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1,000 Gaza children disabled by Israel's 2014 onslaught

How real Jews are treated in Israel by zionists.

Victim complex used by zionists to justify mass murder.

Why does it concern Israel what happens at Gaza? Hamas didn't seize power, they came through an election -
You are aware that most democracies have a division of powers, right? Hamas won a legislative election in Gaza. They then used force to overthrow the Fatah-led executive there.

But then again, you can 't agree with Zionists...
What's stopping you, exactly?

Victim complex used by zionists to justify mass murder.-
In the absence of actual Zionist atrocities, anti-Zionists use inflammatory rhetoric to slander Zionists. Since these rise to the point of encouraging murder, they are incitement, and when it is mass murder, it becomes a crime against humanity - what Streicher was hanged for after WWII.
anti-Zionists use inflammatory rhetoric to slander Zionists.

The anti zionist's your talking about in the vids are Jewish. Thanks for confirming Jews and Zionists are 2 separate people. It's clear real Jews want peace. :tup:
The anti zionist's your talking about in the vids are Jewish. Thanks for confirming Jews and Zionists are 2 separate people.
Not at all. It's that the Jewish people have a wide range of opinions, encompassing both Zionists and anti-Zionists and those in-between. Every idea that's now accepted by the majority was once a minority opinion that gained credibility in the marketplace of ideas. Anti-Zionism appeals to the cruel, the illogical, the tyrannical, the criminal, the ignorant, the religious fringe, and the brainwashed. Zionism appeals to the humane, the democratic, the lawful, the informed, and the logical.
It's creative enough to set your a s s on fire.

Right, I am going off to kill myself:coffee:...
You are aware that most democracies have a division of powers, right? Hamas won a legislative election in Gaza. They then used force to overthrow the Fatah-led executive there.
Yes, because only one of them were representing the Palestinians.
Yes, because only one of them were representing the Palestinians.

Abbas was the elected President, Hamas the largest party in the Parlament.

Anyway, Hamas was elected in 2006.
By now, they have lost all rights to represent the Palestinian,
until that rights have been reestablished by a new election.

He's a man on a mission, stand in his way and we have all seen what happens. It's OK to use such massive force on people who have NO army,NO navy,NO air force and no means to defend themselves. Such bravery and honour.
Abbas was the elected President, Hamas the largest party in the Parlament.

Anyway, Hamas was elected in 2006.
By now, they have lost all rights to represent the Palestinian,
until that rights have been reestablished by a new election.
They haven't lost any right. The Palestinians got rid of Fatah, who do nothing about Israel's illegal building of settlement at Palestinian territory at West Bank.

Israel on the other hand has no right to represent or control Palestine.
They haven't lost any right. The Palestinians got rid of Fatah, who do nothing about Israel's illegal building of settlement at Palestinian territory at West Bank.

Israel on the other hand has no right to represent or control Palestine.

Of course Hamas have lost their rights to govern.
There should have been new elections a long time ago.

They should also have resigned and seek renewed legitimacy after each and every war/disaster
they have encouraged.

They have proved that democracy is not of their concern and dictatorship is their way of life.
Why does it concern Israel what happens at Gaza? Hamas didn't seize power, they came through an election. And what agreements did they rip up, the ones that gave Israel power over Gaza!

But then again, you can 't agree with Zionists and Hasbara Trolls.
Israel does not care what happens in Gaza unless they threaten and fire rockets at us.
Israel does not care what happens in Gaza unless they threaten and fire rockets at us.
Then why the heck has there been a 365 day of blockade on the sea near Gaza!

Of course Hamas have lost their rights to govern.
There should have been new elections a long time ago.

They should also have resigned and seek renewed legitimacy after each and every war/disaster
they have encouraged.

They have proved that democracy is not of their concern and dictatorship is their way of life.
They chose what they wanted. It's not Israel's concern whether democracy is there or not. BTW, democracy is doing wonders in Iraq, with the democratic headchoppers running the country.
Then why the heck has there been a 365 day of blockade on the sea near Gaza!
Because they threaten to destroy Israel and bring rockets through sea. If someone threatens to kill u will u allow him to buy guns? We do allow all humanitarian goods in Gaza. Not a single person is starving there.

Because they threaten to destroy Israel and bring rockets through sea. If someone threatens to kill u will u allow him to buy guns? We do allow all humanitarian goods in Gaza. Not a single person is starving there.

They strengthen their own country through the procurement of weaponry (like any other country). And as if Israel doesn't threaten anyone!
And you have a PM who doesn't mind changing history.
Netanyahu under fire after accusing Palestinian grand mufti of inciting Holocaust — RT News
Benjamin Netanyahu blames Holocaust on Palestinian leader Haj Amin al-Husseini | Middle East | News | The Independent

We do allow all humanitarian goods in Gaza.
Israeli blockade makes Gaza recovery 'impossible': aid agency| Reuters
Israel intercepts Gaza-bound aid ship in Mediterranean - The Washington Post
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