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0.3% Pakistanis are living under extreme poverty


Dec 16, 2015
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That . 3 percent are who say that they are poor. Majority prefer death over expressing their conditions.

No, Majority says they're poor even if they're in taxable income bracket and evading taxes but you'll find them demanding subsidised prices for Petrol, gas and electricity etc. Anyway that 0.3% is share in world's poor, in terms of absolute numbers there are 23 million Pakistanis under extreme poverty and It's shame that in 96% Muslim population country we still have that much people struggling for one time meal. It simply means that all of these 96% Muslims aren't giving due share (Zakat) of these poor people.
fake data about india obviously. They ( the spectator indexxx folks ) is just jealous is all.
Government is breathing its last and forking out scientific Propaganda.

:raise: But but but Bunglades is the fastest growing economy and the future super power by 2030. But but but India is already ahead of China because Modi doesn't lie about the GDP. But but but Pakistan's 0.3% is a huge lie and ISI is behind it.
That's 0.3% too much

I love the optimism bro but take it with a pinch of salt. Even if we are talking about extreme poverty, 0.3% or 630.000 people is way to low and unrealistic. Even Brazil, Indonesia, Nigeria or Russia have more people living in extreme poverty yet they don't make it to the list.
Poverty rate in Pakistan is 29-30% and I believe 10% of that is merely on survival mode.
I recall seeing an extreme poverty map of South Asia from the world bank....Bangladesh and parts of India were lit up like a Christmas tree. Extreme poverty in Pakistan is far less then the rest of the region. 0.3% seems low but it depends on how you define "extreme poverty".
If you go out from major cities you will find that most public in small cities and villages is poor.I think this survey is based on major cities of Pakistan only
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