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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

unlike china we have system of information flow that is given by local area commanders to the higher authorities an from there to the media.
since yesterday, Indian media is posting updates and all details. chinese media, OTOH, who is usually very threatening to the world and India is so silent that it like they never woke up in 17th June 2020.

the actual count of dead's must be really a big number and that is why its never being reported. ANI did report 43 as latest and these may be eye witness accounts, but then how many more than 43 ? only locals know.

where are the threats? where are the warnings? where is the war mongering? where is self declaration of win in the war? just swallowed up or what? so typical of your media

this is really the difference between free media and controlled media. global times must be waiting for draft from xi's office to print the news today.

helos were flying and this is confirmed by Indian sources, so is all the other news that you are discussing.... number of casualties were 43 is what known last based on the intercepts, your personal opinions does not matter at all.
So the Chinese did execute the Indians?

No information but Indian deaths much more than 20. Multiply by around 5 and maybe now more. Many died from fighting, some from falling off, some from river, some from cold and injuries with no support. Maybe PLA hold some savage Jai Hind seniors accountable for this incident and executed them. This is showing pure arrogance that India at its most mighty now is not 1% of PLA. We will execute their senior officers without even talking to Indian side. They can do nothing but beg we don't execute the rest and we don't come for more of their shit rapists. We have absolute air superiority and IAF has not scrambled after PLAAF in Tibet started moving.

I had lost it...finally found it again when it reappeared
Did they die by bullets and explosions??

can somebody summarise the whole ordeal?

Has China been advancing in Indian territory?
Yup, a week back they moved into disputed territory controlled by India, in Ladakh, IOK and then refused leave and doubled down. Yesterday it escalated and 20 IA soldiers were killed, including a colonel. Nobody knows what exactly happened except a paltry few details that got out or were released. All else is speculation.
Can you give the link?

I really don't think this is true ... killing prisoners of war is not typical of the Chinese military, dating back to the Korean War. In 1962, the Indian prisoners of war were treated very well ... even if this is no longer the case, it seems hard to understand why China would go around executing Indian troops in blatant contravention of the Geneva Conventions (even if this is an undeclared war).

Let me clarify no prisoners were executed, all indoan KIA were in combat. Some dead bodies did end up in the river.
Do you think IA would forgo 20+ casualties, or they will retaliate?

Certainly India will take revenge. But they don't want to risk it becoming a total war. Perhaps India will try to kidnap some PLA soldiers and execute them. Or India will tolerate attacking, plundering and raping Chinese citizens on Indian territory.
Haha. And more and more Chinese numbers coming in. And you got some land from the British. Not from Republic of India. We on the other hand, bajaoed you like a Shaadi ka dhol in every war.
rape public....of india exists. in a republic the people are equal. ask your minorities if they are equal. hell even hindus are not equal.
you can dance all u like.... we butt ramed you last years and now the chinese are doing it.
and all you can do is talk. loser
Certainly India will take revenge. But they don't want to risk it becoming a total war. Perhaps India will try to kidnap some PLA soldiers and execute them. Or India will tolerate attacking, plundering and raping Chinese citizens on Indian territory.

That would be a hell of an escalation
Certainly India will take revenge. But they don't want to risk it becoming a total war. Perhaps India will try to kidnap some PLA soldiers and execute them. Or India will tolerate attacking, plundering and raping Chinese citizens on Indian territory.
If they take any of the actions you laid out here, then come some time the Chinese Indian border will basically become the Indo-Pakistan border. And I'm not sure if that would serve India's interests. India can do things in the Pakistani sector because it has a firepower and manpower advantage there ... neither of this is true on the Chinese side. The Chinese could apply great pressure at multiple sectors of the front, from Aksai Chin to Arunachal Pradesh.
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