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USA to spend $413bn more on Afghan war

Lankan Ranger

Aug 9, 2009
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USA to spend $413bn more on Afghan war

A decision by US President Barack Obama to extend the presence of American troops in Afghanistan beyond 2014 is likely to increase the remaining cost of the unpopular war to USD 413 billion.

The US president, who was expected to announce an exit strategy from Afghanistan at the recent NATO summit in Lisbon, pushed for an indefinite postponement of troop withdrawal instead.

Obama declared in a nationally televised address in December that the transfer of the US forces out of Afghanistan would begin in July 2011. He, however, later redefined the previous timeline stating that Afghan forces would only begin taking the lead for security across Afghanistan by 2014.

On Saturday, NATO Secretary General said the US-led military alliance will remain in Afghanistan for as long as it takes to finish off its enemies there.

The newly defined deadline comes with a heavy price tag at a time when the US and many of its allies are facing increasing deficit cuts at home.

“I don't think anyone is seriously talking about cutting war funding as a way of handling the deficit,” said Todd Harrison, a Defense funding expert at the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments.

Calculating costs based on USD 1.1 million per soldier per year, Harrison assesses that the new description of the deadline will cost the American taxpayers an additional USD 125 billion through 2014 alone.

The remaining war cost had been estimated to be USD 288 billion assuming that the troops involved in Obama's surge would be withdrawn by 2012.

PressTV - US to spend $413bn more on Afghan war
Great there goes more of my $ tax money on a useless war... while it could be used here right at home to fix the issues.
Told you all; US is not going anywhere. Afghanistan is the only country where they can have some influence and maintain intelligence bases.
Great.. no matter how much you spend, you are tying to fill a black-hole.

But it will be great that USA would loose a war after spending 1.5 Trillion Dollars and some 20,000 soldiers.. :usflag:

Best of luck Mr. Obama :wave:
Told you all; US is not going anywhere. Afghanistan is the only country where they can have some influence and maintain intelligence bases.

This CAN is not getting possible form the last 10 years and after 1000 Billions of dollars of investment. With half of more money and 4 additional years, I do not see it getting achievable. But true USA would like to keep its occupation of Afghanistan to the last spendable penny it has.
USA is the problem not solution for Afghanistan, the longer it stays, the more chaos it will cause for the whole region and not just Afghanistan.

What region are you talking about?

It is good for Afghanistan.
It is good for India.

May be not so good for Pakistan though.

Edit: And your Afghan Taliban friends.
USA is the problem not solution for Afghanistan, the longer it stays, the more chaos it will cause for the whole region and not just Afghanistan.

Huh..And the same Pakistani ppl cursing US for leaving afganistan in early nineties.Guys please make up ur mind first..
Huh..And the same Pakistani ppl cursing US for leaving afganistan in early nineties.Guys please make up ur mind first..

Don't bother,many of them live in the future, let the Americans go then we"ll deal with Indians in Afghanistan .
What region are you talking about?

It is good for Afghanistan.
It is good for India.

May be not so good for Pakistan though.

Edit: And your Afghan Taliban friends.

Its surely good for India but how is it good for Afghanistan?
And for India, its good because India thinks by increasing its influence in Afghanistan, it would be able to poke Pakistan from a back-facing front. But that has been already dealt with and only few percentage of "Problem" is left which will be dealt the moment USA leaves so the "Good for India" is not even "Good" anymore.
This CAN is not getting possible form the last 10 years and after 1000 Billions of dollars of investment. With half of more money and 4 additional years, I do not see it getting achievable. But true USA would like to keep its occupation of Afghanistan to the last spendable penny it has.
You think that the US Army is there for occupation? :lol: Why do you think it doesn't add Afghanistan as a part of US territory then or at least an overseas dependency? When US ends this war, they will instantly remove all troops so that they can go and meet their family members who form a strong vote section for US democracy.

That's not occupation; the real control would be inserting CIA agents, mobile monitoring stations all over Afghanistan and also using KHAD's local assistance as well as considerable influence on Afghan military and government.

That is something you cannot wish away even after the war ends. US troops might leave but not US interests. What will you demand from then after that?
Huh..And the same Pakistani ppl cursing US for leaving afganistan in early nineties.Guys please make up ur mind first..
That is because after that leaving, Pakistani military intel got a fertile ground to make Afghanistan its vassal state through proxies called Afghan Taliban anf for 9 sweet years, Afghanistan was virtually a province of Pakistan, doing its bid via Taliban government. US too was not critical of Taliban except for a few sanctions which had no effect on Afghan Talibs.

Things only became rocky after 2001, when US first mauled through what was till then Pakistan's "strategic area". That was the first time irritants started appearing between Pakistan and US secretly and not just the recent drone strikes. Because US's entry also enabled other people to enter Afghanistan: us in particular.
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