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Child dead in Israeli airstrike after firefight on Gaza border kills 2

Yet another shooting attack on the Gaza Coast by Israeli forces, Gaza fisherman have been fired on and no word on any or how many wounded as of yet.

The world does absolutely nothing while Israel continues to terrorize Palestinians and shoot anyone moving in their own land.

Report: Israeli Air Force still flying over Gaza possibly conducting more attacks still.
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The young man who was killed earlier today:

Young man seriously injured by Israeli fire in northern Gaza Strip | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Israeli forces shot and seriously injured a young Palestinian man near Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medical sources confirmed that a young man in his twenties from Shujaiyya neighborhood of Gaza City was hit in the leg and abdomen.

He was evacuated first to Kamal Udwan hospital in Jabalia, then to al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City.

An Israeli spokeswoman said in a statement that, "A suspect was identified approaching the security fence in the northern Gaza strip, in an attempt to conceal an explosive device against IDF soldiers."

"The soldiers at the scene called at the suspect to stop, fired warning shots to the air, and once he failed to comply, opened fire towards his lower extremities."

Israeli forces frequently shoot at farmers and other civilians inside the Gaza Strip if they approach large swathes of land near the border that the Israeli military has deemed off-limits to Palestinians.

The "security buffer zone" extends between 500 meters and 1500 meters into the Strip, effectively turning local farms into no-go zones.


Another unsupported claim by the IDF, had he been holding an explosive device they would have went for a kill shot and not a pot shot in the leg or abdomen.
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Hamas says working with Egypt on restoring calm to Gaza Strip - Israel News, Ynetnews

Isam Daalis, an advisor to Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh, said that Hamas and Egypt were conducting talks regarding escalation in the Gaza Strip, in attempts to restore calm to the region.

Hamas spokesperson Mushir al-Masri blamed Israel for the escalation, saying that resistance factions in Gaza were deliberating on means of retaliation. (Elior Levy)


Speaking to my cousins and they say the situation literally as of now is still on fire.
I want the audience here to see what BBC did here.

If you read their article they have which is titled something like this: "Two dead in Gaza-Israel violence", ...you will see that they describe the Israeli attacks as "retaliatory strikes".

Yet, later in their article, they acknowledge a Palestinian young man was killed by Israeli forces in a city in Gaza early Tuesday before the IDF "employee" was shot by a Palestinian sniper.

However, BBC takes the nifty path that they cannot 'verify' the death of the Palestinian killed early Tuesday so they can go ahead and make Israel appear as if it's defending itself.

No mention of the 12 plus airstrikes alone not counting the shelling as that somehow amounts to Israel 'defending' itself.

Yet again another intentional move by BBC to make the Palestinians appear as aggressors who initiated this recent violence while also not mentioning any Palestinian casualties in the past week.
freaking terrorists !! now the response to that false flag killing of their own , is killing of 2 innocent civilians one of them happen to be a 3 year old girl ?

WTF is wrong with humans ? why dont we just excise this tumor ? the cannibal israelis will continue with their terrorism unless WE put an end to their terrorism .

@500 hey silly , even if it was iran who was behind the attack which every single sane human being know that its a run away statement of yours which happens to BULL SHYT ,

even if thats true why dont u grow some balls and attack iran instead ? why do u kill an innocent 3yr old girl ?

freaking terrorists !! now the response to that false flag killing of their own , is killing of 2 innocent civilians one of them happen to be a 3 year old girl ?

WTF is wrong with humans ? why dont we just excise this tumor ? the cannibal israelis will continue with their terrorism unless WE put an end to their terrorism .

@500 hey silly , even if it was iran who was behind the attack which every single sane human being know that its a run away statement of yours which happens to BULL SHYT ,

even if thats true why dont u grow some balls and attack iran instead ? why do u kill an innocent 3yr old girl ?


You're right him being very silly with his disturbing approach to justify Israel's attacks and violation of Palestinian rights.
You're right him being very silly with his disturbing approach to justify Israel's attacks and violation of Palestinian rights.

all i'm sayin is that they could have attacked iran , if we were behind the attack !!

instead they are killing 3 yr old kid ? yeah thats because they are terrorists
all i'm sayin is that they could have attacked iran , if we were behind the attack !!

instead they are killing 3 yr old kid ? yeah thats because they are terrorists

I see, if you're looking at from 500's accusations and perspective.
why dont u grow some balls and attack iran instead ? why do u kill an innocent 3yr old girl ?

Just a question - You know the misery Palestinians are going through and being a muslim country why does not Iran invade Israel ? Israel is doing what ever seems right to them. Problem is Iran,KSA being one of the most powerful muslim countries (militarily,economically) does not want it to get sorted out.
Hamas, PA condemn Israeli airstrikes on Gaza | Maan News Agency

GAZA CITY (Ma'an) -- Spokesmen for Hamas and the Palestinian Authority governments on Tuesday condemned Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip which killed a young girl.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri called the airstrikes that killed 3-year-old Hala Abu Sbeikh in central Gaza a "cowardly crime."

Abu Zuhri said Israel was targeting Palestinian families, and that Israeli threats and raids would not deter Palestinian resistance fighters from "doing their duty."

Separately, PA spokesman Ehab Bessaiso also condemned Israel's attacks on the Gaza strip, calling for international intervention to stop them.

Bessaiso said in a statement that the Palestinian government had contacted international sides to intervene and force Israel to stop its "escalation" of violence in Gaza, the West Bank, and East Jerusalem.


This is a good sign...:tup:
freaking terrorists !! now the response to that false flag killing of their own , is killing of 2 innocent civilians one of them happen to be a 3 year old girl ?
You barrel bomb Syria for over 2 years killing tens of thousands and now u dare to shed ur crocodile tears? Spare us.

@500 hey silly , even if it was iran who was behind the attack which every single sane human being know that its a run away statement of yours which happens to BULL SHYT ,
Iran pays billions to terrorists in order they will attack Israel. Thats fact.

even if thats true why dont u grow some balls and attack iran instead ?
You started this proxy war, not us. You say that you want to destroy Israel but since u are cowards u dont dare to attack Israel directly and instead use retarded proxies.

We are only reacting at sources of fire.

The Israeli worker who was killed by Iranian funded terrorists was Arab Salah Abu Latif:
You aren't responding to anything, for the last time. It doesn't matter where Palestinian resistance fighters get their weapons or funding from.

Everybody has a source of funding somewhere including Israel.

A Palestinian was shot killed before this occurred and the Palestinians were doing their duty protecting their side of the border.

You don't want any trouble stay away from the Palestinian side of the border and stop firing on our people from your side of the border. Our people who are hundreds if meters away from the border fence.

And launching a dozen air strikes and shelling neighborhoods in no way amounts to 'defending' ones self.

That's going on the offensive with the intent of killing Palestinians and destroying their infrastructure.

I've gone over what's happened in the past week and the constant Israeli attacks against the Palestinian people not for you to come here with your loud mouth propaganda about "Iran did this and that" , etcc...

The Palestinians are defending their people, this isn't an imaginary war of aggression against Israel as you absurdly claim trying to deny the Palestinian people's right to respond to Israeli violations against their people.

Quit trying to discredit me with your annoying accusations that everyone here does not buy, you have no shame.

Enough of trying to force the Israeli occupying military's lame propaganda down our throats.

@Aeronaut .....please take care of this annoying troll who's derailing this thread.
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