that lone Chinese soldier was "manhandled" and his picture posted on the internet by gloating Indians. Did you really think that would be without consequence?
This is your high handed, arrogant and treacherous behaviour with your neighbors coming to bite you on the backside.
Weep while you begin to reap what you have sown
sometimes i think that the soldiers are the most pathetic humans. got no heart , no brain but trained to kill , torture and rape upon the orders of the elite that enjoys all the luxuries of life. i felt pity for the indian soldiers but they were killing muslims and raping women in kashmir. they might have got what they deserved.

Chinese did nothing wrong...Indians DESERVED that...Ask Kashmiris
The Chinese army does not ambush India
The Chinese military did not suddenly open fire

The conflict began with Indian soldiers detaining and beating Chinese workers. Indian army are cowards when bullying workers.
They are coward no doubt about it but i wish you cud understand the language they talking on tv literally they been saying its time to Teach Lesson to China, they have show so much mercy but now they will see how bravely they will crush Chines proud.
Really our enemy have no shame and dignity, third class pethatic enemy we got
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