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Governor Punjab, Salman Taseer, Killed.

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whoa it is really surprising to see so many people tacitly justifying this murder I really wonder who taught them about islam ? amazing they will use religion to hide behind anything even murder....
I support that woman because there is no proof of her conviction.

If i found any person who intends to do blasphemy, i will reason with him and will try to convince him but surely i will not kill him.

She is CONVICTED hellloooo, i will also reason with someone who insultes my Prophet, BUT upto the point, but if he or she continues to insult than i will use whatever means, to make sure he or she gets the message hammared into there brain.
may be this murder is a step towards a bloody revolution or may be this murder have sum political reasons we cant say anything rite nw . wht ever happend its not in interest of pakistan

I dont think so. Salman Taseer was not even that popular in his home province of Punjab let alone all of Pakistan.

If one of the Sharif brothers got killed then yea it would be pretty bad especially in Punjab but I hope that doesn't happen or else Pakistani people will be giving sympathy votes to PML-N in next election and thief Nawaz Sharif will be ruling Pakistan.

I think its only PPP that always plays the "shaheed" card with the Pakistani people.
whoa it is really surprising to see so many people tacitly justifying this murder I really wonder who taught them about islam ? amazing they will use religion to hide behind anything even murder....

no i think we just have too many kids on this forum who think bumbling through life without using reason or logic is the way to live life

THE MAN IS DEAD for God's sakes. Show respect.
Very Sad news indeed, I hate PPP guys but i am very sad at the news. I can't beleive it.
only mullah has powered to promote Islam ok :coffee:

and who deviate from mullah vision he had been killed :sniper:

so now u say salman taseer knew better islam then other people??? while drinking and getting drunk in public???
See two things, I've told you this separately, now I'll tell you this here again...

1) For grown ups - and good people, our mothers don't get insulted - ever.
2) If they ever did, violence is way far from an acceptable option that I would recommend. Primarily I will cut off all relations.
3) If I feel really pissed off - and I can hardly see myself stooping so low, I will insult their mothers in return :P

These are just words. If you feel the need to kill people because someone insults the Prophet or God or any other tenet of faith, then I think you (as in whoever) need to be treated by a psychiatrist since you can take my word for it - this is not normal, this is lunacy, this is definitely psychiatric ward material.

I personally feel, Salman Taseer ke sau gunah maaf hogaye, since he died defending a justice, humanity, and freedom.

If this is the way to get pardoned by Almighty, by defending Blasphmer, than i rather be Lunatic, Psychiatric ward material. :tup:
whoa it is really surprising to see so many people tacitly justifying this murder I really wonder who taught them about islam ? amazing they will use religion to hide behind anything even murder....
some of peoples in past do the job we did not see later era.
To promote Islamic vision in international level thought ambassador affair.and some make controversy between Muslims..
so for this purpose Iqbal write his famous work in Masjed Qartba.....

This is my prayer,
And this is my ablution:
I sing a hymn to God,
Suffused with my life-blood.

The souls of the pious who prayed
In these holy precints,
Are companions of my passion,
And friends of my ecstasy.

But the path of love
Is lonely, remote, unknown;
All I have with me,
Is my desire, my yearning.

It is Thou Who hast given my soul
The brightness of the final dawn;
It is Thou Who hast breathed
The fire of faith in my heart.

Thou hast made my life
An ever-burning flame;
It is Thee that I cherish;
It is Thee that I seek.

When Thou art not with me,
The world around me is dead;
And when Thou art,
Even ruins are filled with life.

Give me again that potent wine,
Full of celestial bliss-
The drink of life I crave for,
Renouncing earthly wine.

O Celestial Cup-bearer!
We await Thy Benediction-
Both those who are close to Thee,
,And those who are not :pakistan:
She is CONVICTED hellloooo, i will also reason with someone who insultes my Prophet, BUT upto the point, but if he or she continues to insult than i will use whatever means, to make sure he or she gets the message hammared into there brain.

So is Afia Siddiqui. What's your point?

Blasphemy law is a bad law. Period. Enough has been said on that.
She is CONVICTED hellloooo, i will also reason with someone who insultes my Prophet, BUT upto the point, but if he or she continues to insult than i will use whatever means, to make sure he or she gets the message hammared into there brain.

and what means would that be if they continue you would resort to violence or even murder then ?
By your standards this is VERY adventurous. You have a pattern, AZ: no matter what the problem is, and despite your intellectual gifts, you advocate doing little or nothing to help solve Pakistan's ills.

A governor has been murdered! Can't you be more bold and come up with something stronger and more constructive than empty and meaningless sympathy?

well i am flattered that you think so highly of me :lol::lol::lol::lol:


this is a forum....not the Parliament house. Not the Supreme Court. I will leave the decision making and deliberations to them.

A governor has been murdered. So have thousands of other people. What's your point? When you have a govt. that is so embattled and corrupt and inept to the core (one that your country dogmatically greases) then what sudden changes can you expect?
If this is the way to get pardoned by Almighty, by defending Blasphmer, than i rather be Lunatic, Psychiatric ward material. :tup:

No one needs your fatwas. Not now not ever. Stick them where you want. Enough pandering to the extremists.
Because you are looking at it very narrowly: Salman Taseer the person.

Look at it from a broader perspective: as the governor of the largest province of a nuclear state, as a political leader, as a public figure who spoke out about reforming certain laws, whose murder is another indication that Pakistan is heading for disaster on multiple levels.

Only then will you find that my words are serious indeed.

The problem is not the blasphemy laws themselves..
Its the implementation that is the issue..
However.. Mr Taseer was asking for it..
First and foremost.. the Laws themselves deal with a sensitive issue..

Recently the MQM leaders went haywire and into pithy language after the PML made remarks about their leader Altaf Hussain.

And here the person in question is THE MAN... Rasul-allah.. (PBUH)...
Whether Mr Taseer's statement's were directed at him or not.. he touched on the one topic you cannot touch.. especially one of Mr Taseer's repute..
Mr Taseer and to a greater extent our dear leader.. decided to give a "softer" image of Pakistan to the western world..and tackle the case of Asia.. Now this could have been done quietly.. without pomp and show.. yet our political leaders felt they needed the PR with the west(when they finally "retire" there after their work here)..

So here this man gets up.. out of sheer love for the Prophet..and decided to hell with it.. Im not taking it..
His face.. calm.. content.. he knew what he was getting into..
And now we have another "Ghazi"..
You cannot execute him.. there will be pandemonium in the streets.. things will go from worse..to worst..

The reason I am extremely against his action..even though the man deserves admiration for his one track purpose.. is that like Ilm Din..
This case now will allow any unscrupulous character to carry out a heinous crime.. in the name of protecting "namoos-e-Risalat"..and the protection of minorities and tolerance that all you emotional "revivalists" so passionately speak of...goes into the public loo..
Tomorrow if Maulana Haji anybody decides that somebody Masih is not willing to hand over his land to the mosque so the Maulana can expand his quarters...he can accuse the fellow of Blasphemy(as has been done in the past and present).. and take care of his material needs in the name of our Prophet....
Is that acceptable to all those that support leaving the blasphemy law AS IT IS??...

What should have been done.. knowing that such innocents do become targets of the blasphemy laws.. and the hudood laws..
Is to simply call up the Mufti Azam of Pakistan..and in clear terms ask him to clear up the issue of innocents being targeted.. whether it is Asia bibi..or a card with the name mohammad dropped in the trash..
Something many here seem to ignore in their emotional comments..emotions similar to what inspired the action of the man today...probably something Mohammad Ali Jinnah foresaw back then..

Not only..(hopefully)..would that have been correct both morally and politically.. it would kill two birds with one stone.
Now if Sherry Rehman(now hiding somewhere)..decides to present the bill..and we all know her public reputation.. its signing her own death warrant..
What this does do..as well.. is send this message to the west..
That the problem in Pakistan is not just confined to the Taliban..
Mess with Islam.. and there are many more Iqbal's praised illiterate but devoted Muslims prepared to take you on...

Be it a hirsi, Rushdie, Limbaugh or others..
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