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  1. Z

    Bomb Blast in Crowded Daata Darbar (Shrine), Lahore

    What a sad time in Pakistan. Data Darbar was one of the most important Shrines of Sufism on par with maybe Golra Sharif. I am a mureed(disciple) of Golra Sharif and i will be in Pakistan next month and will be visiting Golra Sharif alot. Haven't most Pakistanis noticed that these attacks on...
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    One police man killed in Golra Sharif clash

    Those men are a disgrace to the beloved Auliya of Allah that are burried there, who taught peace and love throught out there whole lives. Guns should not be allowed anywhere near such beloved shrines.
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    Brahmins Fought for Imam Hussain in the Battle of Karbala

    Imam Hussain (RA) was a true martyr for the message of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). Only in Salah they could kill such a lion of Islam, Where in namaaz he was lost to this world and was all but Allah's (S.W.T). I am from the Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat and we have utmost love for the Ahle Bait.
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    Will Pakistan Win in its War on Terror?

    People are making money on what is dividing us and forever they will continue to do so. to challenge western civilisation drastic changes have to be made. Terrorism is NOT PART OF ISLAM, IT IS THE ENEMY OF ISLAM. We have to crush the fake ideology that makes such beasts asap.
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    Will Pakistan Win in its War on Terror?

    What the east does not understand about the west is that we are playing into its hands all the time. If pak and india had a war anytime soon both sides could potentially be using american weapons against each other. If india and china were to have a war anytime soon both would definatly be using...
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    Will Pakistan Win in its War on Terror?

    Militaries win battles, tactics and policies win wars. For the past year or soo Pakistan has put its foot down on squashing such venom. But what it has achieved in the past year is fantastic worthy of praise. Militarily Pakistan is more than capable of wiping these extremists out. But the real...
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    The Pak-US strategic dialogue

    looooool And hows the fight against Moaists going? oh and 700 000 indian soldiers in Kashmir having much fun raping? etc. I wander how the Americans are getting on in Southern Afghanistan? Cant fight internal insurgency? wow what we have achieved in the last 18 months militaraly against...
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    Report: Saudis may allow Israel's use of air space

    Saudis cannot calculate such a risk. The extremists that exist in Saudi are of sunni origin, but allowing Isreal of all countries to use its airspace is just fueling outcries from such networks and cells regardless who against. Iran will be hoping and arming Hezbollah and Hamas, so that both...
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    Israel Second Only To Russia In Providing Arms To China

    Pakistan is probably the biggest Chinese arms buyer. From buying fighter craft to ships, missiles etc. No pakistani is stupid enough to deny that Isreali military tech is amongst the best in the world. If isreali military input in to chinese arms is enhancing them and pakistan is a buyer of...
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    Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe

    LOOOOL and European armies are sitting around with mendhi on their hands while Isreal 'annihlates' them?. When we talk about it taking out the whole world lol Isreal is probably the size of two indian states if that. Did this historian forget that there are other countries in this world that...
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    UAE Mirage to PAF and SH to IAF Extract

    It boils down to one point. Funds. No other issue, i will repeat again and again if our politiicians stopped eating money and actually allowed an economy to develop we wouldnt be thinking about second hand fighters. I personally believe pakistan should go for all of these because they are miles...
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    Pakistan might be considering opting for 18 more F16 Block C/D

    I think pakistan should look towards a fighter jet that can provide us with a punch. I believe j10 should be speeded up and possibly 50. 18 f16s isnt a bad idea at all. But it boils down to money. For me if Pakistan government stopped eating the money and provided sufficient funding for the...
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    Pakistan - Bangladesh reunion

    This is off topic. But still even on this off topic id like to give my insight. Nankana Sahib.... arguebaly the second or even in some instances first most important Shrines to Sikhs is located on the Pakistan side. Sikhs should be welcomed to the Punjab in Pakistan. At the end of the day as...
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    Pak nukes 'vulnerable' as Army preoccupied with counter India programme: US

    Here we go again Everybody please start building nuclear shelters thanks
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    Pakistan's Failing War on Terror - ForeignPolicy.com

    Failing war on terror are you having a laugh? and how much of Afghanistan is truely controlled by ISAF?. Pakistan has sacrificed more than any country in this war. It has captured dozens of Al Queda operatives including Khalid Shaikh Muhammad. Nuclear issue has nothing to do with this. Pakistan...
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    China wants military base in Pakistan

    very funny this Pakistan openly tells the world about its true ally China. Alot of people cannot take that. China has massively helped Pakistan more than any country ever has. I would openly allow chineses bases in my country if it was to happen. People say it would detoriate relations with the...
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    13 Yr Old Saudi Girl Sentenced to 90 Lashes

    This is disgusting For carrying a camera phone you can tell how much propaganda against the school girl has been put in a 13 year old assualting meaning she landed punches slaps kicks or whatever to a grown teacher? this is absoloutly disgusting a Parent isn't allowed to buy his kid regardless...
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    The Double Game.

    Pakistan holds the trumph cards in Afghanistan. it has to realise that. Pakistan in my opinion should delay N. Waziristan for as long as it can. When it does America faces a nightmare in Afghanistan. The taliban are at their most gruesome in spring summer. Guerilla unit that they are in...
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    India not alarmed over US supplying drones to Pakistan: IAF chief

    Robert Gates has played a double game in South Asia. Just view his comments in India and then veiw his comments in Pakistan. He goes in India we want to make it a millitary partner but in Pakistan he goes we have no intention to. Pakistan in my opinions should not go into North Waziristan until...
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    Lashkar readies para-gliders to launch suicide attack on India: Intel

    Yeah Lashkar e Taiba want para gliding equipment. Im sure Hafiz Saeed walked into a shop in Europe and goes could i have kits of para guiding equipment and the shopkeeper goes why? he replies to carry out suicide attacks on India. this is just soo hilarious is this what sells newspapers? did...
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