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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Even CCP and Global times are trolling the Chinese & Pakistani people here..

Not one statement made by CCP agrees with the nonsense being peddled here.
I repeat - NOT ONE.

LOL typical dothead logic and low intelligence. Again, "casualties" mean injuries and desertion or death or anything not fighting status. 30 Casualties could be 0 dead and 30 just with sore write bashing Indian skulls in.

Oh please,
typical commie play.
Hide the casualties so that people don't strip the dictator and slap him to death. :woot:
"Someone" narrated the account in Urdu. This is the GT version..

What happened that night How did the doomsday fall on the Indian army in the valley of Gulwan? Listen to the true story of one moment ...
The Corcommanders' meeting on June 6 was deliberately held by China at the place where the land was snatched from India. Lieutenant General from India attended the meeting while China sent its Junior General i.e. its Major General to the meeting. At the meeting, which lasted seven to eight hours, the Chinese military expressed its intention not to leave an inch of space. The Indian general had taken thousands of maps and kept trying to convince the Chinese officer that this is our area, sir, give it back to us. But the Chinese officer did not listen to a single one and thus the meeting ended without any result.
However, both sides agreed that the two armies would retreat one kilometer from the new border. However, the areas that China has snatched from India will not be returned, the Chinese official agreed because some of it While it did not matter, the Modi government wanted to cash in on the success of the Chinese army's one-kilometer retreat. So two days later, when the Chinese army began retreating one kilometer after picking up supplies and dismantling the camp, a storm came over the entire Indian channels and it was considered India's great achievement that the Chinese army is slowly retreating.

Will also return our snatched space. This temporary political opportunity was used by the Modi government to appease the people ... Two days before the current incident, a big meeting was held in Delhi which included all the Chiefs of the Armed Forces except Modi. It was decided that China has softened a bit and has retreated a little. Why don't we do the same as China and try to take back the one kilometer from which China has retreated. Because there were reports that there was only one Chinese tent in this place which was set up by the Chinese army only for surveillance while the rest of the army had retreated one kilometer ... There were ten or fifteen Chinese soldiers in this tent.

India planned to send two to three hundred commandos led by a colonel. They will tear down this tent and if a handful of Chinese soldiers resist, they will be mocked. A video of the whole operation will also be made to silence the opposition. If the public is also shown the video, the morale will be raised. If possible, this scene will also be included in an Indian film. Near the Gulwan valley where a tent of the Chinese army was set up. Located on the banks of the Gulwan, the Indian Army used to call it Patrol 14. It was thought that after the occupation of Patrol 14, we would make a fuss on the channels that the Indian army had liberated its land by defeating the Chinese army the worst. It was not to say how much land was redeemed .. Just redeemed. Santosh Babu took more than two hundred soldiers and delivered 14 patrols. He and his soldiers were armed with sticks, while the Chinese soldiers who were sleeping in their tents in the freezing cold of minus 2 degrees Celsius were completely unarmed.

Both countries have made a law that they will never use weapons. The other will have to fly a white flag when entering each other's territory. Now the Indian troops went to take back their territory and that too through war ... So the Colonel himself stayed behind but sent fifty or sixty soldiers armed with sticks etc. The soldiers attacked and beat the Chinese soldiers and came out of the tent and set it on fire. The Chinese troops retreated a little while the Indian troops began to celebrate the victory there. It was their fault. They had teased the sheep and now they should have either run away or called in more troops to capture it, but they did not, but those who were left behind with the colonel. Patrol 14 arrived to celebrate the victory. Now more than two hundred Indian soldiers were celebrating there. In India, Modi was told that the army had achieved tremendous success.
On the other hand, the fifteen or twenty Chinese soldiers who after being beaten, informed his command what the Indian army had done to him. It was midnight but the Chinese command decided to settle the score at that time instead of waiting for the morning. This decision later became a shocking example for the Indian Army. Became a nightmare. The Chinese command has set up a contingent to deal with the situation. This is a detachment of Chinese soldiers that you can call Genghis Khan's army. These people number about a thousand. They are experts in martial arts and they are very bloodthirsty. They have all kinds of weapons instead of guns. Have been trained ... their weapons are iron rods, wooden poles with nails and barbed wire wrapped around them .. immediately this contingent was sent to arrange for the Indian contingent .. Genghis Khan's army at night In the darkness of the day, the place was quietly surrounded so that no one could escape ... The Indian media also admits and eyewitnesses who survived the Indian soldiers say that it was not known what happened. This bloody story was written by the Chinese soldiers for eight hours continuously ... then guess the details of what happened.

The Chinese Genghis Khan army fell on these three hundred soldiers as a doomsday. Meanwhile, fifty or sixty Indian soldiers jumped into the icy waters of the Gulwan River out of fear, but they staggered to their deaths. Some jumped into the ditches to save their lives. Tried but they fell on the sharp rocks and became trapped while hundreds of Indian soldiers were surrounded in such a way that they could not find a way to escape. They all staggered to their deaths for twenty hours, but the saddest thing was that the Indian army did not try to save them. The Chinese soldiers did their job and set up new tents and sat down in large numbers while the Genghis army retreated.
The Indian colonel and many soldiers died at the beginning of the battle while the rest of the soldiers were dying by rubbing their heels. There was no one to help them while the Chinese soldiers were repeatedly sending messages to the Indian army to take away their wounded soldiers and bodies. An inquiry has been launched in India into the incident, saying that a large number of troops could have been rescued if timely assistance had been provided. At first three soldiers were killed, then twenty and now 47 have been identified and the rest are missing. In all this, China is completely silent. Didn't say a word. On the one hand, the Indians say that we also killed 43 Chinese soldiers and on the other hand, we are mourning our dead and talking about revenge. Brother, if you have killed 43 Chinese soldiers as compared to your 20 soldiers, then what is the revenge now? China should take revenge for the 43 people you killed while they are silent and your tears do not stop ...
The original story is another. The earth also went. More than two hundred soldiers also went and found nothing. Not a single Chinese soldier has been injured ... while the opposition and the people have humiliated Modi by saying that you were a dishonorable person, you started making India big, you wanted to be a superpower, while China, Nepal and Pakistan lost ground to you.

Modi is silent ... America says fight on your own and defeat China while fighting China's Genghis Khan is not Modi's only thing ... Modi has decided to stand with his eyes closed for two minutes in response to the whole nation.
Even CCP and Global times are trolling the Chinese & Pakistani people here..

Not one statement made by CCP agrees with the nonsense being peddled here.
I repeat - NOT ONE.

Oh please,
typical commie play.
Hide the casualties so that people don't strip the dictator and slap him to death. :woot:

Dothead, I think you have swallowed too much Hindu shit from streets of your slums. Tell us why you assume PLA casualties are 100% all fatalities? You can't. You just want to pheel good because dotheads have no abilities except crying commie and chinki and burning products ahahahahaha. You are global no.1 loser not 2012 super power. Maybe 2012 super rapist that's all. You cannot accept these things.







We understand why your *** is so sore. Butthurt jai jai.

Pothead you know how many casualties Indian army and Indian government both suffered? more than 100. More than 20 confirmed dead, reality is much higher but CCP hasn't said a word to keep your asses from creating nuclear fission. More than 30 returned immediately, 10 returned to you last two days, and many more Indians injured. This is close to 200 Indian casualties altogether combined. One American tabloid news "believes that PLA suffered 35 casualties". And sorry they are tabloid news and no access to any live satellite from CIA. We believe these casualties from PLA are from sore wrists beating in skulls of Indian army losers.
I m sure indian dead are alot more than 20

They are quite a lot more. Indian army casualties between 100 and 200 and deaths well over 23. Captured jawans useless returned immediately so we don't have to spend energy holding them while 10 officers returned two days ago. Returned after Indian lying government and army told the world ALL indians accounted for, and returned right before Modi surrender.
Pakistan forum discussing Indian issues? Wow. I think obsession starts here.. More Pakistanis including YOU on Indian topic thread than your own subject. Oh btw.. If Indians commenting on Indian topic is burning you then go ask your admin to close it for foreign posters. I guess the admin does not agree with you.. Hahaha..Now you may start your expert comments on India China border issues since you are allowed to be obsessed with India.. Oops.. As per you I am obsessed. Hahaha (again haha hihing since you said we should enjoy our success and since your the EXPERT, non obsessed India Chin border issue analyst.. I take your word, just for now)

The obsession starts in you logging onto a Pakistani site and burn. Cant over a billion indians get a site half as good as this? Ouch burning?

We are allowed to discuss whatever we want to wherever we want to - at the end of the day it is a Pakistani site.
I encourage admin to allow more Indians to express themselves on here so we can see for ourselves the stupidity and obsession you chaps possess when it comes to anything Pakistani.

You talk about success for India? Are you seriously for real? You call losing land, losing soldiers your leaders lying through the teeth as success then thats fine.

India has been humiliated and the world can see for themselves.

You continue to ramble on about Chinese losses trying to mitigate your own losses. Stop deflecting and allow it to sink in. You leader Mr Surrender has accepted the loss and i think you should let that sink in slowly so it doesnt give you any blood pressure issues.
To all the indian posters here, read up and tell me who is the aggressor now?

Btw Indians have allowed the use of firearm at LAC now, lets see what can they do now.........
Dothead, I think you have swallowed too much Hindu shit from streets of your slums. Tell us why you assume PLA casualties are 100% all fatalities? You can't. You just want to pheel good because dotheads have no abilities except crying commie and chinki and burning products ahahahahaha. You are global no.1 loser not 2012 super power. Maybe 2012 super rapist that's all. You cannot accept these things.

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We understand why your *** is so sore. Butthurt jai jai.

Pothead you know how many casualties Indian army and Indian government both suffered? more than 100. More than 20 confirmed dead, reality is much higher but CCP hasn't said a word to keep your asses from creating nuclear fission. More than 30 returned immediately, 10 returned to you last two days, and many more Indians injured. This is close to 200 Indian casualties altogether combined. One American tabloid news "believes that PLA suffered 35 casualties". And sorry they are tabloid news and no access to any live satellite from CIA. We believe these casualties from PLA are from sore wrists beating in skulls of Indian army losers.
Not even sure if its American mate. US news? Wtf is that

So much for kung Fu

These guys can't even punch properly, one of your soldiers was keeping his head down trying to punch.

They literally got man-handled here.
If this video is any indication, it's clear what would have happened few days back.


So much for kung Fu

These guys can't even punch properly, one of your soldiers was keeping his head down trying to punch.

They literally got man-handled here.
If this video is any indication, it's clear what would have happened few days back.


And it is not indication. The 15th fight is indication of IA pussy strength.
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