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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

You mustn't get your innerwear in a twist for the Han turds, they are basically good for nothing. We know cause we share some history with them.
and your ancient hindu kings are not turds, conquering other empires were common in ancient worlds, you are reported for insulting other races/nations
You mustn't get your innerwear in a twist for the Han turds, they are basically good for nothing. We know cause we share some history with them.
Yeah, or probably you know because they taught you?
And how do you think our own people are reacting, i mean our very own-on the ground. You are very well connected and well to do, surely would know that. Sab okali dile, eku baki rokha nai aru. Come over to the other side, this ain't no place to deliberate on Indian issues.
Bro,,I understand.
Bujisu,,, kintu ei 2 numbori deshbhakt ketak aaina dekhuabo laga hoi goise.
Ihote party politics'r bahire beleg bhaba sinta kora baad dse. Kihor nationalist ihot??
It's not that i dont understand our own short comings or limits,,its one thing to stand United with govt but when u see complacency n sheer incompetance of govt but refuse to even acknowledge that let alone question thm then what to do n think about such characters??
What do these people value more,,,, country or some political party.
Indian soldiers ran away and jumped off the cliff and river. Is that bravery?
Give them sometime, they will redraft their narrative and make it sound like bravery...considering their past!!
Let's just say that our encounters with them predate any of that, believe me when i say it that they are no good.
So you're saying you were always good and they were always bad, that's shows you're retard, you're nothing but puppet of the west/USA to contain rising china
Just for the record, Galwan clashes happened during the "de-escalation process"

Step 1 : Chinese soldiers move forward a kilometre and clash with Indian soldiers.

Step 2: A couple of Indian soldiers die.

Step 3: Indian soldiers move back a kilometre to deescalate the situation

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1 through 3 again and again

N where is the other side,,,, brf.
No way,,,salu tat ki soli ase,,,it's cringeworthy.

BTW,,, Pakistani posters n thr behavior shudnt matter,,, moi je kou,,, jiski jo aukaat.
Let thm live in thr bubble,, where they feel safe.

Now we know how India arrived to the 43 number LOL. If India loses X number of soldiers, then China must at least lose 2X. Looks like the guy confirmed the algorithm one of the posters mentioned earlier to calculate Chinese casualties LOL. No wonder why the Indian foreign ministry refused to comment on this ... this guy literally destroyed the credibility of any Indian reported Chinese casualties in a single statement. And where are the reports and images of the captured Chinese soldiers he is alluding to? :hitwall::hitwall::hitwall::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
so the equation is:


A= New num of Indian dead
B= Original quoted figure
C= Total Chinese dead.


Got ya, Einstein level of work there by the Indians. genius.

There are some commentators that state that 40 Indians died hence


brilliant mathematics.
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So you're saying you were always good and they were always bad, that's shows you're retard, you're nothing but puppet of the west/USA to contain rising china

Indians really are brainwashed puppets. I look forward to more of these people jumping off cliffs and getting mauled by bats.
Pravin does not want India to get into a war, because he knows India will lose, so he is hopeful fake news that paints a positive picture for India will help lower tensions...
I believe Praveen is telling the Indians that stop lying, wake up and smell the coffee, the Chinese have won the battle with firing a single bullet, unheard of in history. Victory by military pressure alone. The Indians could not stand up to them, dared not stand up to them and Gen Singhs et al are now spinning to save Modi.
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