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Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe


Aug 29, 2009
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Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe

Noted Israeli military historian Martin Karfeld stated that Israel could find
itself one day forced to exterminate the European continent using all kinds
of weapons including its nuclear arsenal if it felt its demise neared,
stressing that Israel also considers Europe a hostile target.

This came in a press interview broadcast by the seventh Hebrew radio and
was translated on Wednesday into Arabic by the press information analysis
and study center.

“We have hundreds of nuclear warheads and missiles that can reach
different targets in the heart of the European continent, including beyond
the borders of Rome, the Italian capital,” Karfeld said, adding that most of
the European capitals would become preferred targets for the Israeli air

The Israeli historian reiterated Israel’s ability to destroy the whole world
whenever it felt its existence would be doomed to extinction.

Israeli Historian: Israel Could Find Itself Forced To Wipe Out Europe
Did US thought one day the ever green friendlier Iran would become one of its staunchest enemy ?? Don't think so.

Similarly, history is full of unbelievable incidents which happened in future but never thought about in the present.

Food for thought: why is Israel making nukes even though it has enough of them to annihilate whole of the arab world if need arose ??

Why is Israel making ICBM with ranges exceeding 5,000KM mark, even though all its enemies are just within a few hundred miles except for Iran which is about 2000Km away.

So no one knows about the future, but looking at the way Israel is making nukes and its delivery system, it seems they perceive an enemy in the future who would be thousands of miles away from them.

And instead of shooting the messenger, try to shoot at the article whose link has been given.
One of my lecturers told that Hitler let few jews go and someone asked why did you do so ?

One day the world will realize why did i kill them he replied.
Europe? What threat does Israel face from Europe?

ha, you should understand the thoughts and feelings of jews, they have a deep hatred of the white european man, in particular the white christian male
Europe? What threat does Israel face from Europe?

Israel faces threat from each and every nation of the world. This is in their doctrine that one day only the jews will be left on this planet and the believers of different faiths will be wiped out - muslims, christains etc. all are their targets, even athiests.. Right now the biggest challenge they are facing is from muslims because of the long history we share with them and they know that muslims laws like interest-free banking are a threat to their dirty baking system through which they control the whole world.
naturally, the muslims and christains have more similarities than the jews but unfortunately, the christains are too fool to understand this game played by jews. once jews get in full power, they wont spare christains either (like they did with muslims of palestines when palestines gave them place to live freely when no country in the world was allowing jews even a little space in their territory)
LOOOOL and European armies are sitting around with mendhi on their hands while Isreal 'annihlates' them?. When we talk about it taking out the whole world lol Isreal is probably the size of two indian states if that. Did this historian forget that there are other countries in this world that have nuclear arms?. Britians Trident system is probably one of the most accomplished nuclear systems in the world. British and French navies are probably in the top 5 navies in the world. What the British navy has is amazing. Isreal may succeed in wiping out a few world cities but the retaliation would mean there wouldnt be an Isreal left.
LOOOOL and European armies are sitting around with mendhi on their hands while Isreal 'annihlates' them?. When we talk about it taking out the whole world lol Isreal is probably the size of two indian states if that. Did this historian forget that there are other countries in this world that have nuclear arms?. Britians Trident system is probably one of the most accomplished nuclear systems in the world. British and French navies are probably in the top 5 navies in the world. What the British navy has is amazing. Isreal may succeed in wiping out a few world cities but the retaliation would mean there wouldnt be an Isreal left.

actually the way Israelis r preparing their warfare capabilities is beyond our thoughts a link in isi told me about their defensive bunkering and nuclear proofing their strategic structures even if the population dies those who r combat capable ll survive ....
I wish Indian leaders could buy a few backbones from Israel.
One of my lecturers told that Hitler let few jews go and someone asked why did you do so ?

One day the world will realize why did i kill them he replied.

Thats like brainwash of the highest order... When did Hitler let any jews go... huh? And damn Jews wouldnt have to be cruel to their enemy had Hitler let them live in peace.

I really find it disgusting to see people here are so much anti-jew that they will side with the worst killers of human history.

Jews never harmed anyone and well I wonder when Arabs have so much real estate then why are they after a small piece of land that jews have. On top of it Pakistani people never stop their thekedari against Israel. Seriously man live and let others live
Did US thought one day the ever green friendlier Iran would become one of its staunchest enemy ?? Don't think so.

Similarly, history is full of unbelievable incidents which happened in future but never thought about in the present.

Food for thought: why is Israel making nukes even though it has enough of them to annihilate whole of the arab world if need arose ??

Why is Israel making ICBM with ranges exceeding 5,000KM mark, even though all its enemies are just within a few hundred miles except for Iran which is about 2000Km away.

So no one knows about the future, but looking at the way Israel is making nukes and its delivery system, it seems they perceive an enemy in the future who would be thousands of miles away from them.

And instead of shooting the messenger, try to shoot at the article whose link has been given.

I agree to Taimi here.. Who would have thought in 70s that US and India would be at a place where they are today or USSR would be what it is today..

However about range of missiles... Pakistan is close to 3500 Km from Israel.. isnt it??

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