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  1. S

    A Question Of Quantity

    The existence of your thread alive still itself says it all.. huh..u don't need to send thousands of messages for understanding the subject .By the way, u didn't answer any of my questions.
  2. S

    Tejas successfully test fires R-73 missiles

    It fired same missile in 2007 also. But this time, they wanted to test the newly integrated HMD,Radar and different avionics in a hot and humid condition. Its a big deal for them, who actually involve in the pain sticking process of building and testing a new generation fighter aircraft...
  3. S

    A Question Of Quantity

    You could do it at ist place itself.. If not u r a Pakistani, your thread would have been deleted long back, because there's no link, no source you provided, and you can't think ppl would take ur words of mouth as words written on wall...Right? As I said your thread don't contribute anything...
  4. S

    A Question Of Quantity

    Dear Windjammer, I am highly surprised that ur Thread is still not being deleted by ur friends(MODs)...You named a reputed defence site without their link.You can't even show any link of this story in any newspaper.How can ppl believe that its not your own imaginative number? However...
  5. S

    Wikileaks Diplomatic Cables

    ha ha..That's a nice one..:azn:
  6. S

    Indian Air Force : The Glorious Past of a Mighty Airforce

    [/COLOR] huh..should have used ur brain instead..Doesn't the title itself says it all what it meant for?You could comment only when u think the given information is wrong.Every AF in the world has success and failure stories(unless u think PAF don;t have).Here we r discussing the glorious past...
  7. S

    Arguments of choosing JF-17 Thunder over JAS-39 Gripen

    The basic argument is wrong. I think Thunder involvement started long back than PAF started looking for Gripen.So Thunder not the replacement of Gripen. However Jf-17 will give many advantages actually for PAF : 1)PAF will have the technology transfer and full control and most trusted partner...
  8. S

    China's SD-10 claimed to be a dual-mode AAM

    Huh..what to comment..Good going for Chinese and good opportunity for Pakistan also..But nothing to worry for India..It developing its own and is taking or will take the best of the best from Russia,Israel,US and Europe.
  9. S

    USA to spend $413bn more on Afghan war

    Huh..And the same Pakistani ppl cursing US for leaving afganistan in early nineties.Guys please make up ur mind first..
  10. S

    Best BVR Capable Fighter in South Asia

    Hi TaimiKhan, I would have few doubts.. Looking it range,it seems H4 should be one of the best AtoA missile in the world. 1. why the African's(if Israili tech used, then their approval required also) would give u better missile then their own. 2.Even a joint venture required a lot of fund...
  11. S

    PAF to receive 6 F-16 BLK 52

    many congratulations to Pakistan.
  12. S

    India bans TV reality shows from prime time--Agree or not

    They have been graded as A rated by the regulatory board and so should be pushed to 11 pm night show.That's normal procedure. And as per indian serials demoralizing islam fundamentals..u need little more teaching, which can't be told in few lines.It itself needs proper childhood education.I...
  13. S

    Pakistan ready to hand Arabian Sea port to China

    How much helpful it would be having a Chinese military base. In an imaginative Indo-pak war if China don't wish to get involved, their resources(though a negligible) from that base will not be involved. And if IN block your sea route, basically all Chinese supply also will get blocked. But...
  14. S

    Naval equipment: Pak lags far behind India

    You r right partially.IN is upgrading kilo class,which are pillar for Chinese navy also. IN submarine fleet much weaker for a blue water navy, but still stronger for Pak navy. But by 2020 some 12-15 new submarines,including few nuclear, will do a better job.But what will be the game changer for...
  15. S

    Germany, Japan fume at Obama's UN nod

    The problem is that the great P5,who have got the taste of these powers, will never release them.
  16. S

    Germany, Japan fume at Obama's UN nod

    The problem is that the great P5,who have got the taste of these powers, will never release them.
  17. S

    China says ready for talks with India over UNSC reform

    China just taking its time and don't want to give this crucial support without major diplomatic favor.But ultimately will give surely.China needs India and will need more in major world politics for various issues.India and China will work more closely in various world forum together.
  18. S

    J-10 has been deployed in Xizang (Tibet)

    As they are building these in good numbers, they had to deploy them everywhere.We have also deployed our front line assets near Chinese border. Its a normal procedure.
  19. S

    Did Ancient Pakistanis Defeated The Mighty Alexander The Great.,

    If you miss the history, then know that in Chadragupta Morya, Ashoka, Vikramaditya had ruled almost the whole Indian subcontinent much earlier.
  20. S

    Best BVR Capable Fighter in South Asia

    How about Israili HMD(which they will use in their F35) and Russian R73/Python 5 with 2D or 3D TVC..U can't ask more:azn:
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