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$10.8 bln "bunker-buster" US sells to UAE & Saudia

Why are heart-eaters plural when only one individual did that? And he did not eat the heart. He took a symbolic bite. Anyway I am not going to give excuses for that. It was a shameful accident but that particular Syrian lost his entire family to the gangs of Al-Assad who murderer his parents, siblings and 2 children.

At least he was not doing that against children or civilians but against a Shabiha murderer.

Yes, a dictator, mass-murderer, child-murderer, oppressor, Ba'athi is a civil rights champion indeed. In the eyes of mentally challenged people maybe?

Anyway the majority will rule once again and the Muslims and Arabs of Syria will free themselves and liberate Syria from the oppressive rule of a psychopathic tyrant and pagan.

I agree that majority should rule via democratic process.
Which is why I support Bashar Al Assad because he is fiercly supported by the majority of Syrian population, also among Sunnis. Every poll shows that.
Syrian Sunnis do not subscribe to the f.ilth doctrine coming out of Wahabi land. Just do yourself a big favor and accomodate that fact. lol

Anyhoo, no use in going back and forth. Thats not what this thread is about.
الله يرحم صدام كان داعس عليهم دعس عيال المتعة ابن ستة وستين ابو وام وحدة هم اصلا هذا قدرهم تحلب على وجيهم حلب

صدام ناكو الشيعة و الأمريكان واحد من طيزة واحد من حلقكه خخخخخخخخخ ً
قبر الخميني فاق السحاب أما قبر صدام تنهش فيه الكلاب
This is your own twisted reality. The Child-Murderer does not even control half of Syria and starves the Muslim population of Syria. Cuts the electricity, poisons the water supply, bombs whole villages and towns even during Eid al-Adha. No Syrian Sunni Arab supports him aside from Ba'athists. 80% of his army has deflected. Every week officers, generals, journalists that once spread his propaganda are deflecting. Millions of Syrians have escaped from his brutality. Keep living in your own world where the only news you read is PISSTV and Mullahistan paganism.

The whole Muslim world (Sunni world more or less) support the removal of the Child-Murderer. Only you Shias or persons of a Shia background (read 99% of all Iranian users here) and anti-Muslims (majority on this forum Indian Hindus if anyone notices) support that Child-Murderer.

Why do children hate Bashar alassad Part I - YouTube

Insha'Allah the Child-Murderer gets behead like the dog he is.

Even the hopeless and corrupt UN organization labels him as nothing more than a war criminal.

Every country has prostitutes, some forced to make a living because of war ( Syrian Sunni girls in Jordan now ) and some by character, every country has them.
I’d like to thank you for the hospitality to Syrian SUNNI girls, making fun of people forced to this because of war, aren’t you the doctor here ?

Btw, Jordan isn’t really better so before you speak about others look at your own problems.


That's true, but I would appreciate it if you at who started it with saying "women have been being sold for 5JD in Amman and Irbid" while in reality his own women have been being sold for that salary, he has been trying to offend us with things that only exist in his people not us. And as you see, he is very rude in a way that we had no chance to respect him.

And for Syrian girls, we have no control over whoever wants to have anonymous sex, it's illegal but there are ways to do it in secret. If there faith and morals didn't deter them, nobody else can.

صدام ناكو الشيعة و الأمريكان واحد من طيزة واحد من حلقكه خخخخخخخخخ ً
قبر الخميني فاق السحاب أما قبر صدام تنهش فيه الكلاب

الله يلعنك ويلعن الخميني معاك.
That's true, but I would appreciate it if you at who started it with saying "women have been being sold for 5JD in Amman and Irbid" while in reality his own women have been being sold for that salary, he has been trying to offend us with things that only exist in his people not us. And as you see, he is very rude in a way that we had no chance to respect him.

And for Syrian girls, we have no control over whoever wants to have anonymous sex, it's illegal but there are ways to do it in secret. If there faith and morals didn't deter them, nobody else can.
Why are you angry it's the truth
هاي سعودية جاي تتمتع بإيران لين مافي رجال بالسعودية يمنعها لان معظمهم لوطية ههههههههههههههه

صدام ناكو الشيعة و الأمريكان واحد من طيزة واحد من حلقكه خخخخخخخخخ ً
قبر الخميني فاق السحاب أما قبر صدام تنهش فيه الكلاب

You got owned already. Now go f!nger yourself. :nana::rofl:
That's true, but I would appreciate it if you at who started it with saying "women have been being sold for 5JD in Amman and Irbid" while in reality his own women have been being sold for that salary, he has been trying to offend us with things that only exist in his people not us. And as you see, he is very rude in a way that we had no chance to respect him.

And for Syrian girls, we have no control over whoever wants to have anonymous sex, it's illegal but there are ways to do it in secret. If there faith and morals didn't deter them, nobody else can.

I didn’t read everything, so same applies to him, then I understand your response.
Though this was some clearance about it.

Besides this is common among Arabs and maybe the entire middle east, the prostitution part is supposed to be offending everyone from that country while if not for the natural resources of his own country would "his" women not be in the same situation ? War creates the same as well.

Egypt, Morocco have the same issues which you know because of their large population creating poverty, rich Gulf Arabs aren’t any better, remove the money and women in desperate situations will turn prostitutes for survival.

now, happy trolling ^^
Why are you angry it's the truth


Mut'ah The Truth Behind Iran's Illegal Prostitution Rings Part 1 / 5 - YouTube

You practically invented prostitution. You have no rivals in the Muslim world or Middle East. Iranians are famous for being two-faced individuals. The regime kind of forces them to be that. But even by nature.

Go flog yourself and eat some Karbala mud. Maybe visit a grave and cry a bit there and pray to it.

Iranian Shia writer becomes Sunni [Eng Subs] - YouTube

Tired of your nonsense. We Arabs do not care about you Farsis - conquered people. You are the ones constantly meddling in your conquerors issues, countries etc. Just look at this forum. Constant meddling. We prefer to ignore you. But if you want war we will crush you again and make life miserable for you as we have done before and are doing. So stick to your own matters. Preferably your own section.

You should just know what you girls are doing in the GCC. If I told you that I would get banned. So better keep quite.






and than
You Saudis better watch out or the ayatollah will send his handful of F-4's and that half scale wooden toy fighter after you.:omghaha:

Yeah or a wannabe Arab Mullah and his submarine:


Hypocrite iranian mullah - YouTube

Maybe they will send 1000's of children with "keys to heaven" to collect mines and sacrifice themselves once again? Who knows? Maybe another 13 year old suicide bomber can become a national hero. Maybe the Mut'ah industry will reach new heights? So many questions.

Will their Mahdi that apparently hides in a basement in Samara safe them instead?

Or best of all. Maybe they will do us Arabs and the Muslim world a favor and return to their fire-worship? Deep down inside that is what they want. Please, do it. Quick. We can't wait.

Free yourself from your conquerors.

Who cares if US sells Saudi Arabia bunker busters? I really do not see this as an issue.
As if SA is ever gonna initiate an attack against Iranian nuclear facilities :lol:

Not you maybe but your leaders don't see it that way, unless you choose to believe everything your Gov't says in public then that's a different story.

I also see no reason of Saudi attacking you for all of a sudden :what: these bunker busters will come with the new batch of the F-15SA.

Do not waste your time by talking with him. Facts are facts and no one can change the history.
let them keep dreaming. ;)

Tbqh, and I don't mean to disturb you or making jokes but Iran is left out in a horrible defense shape. In modern warfare you can't protect your land without having a full control of your sky. Go and re-rate all wars which took place from the late 30s till this day.






and than

Not only quantity but also quality which matters the most. The GCC can destroy thousands of targets everyday accurately from long distances while the only thing Iran can do is launching it's ICBMs which can be destroyed on ground or intercepted and even if some made it through to those countries, their accuracy will make them military ineffective. ICBMs with conditional warheads effect is only psychological unless they hit petrochemical installations, but that's really hard as they are well protected. All in all, Iran will lose any war, again.
Not only quantity but also quality which matters the most. The GCC can destroy thousands of targets everyday accurately from long distances while the only thing Iran can do is launching it's ICBMs which can be destroyed on ground or intercepted and even if some made it through to those countries, their accuracy will make them military ineffective. ICBMs with conditional warheads effect is only psychological unless they hit petrochemical installations, but that's really hard as they are well protected. All in all, Iran will lose any war, again.

Even those useless ICBMs will not be able to break through. They will get destroyed over their heads before leaving place.

So UAE, where only 5% of population is 'local', buys billions worth of weapons? LMAO!!!!!!

Your logic is interesting :lol: Firstly, the vast majority of Expats reside in Dubai. Secondly, the locals make more than %75, but since you happen to be a pathological lair, I'm wiling to ditch it one more time. Low IQ excused!

I wonder how Israelis live in that region. Don't they die of laughter at Arabs and their dumb policies?

Last time I check uncle Google, I didn't see the UAE or KSA - in this sense - sharing boarder with the " Jews " the ones you never got out of your head. Again, low IQ excused :lol: Funnily enough, your warmongering tactics often put you in a situation where everybody makes fun of you :lol: We don't live in a jungle bro! Welcome to the present!

So folks, 10 billion worth of "bombs, and ammunition"....

Did you even bother doing some research on the subject? Both countries have been placing orders for newish fighter jets, and logically, fighter jets need sets of ammunitions to hook them on these jets - remember these countries aren't pan-handlers - Unless you want us to hook up your balls in these F-15s then please be my guest.

While indians are negotiating a deal for hundreds of Rafaels with ToT with the same amount of money...

India is interested in purchasing less than a 100 DRs, remember it is a country with a modest budget.

When buyers are dumb, its SO much profit...Ask :usflag:

It's been said that customers are kings as well! :bunny:
So UAE, where only 5% of population is 'local', buys billions worth of weapons? LMAO!!!!!!

I wonder how Israelis live in that region. Don't they die of laughter at Arabs and their dumb policies?

So folks, 10 billion worth of "bombs, and ammunition"....

While indians are negotiating a deal for hundreds of Rafaels with ToT with the same amount of money...

When buyers are dumb, its SO much profit...Ask :usflag:
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