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  1. Cranked

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    Umm..If we look at their history, not long enough. :lol::lol::lol: If only strength comes by acquiring assets. You guys need courage, get that if someone is selling it. All you are good at is killing innocent people in IOK! It's not about you don't have any proof. It's more like there exists...
  2. Cranked

    Featured 3 Pakistan Army soldiers martyred in a terrorist attack in Gichk, Panjgur, Balochistan.

    This is so sad, precious lives lost and what's happening afterwards is tagging it as an unfortunate event rather learning from it, fixing the cause and sending a message so that it won't repeat again. We need to take quick actions and send back a strong message. Question is that who is...
  3. Cranked

    Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

    One can see how he is breathing like a thirsty dog when about to die. @10:26.
  4. Cranked

    Featured 4 gunmen attacked Pakistan Stock Exchange building in Karachi

    Can somebody, please shed some light....
  5. Cranked

    China releases report/videos of 'several thousand' paratroopers moving to Tibet.

    In your official response at 1:05, just look at how your Jawan is humiliating his dead buddy by just throwing him away. You indians, don't respect and or honor your dead who died fighting for you, not even in your movies. Sighs....
  6. Cranked

    Featured Unrelated Photos Falsely Shared As Chinese Soldiers Killed In India-China Clash

    Funny, how they need to lie to keep up with the previous lies and this goes on and on. I wonder, if they can comprehend the word *Shame*, apparently they cannot. Hence shameless. There is a difference between telling lies and honoring your dead!!
  7. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    You people never considered Pakistanis closer, never means never. And we are not sad about it, because we are not destined to be closer to you. You guys don't deserve us. Troubles with Iran, lol, at least you shall not bring this up as once again you Indians are the reason behind everything...
  8. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Look who is day dreaming & talking about the bubble & aukat. For you nothing matters, the bigger the humiliation is the more satisfied an Indian is.
  9. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Give them sometime, they will redraft their narrative and make it sound like bravery...considering their past!!
  10. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Yeah, or probably you know because they taught you?
  11. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    So you are scared? Won't share your views just because we can spank your arse here? Concerned about getting your arse spanked or getting bashed for lies which you refer to as forthright views, eh?
  12. Cranked

    10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

    Can we be more aggressive on LOC, show some muscles, just to give this entire scenario a broader direction? You can stay here & discuss. We can give you insights which your media, politicians & military are hiding. Try reading the truth for once, it's good for a change. : )
  13. Cranked

    Indians Boycott chinese goods

    Lol, check this out, when the reporter asked him to smash the Chinese phone...he goes.....Lmao!!
  14. Cranked

    "India cannot fight two-front war, Its impossible" - Pravin Sawhney

    That's the problem with you Indians, you think you are superior, your self proclaimed superiority complex is a result of that cow piss that your drink in order to get holly, but instead you get high. Poor or rich, when it comes to war, and when it comes to war with Indians, we are ready to...
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