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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Just one line "Casualties on both sides from fighting". It is you dressing this as 100 PLA fatalities. This lets you pheel good about IA 100 to 200 casualties, more than 30 men returned while 10 held until two days ago, among this is at least 20 Indian fatalities. There you go. The truth.

So, your interpretation of "casualties on both sides" is Indians died and Chinese got scratches?

That's why I keep saying that CCP are a bunch of cowards,
Not even releasing all facts to your own people.

Lol, these cowards are lying to their own people in their face &
you lot are happy in your ignorance...

Right now I pity Chinese people, they can't even properly celebrate their braves like we did.
I utterly pity you buddy.

The video was shot in Northern Shyok which is only place along LAC with snow in June. Date is 10-12 June. Some troops with anti-covid masks can be spotted.
Fight happened after both accused each others patrol of LAC violation.

The title is very misleading. That wasn't a proper fight. It was a glorified pushing and shoving fest with a few sucker punches.
Wow that's the proof Indian wanted to show the world, how mighty they are .Indians outnumber Chinese in this fight. Then Chinese responded and Indians soldiers to save themselves from getting raped jumped in the water, Next time make a thread on that.
Let's plan....

Can't believe that one Chinese takes on 3 Indians and 3 Indians still can't manage to overpower him.

The fighting spirit is so great for the Chinese side, even outnumbered 3 to 1, the Chinese officer still goes after Indians in the end of the fight and forces Indians to disengage first, if Indians are outnumbered 3 to 1, they would be down on the ground in seconds.
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