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Wikileaks Diplomatic Cables

Clinton worried about Argentine leader: WikiLeaks (Reuters)

30 November 2010, 11:44 AM LONDON - US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton questioned the mental health of Argentina’s President Cristina Fernandez, asking US diplomats to investigate whether she was under medication, leaked cables showed on Tuesday.
Britain’s Guardian newspaper — one of several publications to have had early access to US diplomatic cables made public by the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks — quoted secret memos sent by Clinton to the US Embassy in Buenos Aires last December. Clinton asked diplomats a series of questions about the “interpersonal dynamics” between Fernandez and her late husband, Nestor Kirchner, and enquired how the 57-year-old leader was managing “her nerves and anxiety”.

“Under what circumstances is she best able to handle stresses? How do Cristina Fernandez de Kircher’s emotions affect her decision-making and how does she calm down when distressed?” The Guardian quoted a cable as saying.

“How does stress affect her behaviour toward advisers and/or her decision-making? What steps does Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner or her advisers/handlers take in helping her deal with stress? Is she taking any medication?”

Having succeeded her husband in 2007 for a four-year term, Fernandez became known for being a sharp-tongued and forthright politician, who often peppers her fiery speeches with criticism of rivals, private companies and the media.

The secret cable appeared to have been prompted by diplomatic spats which showed Kirchner’s government “to be extremely thin-skinned and intolerant of perceived criticism”, the Guardian said.

Clinton said on Monday that the US government deeply regretted the release of any classified information and would tighten security to prevent leaks such as WikiLeaks’ disclosure of a trove of State Department cables.

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Putin rules Russia’s chaos: WikiLeaks (Reuters)

30 November 2010, 9:30 AM MOSCOW - Russia’s Vladimir Putin emerges from the biggest ever leak of US diplomatic documents as the “alpha-dog” ruler of a deeply corrupt state dominated by its security forces.
The 58-year-old prime minister is presented by US diplomats as Russia’s most powerful politician, holding the keys to everything from energy deals to Moscow’s Iran policy.
By contrast, President Dmitry Medvedev “plays Robin to Putin’s Batman”, is pale and hesitant and has to get his decisions approved by Putin, according to the cables.
But correspondence from the elite of the US diplomatic corps also casts Putin as a leader plagued by an unmanageable bureaucracy and grappling with ruling a “virtual mafia state” dominated by corrupt businessmen and the security forces.
A cable from the US Embassy in Paris said US Defense Secretary Robert Gates observed on Feb. 8, 2010, that “Russian democracy has disappeared and the government is an oligarchy run by the security services”.
Gates told his French counterpart that “President Medvedev has a more pragmatic vision for Russia than PM Putin, but there has been little real change”, according to the document.
Putin is the dominant member of what Russian officials call a ruling tandem with Medvedev, who Putin tapped as his successor when a constitutional limit of two consecutive terms kept him out of the 2008 presidential race.
But the publication of such frank statements by US diplomats about Russian leaders ahead of the 2012 presidential election are embarrassing for President Barack Obama, who has worked closely with Medvedev to improve US-Russian ties.
Russia “regrets” the release by the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks on Sunday of a trove of cables between Washington and US embassies around the world, a diplomatic source said on Monday.
“Digging into diplomatic underwear is not a nice business,” the source said on condition of anonymity. “We hope there is nothing (in the documents) which could really surprise us.”
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov suggested Moscow does not want the revelations to damage ties with Washington.
“It’s entertaining reading, of course,” Lavrov said in India, according to Itar-Tass. “But in practice we prefer to be guided by the concrete matters of partners. We will continue to adhere to precisely that approach in the future.”
Medvedev’s spokeswoman, Natalya Timakova, said “the Kremlin has found nothing interesting or worth comment” in the cables, and, referring to the Batman and Robin allusion, she said that “fictional Hollywood heroes hardly deserve official comment.”
Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment.
“You can’t boil two heads”

The documents give a rare glimpse of an arcane world where US diplomats pore over news reports and garner titbits of information on everything from shady businessmen breaking UN sanctions on Iran to Kremlin politics.
According to a cable from Feb. 25, 2010, one of Washington’s top diplomats, Under Secretary for Political Affairs William Burns, was told by Azeri President Ilham Aliyev that Medvedev is surrounded by people he does not control.
“Many high-ranking officials don’t recognize (Medvedev) as a leader,” Aliyev was quoted as saying in a cable published by Britain’s Guardian newspaper. Aliyev said he had seen Medvedev taking decisions that needed further approval and that some were stymied by others, presumably in the prime ministerial office.
“He said that there are signs of a strong confrontation between the teams of the two men, although not yet between Putin and Medvedev personally,” the cable added.
“We have a saying in Azeri, ‘Two heads cannot be boiled in one pot’” (street slang suggesting that two leaders are spoiling for a fight),” Aliyev was quoted as saying.
In other cables quoted by the New York Times, diplomats express concern over the relationship between Putin and Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, who they said “appears increasingly to be the mouthpiece of Putin” in Europe.
One particularly tart cable from Moscow relates a wedding party in the North Caucasus republic of Dagestan where Kremlin-backed Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov dances clumsily with a gold-plated automatic gun stuck down his jeans.
Kadyrov gave the happy couple five kilograms of gold before roaring off into the night with his bodyguard. “Ramzan never spends the night anywhere,” the US diplomat is told.

---------- Post added at 01:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:45 PM ----------

WikiLeaks may set back US intelligence sharing (Reuters)

30 November 2010, 8:41 AM WASHINGTON - The damaging disclosure by whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks of sensitive US diplomatic cables could put a chill on the sharing of intelligence considered vital to waging war and averting Al Qaeda attacks.
Nine years after the Sept. 11 attacks ushered in a new age of US intelligence sharing, the website’s release of some 250,000 sensitive diplomatic cables is raising accusations that too much US intelligence is being shared with too many people — in an age when digital data is too easy to steal.
The full extent of the diplomatic fallout is still unclear but the leaks threaten to erode trust of crucial US allies, who justifiably may now fear speaking candidly with Washington if those private revelations might be made public.
From a global perspective, the system now in place to guard US secrets has lost credibility and Washington may need to take major steps to show its secrets are safe, observers say.
“This is a colossal failure by our intel community, by our Department of Defence, to keep classified information secret,” said Peter Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee.
“This database should never have been created. Hundreds of thousands of people should not have been provided access to it,” he told CBS’s Morning Show.
US officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, believe that WikiLeaks data from the latest leak and previous dumps of hundreds of thousands of Afghan and Iraq war logs were gleaned from the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network, known as SIPRNet.
The network gives access to documents at a lower level of secrecy to US national security officials, including the Defence Department and State Department.
“You get on the SIPRNet and you have access to tons of (more) stuff than just a few years earlier, when you were dealing more with paper,” said Paul Pillar, a former CIA official now with Georgetown University.
A Pentagon spokesman acknowledged that efforts in the post-9/11 era to give diplomatic, military, law enforcement and intelligence specialists quicker and easier access to data “have had unintended consequences — making our sensitive data more vulnerable to compromise.”
The White House appeared to take a small step toward more secrecy, ordering government agencies to tighten procedures on handling classified information. The Office of Management and Budget said it aimed to ensure “users do not have broader access than is necessary to do their jobs effectively.”
The Pentagon and State Department also said they are tightening up procedures to prevent more disclosures.
“This will be a force in swinging (the pendulum) in favour of less sharing and more control,” said Pillar, adding in the short term he saw pressure for “more restrictions.”
After the Sept. 11 attacks in 2001, US intelligence officials were chastised for failing to “connect the dots” before the attacks on New York and Washington. Less sharing could complicate efforts to prevent another attack, and Pillar noted that the pendulum could swing back again toward greater sharing if al Qaeda successfully struck US targets.
What went wrong?
The US investigation into the disclosures so far has focused on Bradley Manning, a former low-level US Army intelligence analyst in Iraq charged with leaking a classified video showing a 2007 helicopter attack that killed a dozen people in Iraq, including two journalists. He was also accused of downloading state department cables.
In the wake of Manning’s arrest, US officials have been struggling to explain how a low-level analyst in Iraq could have had access to so much sensitive information.
“The administration must identify how someone was able to leak such a large amount of classified information and build safeguards to ensure this does not happen again,” said Howard McKeon, the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee.
Defence Secretary Robert Gates, speaking to reporters in July after the WikiLeaks document dump on the Afghan war, said if the security breach had occurred at a rear headquarters or in the United States, it would have been detected.
The Pentagon has said it is now looking at controls like those credit card companies have to detect anomalous behaviour. It is also disabling the ability to download computer data onto removable storage devices and increasing training to raise awareness of a potential “insider threat.”
“It is now much more difficult for a determined actor to get access to and move information outside of authorized channels,” Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said.
Whether it is enough remains an open question.
James Clapper, the director of national intelligence who is tasked with promoting greater cooperation within the US intelligence community, hinted last month that leaks in Washington were already threatening sharing.
“In this day and age, with the haemorrhage of leaks in this town, I think compartmentation, appropriate reasonable compartmentation, is the right thing to do,” Clapper said.
Wikileaks always sound funny to me but with every new batch of releases, my belief strengthens that it is a massive disinformation campaign carefully targeting the recently awaken general public who have started to question subjects which they were never supposed to like NWO, Federal Reserve, Illumaniti, One World Government, 9/11 etc etc etc .....

Just few of the concerns which should get any open mind to think and question their motive and authenticity ...

* The media seems to be paying a lot of attention to WikiLeaks and not just to ridicule the organization ..... the only critic being that this might hurt troops or national security of USA .... Yes to some extant but mostly what it is doing is implying that the information is valid. They aren't questioning the authenticity of this information, as would be expected. In effect, they are indirectly vouching for the information.

* Did you hear anyone in government to deny any of this information ??? ..... Is it really that difficult for USA government to do that with all its propaganda media wings ???

* Julian Assange is still walking around. .... Is this world really that safe and free place to live and say as you wish ??? since when ....

* The information is apparently making it out to the public. ...... If the government really didn't want this information out, it wouldn't be too far fetched to believe that it wouldn't make it out, whether it be by restricting the media or by declaring a national threat through the courts.

* The information leaked through Wikileaks is a far cry from causing change or any kind of backlash against government. .... it was purported to expose the corruption in USA government .... all it is doing is feeding the notions like Iran is a nuclear threat, Al qaeda is spreading, ISI is playing double game, Osama Bin Laden is in Pakistan, China is tired of North Korea, Arab world is pushing USA to attack Iran :blah::blah::blah:......

This is a very clever disinformation campaign that will achieve several goals simultaneously.

This is Cyberwarfare ...
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Why do they need Israeli expert to hack and attack a website??? America is in-charge of internet and global DNS network as well ICANN registry. Any website can be taken down in matter of minutes..thousands of illegal sites distributing contraband like pirate software, stolen music, pedophilia, etc etc are shut down every day then why so much difficulty to shutdown one nuisance?? Is CIA the financiers of wikileaks?
Why do they need Israeli expert to hack and attack a website??? America is in-charge of internet and global DNS network as well ICANN registry. Any website can be taken down in matter of minutes..thousands of illegal sites distributing contraband like pirate software, stolen music, pedophilia, etc etc are shut down every day then why so much difficulty to shutdown one nuisance?? Is CIA the financiers of wikileaks?

Being IT Security Expert I Totally Agreed
US and Israel trying to influence Wikileaks, ISI/China better send their agents and get a copy of all documents.;)
wikileaks: is a new platform to launch psychological propaganda by those who want the world under their control
rest is just shitt in it
Does Wikileaks details anything about israel?

yes it does....

Outcome of WikiLeaks positive for Israel: Netanyahu
Press Trust Of India
Jerusalem, November 30, 2010

Describing the outcome of leaked US diplomatic documents by WikiLeaks as positive for Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that the Saudi King's offer to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme is a clear vindication of his country's warnings that the Islamic Republic is the chief danger to the Middle East.

According to the documents posted online by WikiLeaks, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia repeatedly urged US to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme. (wondering since when King Abdullah of SA getting dictations from Israel)

The King is just one of many Arab voices in the documents calling for tough action against Iran, proof that Israel is not alone in its belief that Tehran is a growing menace to the region, Netanyahu said.

"The greatest threat to world peace stems from the arming of the regime in Iran," :rofl: this really is killing me now:rofl: Netanyahu told reporters yesterday, adding, "More and more states, governments and leaders in the Middle East and in far reaches of the world understand this is a fundamental threat."

"Our region has been hostage to a narrative that is the result of 60 years of propaganda, which paints Israel as the greatest threat," Netanyahu said.

He also saw the outcome of the leaks as "positive" for Israel as the Jewish state had been warning of the dangers the Iranian nuclear programme poses to the entire region.

"In reality leaders understand that view is bankrupt. For the first time in history, there is agreement that Iran is the threat. If leaders start saying openly what they have long been saying behind closed doors, we can make a real breakthrough on the road to peace," Netanyahu noted.

Netanyahu also mentioned that Israel had worked in advance to limit any damage from leaks. "Every Israeli leader has known for years that dispatches are likely to leak out, so we adapted ourselves to the reality of leaks," he said.

Despite warnings by the US of possible leak of classified documents, Israeli leaders maintained calm with some officials saying that "there isn't much difference between their official position and what transpires behind closed doors".

Meanwhile, chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said the latest US documents on WikiLeaks are proof of the transparency of the Palestinian Authority. The papers said Israel tried to coordinate with the PA regarding its Gaza offencive in the winter of 2008-09, telling the Palestinians to be ready to take over the enclave. The PA rejected the offer, the documents said. (how sweet of Zionists, they always do the best to help Muslims)
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S E C R E T PARIS 000071



E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/20/2020

REF: 09 PARIS 1671

Classified By: Pol M/C Allegrone for Reasons 1.4 b and d.


¶12. (C) Zerinini said France is working to reinforce its political relations with Pakistan, and was expecting President Sarkozy to visit Pakistan "early in the second quarter" of 2010. The GOF does not want to return to a relationship based on military equipment sales, as in the 1980s, and is instead focusing on counter terrorism in addition to economic and trade links.

France is also trying to support an EU-Pakistan dialogue, but she said Pakistan makes it difficult by rejecting conditionality and attempting to focus exclusively on economic issues. Zerinini said the Pakistani government is eager for trade concessions, but does not want any political dialogue unless it is focused on Kashmir.

¶13. (C) On the role of the Pakistani military, Zerinini said General Kayani has "learned the lesson of Musharraf" and was staying behind the scenes. However, he is manipulating the government and parliament, including to prevent change on Pakistan's policy towards Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) along the Afghan border, and also to stir up controversy regarding the Kerry-Lugar bill that ties continued U.S. aid to increased civilian control of the military.

Zerinini also argued that the west had missed its opportunity to push the Pakistani military to crush the Afghan Taliban taking refuge in Pakistan. Citing Jalaladin Haqqani as an example, Zerinini said in 2004 he had standing as a leader in the jihadi community, but did not have the organization to represent a significant military threat.

However, since then, large amounts of funding, predominately from Gulf donors, have allowed Haqqani to create a network that would be difficult for the Pakistani military to defeat, even if it had the will to do so.

¶14. (C) Zerinini said that bilateral measures alone to strengthen civilian government were unlikely to be effective, and that more coordination was needed among donors, especially the United States. She said the Group of Friends of Democratic Pakistan, while imperfect, was designed to transform Pakistan's political elite and give them more leverage over the military. However, Zerinini said it is not being utilized. She said the U.S. was making significant efforts to help develop Pakistan's energy sector, but she added "I have not seen any of this in the energy working group of the Friends of Democratic Pakistan."

Cable Viewer
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 PARIS 000174


E.O 12958: DECL: 02/08/20

Classified By: Alexander Vershbow, ASD/ISA. Reasons 1.4 (b/d).


¶13. (S/NF) Turning to Pakistan, SecDef described the dramatic changes that had taken place over the past year.

It was astonishing that President Zadari had remained in power and that the Pakistanis had conducted such effective COIN operations.

He noted that coordination between ISAF and Pakistan's armed forces was improving - and this was creating a more difficult situation for the Taliban along the border.

The Pakistan operation in South Waziristan had flushed out Taliban and Al Qaeda elements; they were more vulnerable on the move.

Moreover, Pakistan's aggressive campaign against the insurgency had won broad political support among all political parties. Operations in the West and North-West had begun to accrue respect for Pakistan Army that Musharraf had squandered. It is important for all of us to talk to the Pakistanis and provide economic assistance.

SecDef commented that one can never be an optimist about Pakistan, but that the changes had been striking.

Kouchner agreed with SecDef's analysis that the changes in both the political and military spheres were "nothing short of a miracle."

Cable Viewer
Wikileaks: Karzai pardoned drug dealers
By DEB RIECHMANN, Associated Press – 6 mins ago
KABUL, Afghanistan – A secret diplomatic cable released Tuesday by WikiLeaks says Afghan President Hamid Karzai freed dangerous detainees and pardoned suspected drug dealers because they had connections to powerful figures.
The cable, which supports the multiple allegations of corruption within the Karzai government, said that despite repeated rebukes from U.S. officials in Kabul, the president and his attorney general authorized the release of detainees.
"Both authorize the release of detainees pretrial and allow dangerous individuals to go free or re-enter the battlefield without ever facing an Afghan court," said the cable written on Aug. 6, 2009 by Frank Ricciardone, deputy U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan.
Karzai's spokesman Waheed Omar did not immediately respond to a request for comment. He said on Monday that the release of documents would not strain U.S.-Afghan relations.
The cable said that in April 2009 Karzai pardoned five Afghan policemen caught with 273 pounds (124 kilograms) of heroin because they were related to two heroic figures of the Afghan civil war fought in the mid-1990s.
The policemen were tried, convicted and each was sentenced to 16 to 18 years in prison, but Karzai "pardoned all five of them on the grounds that they were distantly related to two individuals who had been martyred during the civil war," the cable said.
According to the cable, Karzai also tampered with the narcotics case of Haji Amanullah, the son of a wealthy businessman and one of the president's supporters.
"Without any constitutional authority, Karzai ordered the police to conduct a second investigation which resulted in the conclusion that the defendant had been framed," Ricciardone wrote.
He wrote that intelligence reports indicated that Karzai also was planning to release Ismail Safad, a drug trafficker sentenced to 19 years in jail. Safad was a priority target for the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency who was arrested in 2005 with large quantities of heroin and weapons.
Abdul Makhtar, deputy director of the Afghan prison department, said Safad was still incarcerated at Pul-i Charkhi prison, the main detention facility in Kabul.
PressTV - Iran: WikiLeaks release highly dubious

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast says the latest release of classified files by WikiLeaks website is “highly dubious”.

“Regarding the WikiLeaks documents, the president said that this measure seems to be a highly dubious scheme … they have truly included certain crimes committed by Western countries and the US in order to authenticate such documents,” Mehmanparast said at his weekly press conference on Tuesday.

He said the release was an organized coordinated move, adding that such a huge volume of documents could not have been released without the cooperation of intelligence services of Western governments, in particular the US.

Mehmanparast said that the move was in line with a policy to provide “illegitimate interests” of Israel and its Western allies.

He said the release of such documents was part of an effort to sow discord among regional countries and fuel Iranophobia in the region, calling on regional states to exercise vigilance.

Mehmanparast also responded to a question on comments by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton claiming that the documents reflected concerns of Persian Gulf Arab countries about Iran's nuclear program.

“The very fact that of all those documents, Ms. Clinton focuses on the ones about concerns of regional Arab states over the nuclear program of the Islamic Republic of Iran … makes us more suspicious of such documents.”

WikiLeaks website on Sunday released 250,000 classified US documents, some of which touch on issues ranging from US involvement in spying against UN to the involvement of US embassies across the world in espionage efforts.

Part of the documents also claimed that Saudi Arabia “frequently” exhorted the US to attack Iran in order diminish its nuclear program.

The apparently leaked documents suggest that leaders of Persian Gulf states of Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, along with the Israeli regime also considered Tehran's peaceful nuclear program an existential threat, urging a US attack on Iran.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad described the published documents as part of a US “psychological warfare” against Iran.

"The US administration releases documents and makes a judgment based on them. They are mostly like a psychological warfare and lack legal basis," he told reporters on Monday.
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 03 PARIS 000174


E.O 12958: DECL: 02/08/20

Classified By: Alexander Vershbow, ASD/ISA. Reasons 1.4 (b/d).


¶13. (S/NF) Turning to Pakistan, SecDef described the dramatic changes that had taken place over the past year.

It was astonishing that President Zadari had remained in power and that the Pakistanis had conducted such effective COIN operations.

i guess America did provided Kiani congenial Environment along with Multiple Opportunities for yet another Military coupe,As dictators are so easy to Persuade to accept any Bidding , But it was his long sightedness which prevented all this..
Kuwait wanted Gitmo detainees 'gotten rid of'
Nov 30, 2010 at 14:28
PARIS - Kuwait's interior minister told a US ambassador his country did not want to see the return of Kuwaiti terror suspects held in Guantanamo Bay and suggested "the best thing to do is get rid of them."

The exchange between Sheikh Jaber Khaled al-Sabah and the US envoy to Kuwait, which took place in February last year, was recorded in a US State Department cable published Tuesday by the activist website WikiLeaks.

Washington was urging Kuwait to accept the return of Kuwaiti nationals who had been detained at the US naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, on suspicion of belonging to Jihadist militant groups fighting in Afghanistan.

"You know better than I that we cannot deal with these people," the minister protested, arguing that Kuwait is a small and tight-knit society where family ties hold more sway than any legal measure he could take.

"I can't detain them. If I take their passports, they will sue to get them back. I can talk to you into next week about building a rehabilitation centre, but it won't happen," the sheikh said, according to the leaked cable.

"We are not Saudi Arabia. We cannot isolate these people in desert camps or somewhere on an island. We cannot compel them to stay. If they are rotten, they are rotten and the best thing to do is get rid of them," he said.

"You picked them up in Afghanistan: You should drop them off in Afghanistan, in the middle of the war zone."

The ambassador also asked the Kuwaiti minister's advice as to what should have been done with seven Iranian hashish smugglers that were rescued by the US navy when their boat was found sinking in the waters of the Gulf.

In that case, US forces returned the seven to Iran via authorities in Oman, but the minister suggested they might not have been so lucky had they been picked up by the Kuwaiti Coast Guard.

"God wished to punish them for smuggling drugs by drowning them, and then you saved them. So they're your problem! You should have let them drown," the minister suggested, "smiling broadly", according to the cable.

Kuwait wanted Gitmo detainees 'gotten rid of', Kuwait Politics - Maktoob News
NEW YORK: Hamid Gul, the former chief of ISI, has been accused in several of the leaked documents of regularly meeting al Qaeda and Taliban commanders to order suicide attacks in Afghanistan.

Gul while responding the allegation said that United States orchestrated the mass leak of war files to scapegoat him for its imminent withdrawal from Afghanistan.

He told the Financial Times that the US had a hidden role in the publication of thousands of classified reports through the WikiLeaks website.

Gul told the newspaper: "I am a very favourite whipping boy of America. They can't imagine the Afghans can win wars on their own.

"It would be an abiding shame that a 74-year-old general living a retired life manipulating the Mujahedeen in Afghanistan results in the defeat of America.

The Financial Times said Mr Gul's name appears in about 10 of roughly 180 classified US files that blame ISI supported Afghan militants fighting Nato forces.

Gul told the newspaper his main occupation in retirement was spending time with his grandchildren and pursuing his horticultural hobby of refining mango and peach species.

He said the US had lost the war in Afghanistan, and that the leak of the documents would help the Obama administration deflect blame by suggesting that Pakistan was responsible.

Hamid Gul blamed to support Taliban against Nato forces - GEO.tv
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