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1,000 Gaza children disabled by Israel's 2014 onslaught

Why should they stop? They are terrorists. So terrorists from Hamas together with their terrorist buddies from IDF (on much lager scale) massacre civilians and happy about that.

I really don't think it's the place of a Ruskie to talk about large scale destruction, is it?

I think we know what you did in Grozny

who would cry the gulf leader are busy in yemen to bomb overthrow assad and supporting terrorism
Palestine was ok until the zionist came
Russia did it to install its own government in Chechnya. But Russia was never bombing Chechen schools in payback for Chechen terrorist acts.
So u killed 100,000 civilians in order to subjugate them. Israel strikes Gaza only in order to stop them attacking us. We have no intention to rule other nations.

who would cry the gulf leader are busy in yemen to bomb overthrow assad and supporting terrorism
Palestine was ok until the zionist came
U support Assad slaughter of hundreds of thousands and ethnic cleansing of millions and dare to shed crocodile tears over Palestinians?

They get excellent medical treatment unlike hundreds of thousands of children injured in pother conflicts worldwide.

Many of this children were injured by misfired Hamas rockets.
A softer policy might bring Israel some respect in Palestine and the Arab world. There is no logic to the mass killings Israel partakes in when pushed. They kill 1 Israeli you kill 10 palestinians-almost always civilians.
It's not the first time Zionist Jews have commited crimes against children. They already allow strange old men to suck on their babies penises. Disgusting creatures.
A softer policy might bring Israel some respect in Palestine and the Arab world. There is no logic to the mass killings Israel partakes in when pushed. They kill 1 Israeli you kill 10 palestinians-almost always civilians.
Palestinians launched thousands rockets at our neighborhoods. Number of casualties is relatively low only because we build shelters and protection systems. Should we allow our civilians to get killed? No country in the world would tolerate rockets at its towns.
A softer policy might bring Israel some respect in Palestine and the Arab world. There is no logic to the mass killings Israel partakes in when pushed. They kill 1 Israeli you kill 10 palestinians-almost always civilians.

Softer policies bring more terrorism. This is how the 'palestinians' operate. Any time a softer stance is taken, they view this as weakness and that Israel is not up for the fight, so they attack even more.

Look at their history and see when they start conflict.

They start it either when there is some sort of peace deal being mooted (Oslo, peace with Jordan, Barak offer,. Gaza withdrawal) or when another big event is grabbing the headline and they feel left out because they constantly need their narrative to dominate the news.
I really don't think it's the place of a Ruskie to talk about large scale destruction, is it?

I think we know what you did in Grozny

It's great and wonderful what Russia did to Grozny, they brought peace and stability in the area, how about your israel?
Perhaps firing 8,000 rockets at a neighbouring country which happens to be a military power, isn't such a good idea.

Especially when they evacuated the territory you claimed was occupied.

Keep firing rocket though, like deranged monkeys.
Perhaps that is done because that neighbouring country blockades the Gaza Sea even during peace time. And they carry out airstrikes on "Hamas" when ISIS fire rockets into them.
Perhaps that is done because that neighbouring country blockades the Gaza Sea even during peace time. And they carry out airstrikes on "Hamas" when ISIS fire rockets into them.

Or perhaps if you had a clue about what you're talking about, you'd know the blockade came only after Hamas seized power, ripped up agreements, threw out international observers and started to rocket Israeli towns.

You despicable apologist.
Or perhaps if you had a clue about what you're talking about, you'd know the blockade came only after Hamas seized power, ripped up agreements, threw out international observers and started to rocket Israeli towns.
Hamas came to power through election and also, Gaza isn't part of Israel, so why do they bother what happens there? There are plenty of UN, Amnesty observers there, thus "threw out" is nothing short of laughable.
You despicable apologist.
No, the apologist here is you. Well, you could very well be the "Hasbara brigade" here led by Solomon.
The truth is Zionists don't represent Jews.
They have hijacked Judaism. True jews and Palestinians have no issues with each other whatsoever. The real Jews in Israel are persecuted themselves, the rest are brainwashed to hate.
The truth is Zionists don't represent Jews.
They have hijacked Judaism.
The truth is that the Koran may have some beautiful passages, but everything in it has been subordinated to the doctrine Islam-is-under-attack-so-we-Muslims-can-murder-rob-and-lie-all-we-want.

That may not be what you profess, but that's the life you're living. Right now.
What I can't understand is, why Israel chooses to compromise its future security (immediate and distant) in this way.

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