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  1. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    [/U][/B] Walla you got me, how did u find me, this well-fed ideological Taliban :rofl:
  2. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    If this is the way to get pardoned by Almighty, by defending Blasphmer, than i rather be Lunatic, Psychiatric ward material. :tup:
  3. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    She is CONVICTED hellloooo, i will also reason with someone who insultes my Prophet, BUT upto the point, but if he or she continues to insult than i will use whatever means, to make sure he or she gets the message hammared into there brain.
  4. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    She has been "CONVICTED" by the law of the land of Pakistan, sentenced passed, go tell that to the judge that u dont agree with this judegment.
  5. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    I do *** ****.
  6. Ticking Bomb

    Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

    R u trying to provoke people, to say something against forum rules so u can ban them at ur will, is this ur whole idea today. Do i have the right to express my true feeling OR should i just condemn this act and keep my mouth shut, if i have to servive here.
  7. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    What if some one is not Technically as brainy as u r, and need assitance to futher its message through a video clip, whats the harm in it, unless you dont want the truth to come out.
  8. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Thats were our paths seperate's :wave::wave::wave:
  9. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Go and check the Republican and Democrate parties of USA symbols, u will find some animals there like Elephant and Donkey, so animals r relevent for democrates. Yes people r born equal but in societies where a uneducated person can and will sell his vote for pepsi or 100 rupee than democracy...
  10. Ticking Bomb

    Jinnah's only lost case- Defending the "killer" of a Blasphemer, Ghazi Ilm Deen (R.H)

    You bet we are not at the same human level. Thank you Jinnah. :tup:
  11. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    I wanted you to get the whole picture, for a change.
  12. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Than we muslims of Pakistan look into it, and take care of them. After all they r citizens of this country, thanks for pointing out. :smokin:
  13. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharia This link might help answer lot of Questions asked, go through it if u care or have time. :coffee:
  14. Ticking Bomb

    Jinnah's only lost case- Defending the "killer" of a Blasphemer, Ghazi Ilm Deen (R.H)

    I am proud of this young man, i knew the story before but u just refreshed it. Gheerat mand log Aisa hi kartey hain, Bay-gheerat kal ki souchtey hain.
  15. Ticking Bomb

    Where is Islam in Islamic Republic of Pakistan?

    Growler you made my night, iam 100% with you on this, Democracy has nothing to do with Islamic way of Governance. In democracy Horses and Donkey's are equal. In democracy Two illitrates can out vote One Scholar. I am a Islamist and very proud of it. :tup:
  16. Ticking Bomb

    Pakistan should replace F-16 with F-35 ?

    Iam not from armed forces back ground, but u really surprised me with ur immaturity being such a seniour member, regarding eating grass give me a break, while u sit in Alberta, having ur Beef BBQ and u except me to eat grass, for the sake of F35........ill do with JF-17, atleast i will have my...
  17. Ticking Bomb

    Why am I hating America everyday more?

    Why this American hates America so much, nothing to do with Christmas. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01d2Nft6Chw
  18. Ticking Bomb

    Why am I hating America everyday more?

    Just watch this, you r not alone. http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3PKHa_13j8
  19. Ticking Bomb

    U.S. illegal Weaponry causes Birth Defects in Falluja, Guardian Says

    Name me one terrorist in this world, who cause such crimes that future generation pay for the rest of there lives. I cant think of any but two namely........oh i might get banned, so i keep my mouth shut.
  20. Ticking Bomb

    cia killed king faisal

    Is there anything in it that people didnt knew already. Thanks anyway for refreshing memories.
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