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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Mirza you need go start from the basics, start learning how to make a decent rifle. No point boasting about superhuman soldiers. They died from hypothermia, that's a fact and the captured 10 survived thanks to our tea. Lol

We don't know how good your rifles are either mate. So
Or any of your equipment
Your good at making propaganda vedio of military troops and equipment.
Does this machine work.
I tell you now you chinease will.do nothing othet than posture.
Starting a war with a nuclear power is no joke
According to Multiple Indian sources and returned captured soldiers.

"Returning soldiers" is anecdotal. You're seasoned enough to realise it's nowhere close to being a credible source.

Any credible source that the number of Chinese dead were lesser than Indian dead?

I haven't seen any such.
this gloibal times is annoying as hell,it's no mouth piece of Cpc,it's an attention seeking website with no connection to cpc.
It's irrelevant and probably based in USA.
What global times is saying that Chinese are allowing indian govt a face saving...

So u can safely persume either no fatalities or far less than 20
I know. It's just fantasies being celebrate here. Thankfully there is a real world outside that works with common sense. India has revealed the figures and is taking the loss of soldiers bravely. Any professional army does this. Soldiers who died deserves this honours. All I can say is enjoy their ignorance. We are doing enough and the Chinese on the battle ground knows thai way too well.
There is no source,

Everyone here is posting their own fantasies as realities.
Even Chinese govt has not uttered anything remotely similar to the nonsense being peddled here.

CCP knows it got licked and are now busy massaging their egos.
They don't know. Because China will never reveal. Since you agree no one knows the figure.. Let me ask you now... what according to your common sense can be a figure of casualty on Chinese side?
I never say the death count is 0. Credible foreign media never mention the count at 43. Many foreign media would say the death count on China is unconfirmed or don't list any number because they don't know.
We don't know how good your rifles are either mate. So
Or any of your equipment
Your good at making propaganda vedio of military troops and equipment.
Does this machine work.
I tell you now you chinease will.do nothing othet than posture.
Starting a war with a nuclear power is no joke
At least we sold artillery guns to Mid East before, no ones buy Indian junk. Hahahahah.

What are you gonna do when you run our of ammo? Wait for delivery!? PATHETIC

Actually I agree with you. We can't even make decent rifles. It's imported you see. But we make bullets decent enough to penetrate skull like a hot knife in the butter. And luckily it works with all the imported rifles that we have. Now you understand why your army agrees to de escalates every time after posturing. Lol
I think you import the bullets too mate. Lol. We normally deescalate after getting territory and killing 23 Indians and you guys are more than happy to obliged
Ya.. Chinese release statement that no Chinese fatality but only a few injury. Guess what? The whole world will know Indian is weakling and congress will ask to declare war on China to prove something. You shall thank China for saving Indian face. :enjoy:
It's better for them to think they won and we keep the 60sqkm.lolol
Not going nuclear. Neither China nor India. Depends how far China pushes it since they are the agressor and rae targetting and claiming several Indian land like ladakh, arunachal, etc. India can only respond. But the whole point is India is not sitting hand in hand or a sitting duck like in 1962. The capabilities to inflict a heavy blow now lies with both India and China which was only China in the past. And I am guessing China knows this.

China is not the aggressor. Had it been the case, India would have foul cried and the world would have taken notice. And the disputed territories of india of kashmir, ladakh or the east are since indian independence. The gap of capabilities b/w both the armies have only widened since 62.
If your fantasies have ended let me remind you, what you call whole world has not released any reports that there are 0 fatalities in Chinese side. There goes your 'whole world knows' statement into the bin.
Oh btw since you guys love international confirmation more than using common sense then let me tell you US releases statement as 35 dead Chinese from its satellite confirmation. So is US part of your so called 'world' that you refer ? Oh may be the world is lying or may be American satellite doesn't work.
Ya.. Chinese release statement that no Chinese fatality but only a few injury. Guess what? The whole world will know Indian is weakling and congress will ask to declare war on China to prove something. You shall thank China for saving Indian face. :enjoy:
Really? Who is the agressor here then? India? Can you pls elaborate how?
China is not the aggressor. Had it been the case, India would have foul cried and the world would have taken notice. And the disputed territories of india of kashmir, ladakh or the east are since indian independence. The gap of capabilities b/w both the armies have only widened since 62.
If your fantasies have ended let me remind you, what you call whole world has not released any reports that there are 0 fatalities in Chinese side. There goes your 'whole world knows' statement into the bin.
Oh btw since you guys love international confirmation more than using common sense then let me tell you US releases statement as 35 dead Chinese from its satellite confirmation. So is US part of your so called 'world' that you refer ? Oh may be the world is lying or may be American satellite doesn't work.
Lol.. US report? Indeed, US is the most righteous nation. They never lie, cheat or steal. Anything US report must be cited as the Bible. :enjoy:

my guesstimate is 1.5
Anyway likely past China's number since at least 2010

Very likely true considering the inefficient strategies and techniques indians use to conduct their censuses. Add to the fact that indians have a proven record of lying severely and manipulating data.
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