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Wikileaks Diplomatic Cables

For Indian Audiences Specially.
Cut Pakistan out of it and listen to the Folk Wisdom Story of Dlai Lama in perspective of Releasing these wikileaks documents and the reaction that followed.

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A small doubt --- who is the POTUS ? Hillary or Obama.

POTUS is that half Kenyan, one term man called Obama. Much was expected of this man but little was achieved.

Clinton on the other hand is the man.
POTUS is that half Kenyan, one term man called Obama. Much was expected of this man but little was achieved.

Clinton on the other hand is the man.

So wikileaks apply selectively here but not in the case of KSA King.:azn:

Well I would rather go by the word that 'half-kenyan' gave in in front of the 545 elected representatives of 1 billion people inside the Lok Sabha.

BTW whoever is the man the next term is for Republicans(atleast It looks as if it is) and McCain simply loves India. :D
So wikileaks apply selectively here but not in the case of KSA King.:azn:

When and where have I said that whatever the King has said is fake or not true.

Infact I have stated that a rotten head like this so called king is no position to disrespect our rotten head.

Well I would rather go by the word that 'half-kenyan' gave in in front of the 545 elected representatives of 1 billion people inside the Lok Sabha.

BTW whoever is the man the next term is for Republicans(atleast It looks as if it is) and McCain simply loves India. :D

Playing to the gallery, look it up.

I would also like to bet £1000 with you that India will not get a permanent UNSC seat within the next five years.
When and where have I said that whatever the King has said is fake or not true.

Infact I have stated that a rotten head like this so called king is no position to disrespect our rotten head.

Playing to the gallery, look it up.

I would also like to bet £1000 with you that India will not get a permanent UNSC seat within the next five years.

I would also like to bet £1000 with you that India will not get a permanent UNSC seat within the next five years

next 20 yrs:cheers:
and friends of USA

Saudi King advice for barak obama..
The king is worried about American credibility more than the Americans themselves because it is America indirectly which keeps their arm chair strong and surviving.

And the biggest hypocrites of muslim brotherhood as well...

if they have this kind of tone for the Iranians then we can wonder where do Pakistanis figure in the food chain..somewhere near the end. So in a nutshell, Israeli massacre of Palestinians is happening with tactic approval of Arab leaders hence the whole muslim world should forget their connection of islamic brotherhood. Its an arab issue and will remain one!

The saudis seems to trust the kuffars more than anyone remotely Arab or Muslims..if the wikileaks are believed to be truth than this is a very shameful character of a leader.

Now you realize what Indians have been saying for so long.....you are just pawns in the big picture....so are the Indians! Time for India and Pakistan to stop fighting and make the most efforts at peace and stability. But I doubt it.....these folks love to see you guys take each other out.....more money for them and then you become no threat to them.

If you read what Israeli's Spymaster stated how Mushraff is a good for Pakistan.....there is more reasons to the eye! Mushraff is a capable military leader who will secure the nukes so that the loose nuke threat to Israel is no longer a threat. But at the same, Mushraff will make pakistan more military capable and that is a threat for India....KArgil anyone. So basically, he rather see India and Pakistan destroy each other while they make money out of you guys for weapons supplies. This will keep Israel safe at costs. Ever notice whatever weapon system both of you guys get... there is a weapon to counter it and that is offered to the competing party for the higher price.
Qaddafi's Ukrainian nurse:


Why cant i see the nurse :cry: lol
When and where have I said that whatever the King has said is fake or not true.

Infact I have stated that a rotten head like this so called king is no position to disrespect our rotten head.

I was saying about the majority of the Pak members --- but,true you are not one among them.

Playing to the gallery, look it up.

If he was indeed playing to the gallery,I would term that as one of the most foolish pieces of play ever played. :woot: Because he was playing to 545 representatives of 1.2 billion Indians in the full glare of the international and local media and even the terms he used were far from 'equivocal'.

Infact even Indian diplomats were surprised at the degree of certainity that Obama used (My relatives are in North Block --Got to know through them)

Resolution in US Congress backs India's UNSC bid | The Asian Age

And resolutions will not be introduced in the Congress if the US was indeed playing to the Gallery.

I would also like to bet £1000 with you that India will not get a permanent UNSC seat within the next five years.

No --- even I will not bet on that .Because we dont expect to become UNSC member in the next 2-5 years. It will take a decade atleast --- but rest assured we are on the right path after endorsement from the most powerful man on the planet and acceptance from four of the five P-5 members with China expressing cautious optimism.
Tuesday, 09 February 2010, 11:35
S E C R E T ABU DHABI 000069
EO 12958 DECL: 2020/02/09
CLASSIFIED BY: Richard Olson, Ambasador; REASON: 1.4(A), (B), (C), (D)

6. (C) Pakistan: the UAE has taken a leading role in the Friends of Pakistan initiative and has provided about $800 M in assistance in recent years. The Al Nahyan family had a long-standing relationship with former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, and this has transitioned to support for her husband, Asif Ali Zardari, but the UAE stays in touch with all elements on the Pakistani scene, including Musharraf. MbZ will be very interested in your dialogue with General Kayani.

Don't see anything incriminating. Why classified I don't know.
It is soooo true though haha.

Speaking of the group that's seaking UNSC permanent membership, Brazil has a bigger economy than India and better democracy (if democracy must be used as a standard to evaluate a country). Also South America is not yet represented in the UNSC council. So by all means, Brazil should be the front runner.

Sorry but Brazil will not longer stay at that position.Here is a small comparison

GDP-$ 1.5 trillion
Growth rate-1.2 %

GDP-$1.4 trillion
Growth rate-8.8 %

so its now only a matter of 1 or 2 yrs

About the democracy i have no problem even if somebody call Brazilian democracy a better one,as I respect all democracies.

but ya u can keep comparing democratic rights of other nation's living in a land where r democratic aspects r discarded for citizen's,people like u bring hope:lol:
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