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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

Same goes for Chinese govt then?
Why don't they deny the reports coming in the media?
Your media... your media.. your media.. They don't have control over your media.. When their own media will accept that you have also returned some of their soldiers.. and they don't deny it.. I will be the first one to update the title of this thread..

Phew man, I am busy in my office work.. Not nice talking to you! Lets connect some other time.
A rather long post

You could have simply said neither Chinese nor Indian govts have made any statements regarding this.

Coming to Indian media reporting, they also reported that Chinese soldiers were exchanged as well.
So, you chose to believe part of the story but ignore the other part.

in a nutshell, let me summarize whats been happening here for 400+ pages here

1. No Chinese statement corroborating anything you lot are saying here
2. No Indian govt statement corroborating anything you lot are saying here.
3. In absence of govt statements, you lot are pulling theories from thin air/selective media stories, choosing to believe what suits your narrative.

Did I miss any point here?

I am asking if Chinese have claimed that they have released our soldiers...

If you chose to believe our media, then you MUST also believe the thrashing Chinese soldiers got that night, Simply because it's the same media reporting both stories.

You can't pick and choose.

Either you believe the media
Believe the official govt statements..

what's happening here is incredibly funny,
You won't believe the govt statements,
you also pick and chose which media stories you want to believe.


All the credible foreign media reported the released of 10 Indian soldiers. Are you saying they are lying? Are you still denying the released of 10 Indian soldiers?
View attachment 643447

Remember this:lol:

Thank God their pilot survived...otherwise even their "sane" people would be denying loss of a jet let alone the average retarded public.

@pothead see this? I can bet if we hadn't captured your pilot and didn't have the wreckage, you guys would have outright said no plane was shot down. It was after abhinandan video you guys acknowledged. Believe me, that was our good luck we had your pilot otherwise it'd have been only propaganda war.
It's like dejavu here...

We make the same arguments here and go in never ending circles.

Basically none of you have anything to prove what you claiming to be the truth.

1. Neither Chinese nor Indian govt made any statements showing anything you lot said is true.
2. Media definitely did release activities that you are using BUT you are slyly slamming the same media for releasing stories not suitable to your narrative.

Heads I win, Tails you lose.
What a wonderful bubble you live in. o_O
Checked into the so called "deshbhakt" Forum,,, BRF.
Mods n bhakts trying to spin n save face,,banning n silencing anyone who doesn't toe thr line of thought,,, BRF is not bharat rakshk forum,,, now it's more like Bhayya Rat Forum.
Apparently the so called nationalists bhakts have more loyalty towards BJP n Modi thn India.
Congressis, leftist aren't far behind though.
Basically everything is politics for these people.

Behavior of Congress n left is no surprise, they were always corrupt n petty.
But this wasn't expected from BJP but then they r a political party in the end.
Our politicians can sell thr mothers for power.
The real shocker for me is really the so called "deshbhakt nationalists".
What happened to thm?
Why has a mere political party n some politician become so precious n beyond criticism for thm?
So much so tht they r actively defending the undefendable.

Why r they not asking questions?
Why the govt. was lul for so long about the situation?
This was happening from April.
Why has PM given a tatti statement saying chini r not in our land?
No need to declare war but at least give a strong statement,, who is he trying to please here?
Why has they not summoned the chini Embassador?
Are we not ready to even push thm back?
Jammu and kasmir is probably the most militarized state in India, where thr is a constant threat of war,,, if the govt can even push back chini there,,, how do they plan to do anything if similar things happen in northeastern states where military presence is minimum??
But illegal sons of modi aka bhakts don't want any of the answers,,, they will be content with spinning stories n saving face while getting invaded,violated n humiliated just like thr phattu ancestors.
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Lame Indians and their lame logics have a pettern:

27 Feb, humiliated and defeated but instead of accepting the reality kept asking: Where is the 2nd pilot ISPR claimed.

15 June, humiliated and defeated but instead of accepting the reality keep repeating: Where is Chinese statement.

Its futile to reason with insane minds.
Time passes to bring us closer to the Events... it always does!

Time for some refleciton, some questioning....

Given the Indian doubling down on the PLA 'deaths' and now the Indian DM saying that India has also released the Chinese PoWs ....

Breaking of the 'news' in the IndiaMedia that the local commanders have now carte balnch for using weapons as they see fit ... meeting of Indian DM with CDS and other three IndianChiefs....

IAF showing on TeeVee its Apaches and Migs and other stuff.. IAF chief visiting the theatre... IndianArmy showing its build up... with tanks being moved by trains to the 'front'....

The apparent contradictions between Modi's 'No Intrusion' and DM/FM statements rejecting the Chiense Sovereignty over GolwanValley....

Despite China releasing 10 Indians and TheHindu publishing it... and other IndianMedia outlets saying that the 60+Sq.Km is liberated from the IndianOccupation by the PLA ... and the Fingers on the lake are becoming lesser and lesser Indian and more and more Chinese....the IndianPolitica/Military/Social Narrative is heading in the opposite direction...

The satellite pictures showing the Chinese blocking GalwanRiver
... and the PLA logisitical/military vehicles lined up en mass... Why? Even Indian media is reporting it and showing it to the Indian public...non-stop!

For now we are seeing a slow build up for 'Revenge' chorus from the IndianSocialMedia and retired Indian professionals...

In the above backdrop the question arrises:
Is Modi planning to Avenge 1962 Humiliation?

That is to say that the Indians engage in a 'limited war' with China
... gain some territory and then declare unilateral ceasefire and move back to their position?

The International standing
of the SuperPowerIndia has taken a strong nose dive given over 20 Indians were killed and scores wounded...and then China released 10 Indians including 3 officers... All reported in International Media!

Nepal standing up for itself
... is even more damning for the careful ImageCreation of India as a GlobalPower or SuperPower....

The Indian are shelling indiscriminately on CeaseFireLine and have killed PakCivilians...including children... and there is Spike in IndianTerrorism in Pakistan... Karachi is being under attack by the IndianAssets...

Prestige is very hard to gain and easy to loose....

The current Stand-off has created great many question marks on the IndianMilitaryAbilities vs IndianClaims...

Balakot was supposed to be the new paradigm/doctorine ... but the IceMan said: Wait for OurSurprise... and after breakfast Paks Surprised the World!!!

For now the Indians are building up a narrative of Legendary Bravery of their troops who were ambushed, outnumbered and fought valiantly...bared handed killing the ChineseDeathSquads.... killing twice as many Chinese...

Also, now Indians are pushing the narrative of capturing the PLA troops and then releasing them... numbers will obviously be larger than the 10 Indians that China released.

The inherent contradictions might bother outsiders but to the IndianNarrative these are not contradictions but BuildingBlocks of Context for future IndianStrategy...both domestic and vis-a-vis China and Pakistan!!!

If India just moves troops around and flies jets...and let the TeeVee crews take shots for 'BreakingNews' ...this will not restore the HardPower weight that India has been projecting for past decade or so...

Why put all three forces on highest alert?

There is NO one attacking or even a rhetoric of any action...so why such high alterness?

In absence of the Chinese Rhetoric of attack/action... such actions make the IndianState look weaker and confused... creating nervousness in both troops and anticipation in hypernationalist population...

Because, if nothing happens... what have all these 'actions' achieved.... ?

Yes, we can expect the IndianNarrative of StaringDownChina by showing IndianReslove type of TeeVee shows and endless articles or wiki editing... or AsocialMedia Celebrations...Victory, Victory....

However, other states and real powers see things as they are....

The more ModiRegime shows muscles and more China shows studied indifference, disdain... the pressure on India will build to prove its worth...

For now 4Fingers are now Chinese...and GalwanValley and GalwanRiver is under firm Chinese control...

It is safe to calculate that the Indians who went there were on Mission to dislodge the Chinese troops and the PLA knew in advance what the Indians were planning...

Neither India is going to releas the pictures of Indians wounded or dead ... nor will China...

The side which won must have made pictures and videos ...as we have seen before when the Indians released the video of a single Chinese soldier being lynched... the PLA leaked to their own socialmedia picutre 5 or so Indians wounded being taken care of by the PLA...

Fork in the road for Indians... this Stand-off is!

If Indians decide to go brave against the Chinese and launch a 'limited war'
... it is a huge gamble... and in rare secnario, if India pervails...then the GlobalStanding of India will reach Outerspace... and dent the Credebility of the PLA and massive impact on PRC... think Taiwan!!!

But if India gets thrashed heavily then the consequence will not be just shame but strategic and longterm.

And if India sits this one out ...with soundbites, Whatsapp Uni, AsocialMedia Victories and publishing articles from fake foreign websites... then no amount Rafale purchasing is going to restore its credebility or prestige...with net effect of loosing hold on Bhutan, BD, SL and Maladives... Nepal already semi free from Indian influence/control.

Regardless, what happens in Ladakh/LAC will have deep effect on the Future Power Architecture of Asia ... either it will be EurasianArchitecture or IndoPacificArchitecture...

On Modi's broad shoulders rest the Existential Decision... his Huggomacy doesn't count!!!


@PanzerKiel @StormBreaker @masterchief_mirza @Ace of Spades @Verve @Chinese-Dragon @Shotgunner51 @PakSword @RescueRanger @ThePatriotReport @jaibi @Signalian @siegecrossbow

You can’t win against India. Their media will just claim victory regardless of what happened. I’d say they should go ahead with the limited war because they can always spin it into a victory for domestic consumption. What’s there to lose?
Time passes to bring us closer to the Events... it always does!

Time for some refleciton, some questioning....

Given the Indian doubling down on the PLA 'deaths' and now the Indian DM saying that India has also released the Chinese PoWs ....

Breaking of the 'news' in the IndiaMedia that the local commanders have now carte balnch for using weapons as they see fit ... meeting of Indian DM with CDS and other three IndianChiefs....

IAF showing on TeeVee its Apaches and Migs and other stuff.. IAF chief visiting the theatre... IndianArmy showing its build up... with tanks being moved by trains to the 'front'....

The apparent contradictions between Modi's 'No Intrusion' and DM/FM statements rejecting the Chiense Sovereignty over GolwanValley....

Despite China releasing 10 Indians and TheHindu publishing it... and other IndianMedia outlets saying that the 60+Sq.Km is liberated from the IndianOccupation by the PLA ... and the Fingers on the lake are becoming lesser and lesser Indian and more and more Chinese....the IndianPolitica/Military/Social Narrative is heading in the opposite direction...

The satellite pictures showing the Chinese blocking GalwanRiver
... and the PLA logisitical/military vehicles lined up en mass... Why? Even Indian media is reporting it and showing it to the Indian public...non-stop!

For now we are seeing a slow build up for 'Revenge' chorus from the IndianSocialMedia and retired Indian professionals...

In the above backdrop the question arrises:
Is Modi planning to Avenge 1962 Humiliation?

That is to say that the Indians engage in a 'limited war' with China
... gain some territory and then declare unilateral ceasefire and move back to their position?

The International standing
of the SuperPowerIndia has taken a strong nose dive given over 20 Indians were killed and scores wounded...and then China released 10 Indians including 3 officers... All reported in International Media!

Nepal standing up for itself
... is even more damning for the careful ImageCreation of India as a GlobalPower or SuperPower....

The Indian are shelling indiscriminately on CeaseFireLine and have killed PakCivilians...including children... and there is Spike in IndianTerrorism in Pakistan... Karachi is being under attack by the IndianAssets...

Prestige is very hard to gain and easy to loose....

The current Stand-off has created great many question marks on the IndianMilitaryAbilities vs IndianClaims...

Balakot was supposed to be the new paradigm/doctorine ... but the IceMan said: Wait for OurSurprise... and after breakfast Paks Surprised the World!!!

For now the Indians are building up a narrative of Legendary Bravery of their troops who were ambushed, outnumbered and fought valiantly...bared handed killing the ChineseDeathSquads.... killing twice as many Chinese...

Also, now Indians are pushing the narrative of capturing the PLA troops and then releasing them... numbers will obviously be larger than the 10 Indians that China released.

The inherent contradictions might bother outsiders but to the IndianNarrative these are not contradictions but BuildingBlocks of Context for future IndianStrategy...both domestic and vis-a-vis China and Pakistan!!!

If India just moves troops around and flies jets...and let the TeeVee crews take shots for 'BreakingNews' ...this will not restore the HardPower weight that India has been projecting for past decade or so...

Why put all three forces on highest alert?

There is NO one attacking or even a rhetoric of any action...so why such high alterness?

In absence of the Chinese Rhetoric of attack/action... such actions make the IndianState look weaker and confused... creating nervousness in both troops and anticipation in hypernationalist population...

Because, if nothing happens... what have all these 'actions' achieved.... ?

Yes, we can expect the IndianNarrative of StaringDownChina by showing IndianReslove type of TeeVee shows and endless articles or wiki editing... or AsocialMedia Celebrations...Victory, Victory....

However, other states and real powers see things as they are....

The more ModiRegime shows muscles and more China shows studied indifference, disdain... the pressure on India will build to prove its worth...

For now 4Fingers are now Chinese...and GalwanValley and GalwanRiver is under firm Chinese control...

It is safe to calculate that the Indians who went there were on Mission to dislodge the Chinese troops and the PLA knew in advance what the Indians were planning...

Neither India is going to releas the pictures of Indians wounded or dead ... nor will China...

The side which won must have made pictures and videos ...as we have seen before when the Indians released the video of a single Chinese soldier being lynched... the PLA leaked to their own socialmedia picutre 5 or so Indians wounded being taken care of by the PLA...

Fork in the road for Indians... this Stand-off is!

If Indians decide to go brave against the Chinese and launch a 'limited war'
... it is a huge gamble... and in rare secnario, if India pervails...then the GlobalStanding of India will reach Outerspace... and dent the Credebility of the PLA and massive impact on PRC... think Taiwan!!!

But if India gets thrashed heavily then the consequence will not be just shame but strategic and longterm.

And if India sits this one out ...with soundbites, Whatsapp Uni, AsocialMedia Victories and publishing articles from fake foreign websites... then no amount Rafale purchasing is going to restore its credebility or prestige...with net effect of loosing hold on Bhutan, BD, SL and Maladives... Nepal already semi free from Indian influence/control.

Regardless, what happens in Ladakh/LAC will have deep effect on the Future Power Architecture of Asia ... either it will be EurasianArchitecture or IndoPacificArchitecture...

On Modi's broad shoulders rest the Existential Decision... his Huggomacy doesn't count!!!


@PanzerKiel @StormBreaker @masterchief_mirza @Ace of Spades @Verve @Chinese-Dragon @Shotgunner51 @PakSword @RescueRanger @ThePatriotReport @jaibi @Signalian @siegecrossbow
In my opinion, world powers may push India to initiate a limited war. A country holding 500 billion dollar of reserves in the times of recently hit US and EU enonomies is like a chocolate cake in front of hungry people. They are pushing India to take action so that the slowed down economies could get some form of support.. the jobless people can be employed in arms manufacturing sectors and to force China lose focus on SCS for a few months.

There are two groups in Indian government and army right now. One that is in favor of a limited war, the other usual one that is coward and only wants to enjoy the perks on payroll of Indian army.

The one that is in favor of war is also not a brave group, but it thinks with western support, it can get back some of the land lost since 1962 and it is an opportunity for them to become heroes.

Little they know that this might prove to be the last war for India. Even trillions of dollars are not enough against China. So once Indian economy will come under serious debt, and no more milking will be possible from Indian cow, the western support will stop altogether... That will be the time when west will ensure than India gives up what China wants and continue with its progress so that the debts can be repaid. This is how our world works unfortunately.

Chinese on the other hand do not depend on external sources for their defense procurements. The only thing this war will bring for China is good news for economy (although they are even fine without a war).

If you are not giving exact figures, you are lying.

20 - 26 captured soldiers. LOL

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In my opinion, world powers may push India to initiate a limited war. A country holding 500 billion dollar of reserves in the times of recently hit US and EU enonomies is like a chocolate cake in front of hungry people. They are pushing India to take action so that the slowed down economies could get some form of support.. the jobless people can be employed in arms manufacturing sectors and to force China lose focus on SCS for a few months.

There are two groups in Indian government and army right now. One that is in favor of a limited war, the other usual one that is coward and only wants to enjoy the perks on payroll of Indian army.

The one that is in favor of war is also not a brave group, but it thinks with western support, it can get back some of the land lost since 1962 and it is an opportunity for them to become heroes.

Little they know that this might prove to be the last war for India. Even trillions of dollars are not enough against China. So once Indian economy will come under serious debt, and no more milking will be possible from Indian cow, the western support will stop altogether... That will be the time when west will ensure than India gives up what China wants and continue with its progress so that the debts can be repaid. This is how our world works unfortunately.

Chinese on the other hand do not depend on external sources for their defense procurements. The only thing this war will bring for China is good news for economy (although they are even fine without a war).

When you and your sources lie, you don't give exact figures..

20 - 26 captured soldiers. LOL


Show me the money!
Land dispute setting is one thing.
But as long as China proving itself as a world power, then unfortunately they have selected the wrong enemy to show their military powers. Unlike Pakistan, India rejects any third party involvement. This should be a hint that India is not scares to go for a full out war. China may be stronger in numbers, but the damage it will suffer will be a complete tarnishing of China's ambition of becoming world power. As far as Modi is concerned, trust me, if you really want to understand this guy... Come out of PDF. You will always have wrong understanding of him as long as you are surrounded by negative comments about him (Understandably so considering he is Pakistani enemy and this is a Pakistani forum). There is a reason why despite so many negativity around him, he wins with major victory everytime. China should be cautious of handling India now. Not only this is not 1962, but also the Indians accept defeat openly bout 1962, which means there is no room.. Let me reiterate.. 'No room's for not giving your all resources in the next war with China's even if it means dying or killing altogether. The question actually lies with China. Will it risk messing this up further just for the sake of proving a point to Taiwan. I don't think so.
Its one stone two bird strategy from china, the upcoming war will settle land disputes with india, and settle china as global military power without hampering relations with west. It will also give taiwan the hint that its better to join mainland than face the hammer.
If the War is the only option then there is no other choice .
And PM Modi is the one decides includes the opinion of opposition.

If India wants to side with US we will do it if not we wont .
That is our sole decision.
And we knows how to deal with China.
They knows what it feels even you target a small group of soldiers even in night still got good number of casualities .
Even now they are silent .

If they want to know to a battle hardened sophisticated military force we will do it
Have you learned nothing from history? Of course you havent. Banking on US to come to your aid, like the way they had done since May 5th, keep on living with that delusion. It seems clear to me India had not learned any lessons from defeat of 1962, as the Chinese had been saying.
Time passes to bring us closer to the Events... it always does!

Time for some refleciton, some questioning....

Given the Indian doubling down on the PLA 'deaths' and now the Indian DM saying that India has also released the Chinese PoWs ....

Breaking of the 'news' in the IndiaMedia that the local commanders have now carte balnch for using weapons as they see fit ... meeting of Indian DM with CDS and other three IndianChiefs....

IAF showing on TeeVee its Apaches and Migs and other stuff.. IAF chief visiting the theatre... IndianArmy showing its build up... with tanks being moved by trains to the 'front'....

The apparent contradictions between Modi's 'No Intrusion' and DM/FM statements rejecting the Chiense Sovereignty over GolwanValley....

Despite China releasing 10 Indians and TheHindu publishing it... and other IndianMedia outlets saying that the 60+Sq.Km is liberated from the IndianOccupation by the PLA ... and the Fingers on the lake are becoming lesser and lesser Indian and more and more Chinese....the IndianPolitica/Military/Social Narrative is heading in the opposite direction...

The satellite pictures showing the Chinese blocking GalwanRiver
... and the PLA logisitical/military vehicles lined up en mass... Why? Even Indian media is reporting it and showing it to the Indian public...non-stop!

For now we are seeing a slow build up for 'Revenge' chorus from the IndianSocialMedia and retired Indian professionals...

In the above backdrop the question arrises:
Is Modi planning to Avenge 1962 Humiliation?

That is to say that the Indians engage in a 'limited war' with China
... gain some territory and then declare unilateral ceasefire and move back to their position?

The International standing
of the SuperPowerIndia has taken a strong nose dive given over 20 Indians were killed and scores wounded...and then China released 10 Indians including 3 officers... All reported in International Media!

Nepal standing up for itself
... is even more damning for the careful ImageCreation of India as a GlobalPower or SuperPower....

The Indian are shelling indiscriminately on CeaseFireLine and have killed PakCivilians...including children... and there is Spike in IndianTerrorism in Pakistan... Karachi is being under attack by the IndianAssets...

Prestige is very hard to gain and easy to loose....

The current Stand-off has created great many question marks on the IndianMilitaryAbilities vs IndianClaims...

Balakot was supposed to be the new paradigm/doctorine ... but the IceMan said: Wait for OurSurprise... and after breakfast Paks Surprised the World!!!

For now the Indians are building up a narrative of Legendary Bravery of their troops who were ambushed, outnumbered and fought valiantly...bared handed killing the ChineseDeathSquads.... killing twice as many Chinese...

Also, now Indians are pushing the narrative of capturing the PLA troops and then releasing them... numbers will obviously be larger than the 10 Indians that China released.

The inherent contradictions might bother outsiders but to the IndianNarrative these are not contradictions but BuildingBlocks of Context for future IndianStrategy...both domestic and vis-a-vis China and Pakistan!!!

If India just moves troops around and flies jets...and let the TeeVee crews take shots for 'BreakingNews' ...this will not restore the HardPower weight that India has been projecting for past decade or so...

Why put all three forces on highest alert?

There is NO one attacking or even a rhetoric of any action...so why such high alterness?

In absence of the Chinese Rhetoric of attack/action... such actions make the IndianState look weaker and confused... creating nervousness in both troops and anticipation in hypernationalist population...

Because, if nothing happens... what have all these 'actions' achieved.... ?

Yes, we can expect the IndianNarrative of StaringDownChina by showing IndianReslove type of TeeVee shows and endless articles or wiki editing... or AsocialMedia Celebrations...Victory, Victory....

However, other states and real powers see things as they are....

The more ModiRegime shows muscles and more China shows studied indifference, disdain... the pressure on India will build to prove its worth...

For now 4Fingers are now Chinese...and GalwanValley and GalwanRiver is under firm Chinese control...

It is safe to calculate that the Indians who went there were on Mission to dislodge the Chinese troops and the PLA knew in advance what the Indians were planning...

Neither India is going to releas the pictures of Indians wounded or dead ... nor will China...

The side which won must have made pictures and videos ...as we have seen before when the Indians released the video of a single Chinese soldier being lynched... the PLA leaked to their own socialmedia picutre 5 or so Indians wounded being taken care of by the PLA...

Fork in the road for Indians... this Stand-off is!

If Indians decide to go brave against the Chinese and launch a 'limited war'
... it is a huge gamble... and in rare secnario, if India pervails...then the GlobalStanding of India will reach Outerspace... and dent the Credebility of the PLA and massive impact on PRC... think Taiwan!!!

But if India gets thrashed heavily then the consequence will not be just shame but strategic and longterm.

And if India sits this one out ...with soundbites, Whatsapp Uni, AsocialMedia Victories and publishing articles from fake foreign websites... then no amount Rafale purchasing is going to restore its credebility or prestige...with net effect of loosing hold on Bhutan, BD, SL and Maladives... Nepal already semi free from Indian influence/control.

Regardless, what happens in Ladakh/LAC will have deep effect on the Future Power Architecture of Asia ... either it will be EurasianArchitecture or IndoPacificArchitecture...

On Modi's broad shoulders rest the Existential Decision... his Huggomacy doesn't count!!!


@PanzerKiel @StormBreaker @masterchief_mirza @Ace of Spades @Verve @Chinese-Dragon @Shotgunner51 @PakSword @RescueRanger @ThePatriotReport @jaibi @Signalian @siegecrossbow

If we zoom out and put the US-India perspective in this picture, one would see that there is huge dent and set back of the narrative of India replacing China in the region. Western perspective of India vis a vis china was always about military countering not economic, though both interlinked. On the premise of this narrative India bagged H1-Bs, GCC's remittances, soft image promotion and above all a seat at big tables. Of course there has been another factor to all this "reham"; market... When looking at this current encounter India would need to re-establish her narrative, "india countering china", or she will face severe consequences. (Pakistan can play alot here diplomatically). If india is to initiate limited war, Pakistan will be sucked in it. And that brings us to another aspect of this picture; Kashmir...

Right before this gulwan incident, if you recall the tweets of IK, SMK regarding Indian plans of false flag, GB, Kashmir. Meeting in ISI headquarter. All interlinked... This factor can't be discounted. And that brings us to CPEC, OBOR; the US connection. Only and only then the circle completes.

world powers may push India to initiate a limited war.

yes; they would love that. But then the question is does india has capability? And can we discount Pakistan factor? If India is to start limited war with China; Pakistan would be sucked in, no matter what... So can india afford as such... IMO unlikely. However, if India is to attack Pakistan... what are the chances that China would be sucked in? Especially if it's under the context of counter-terror strike?

India can never take on china until Pakistan is there to counter India... India does not have monopoly of power in south asian region. So in order to even dream of attacking china or counter it, India needs to de-fang Pakistan... and that's not happening.
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