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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

I know...right?

They have thousands of statues and temples for a person from our lands & then pretend someone else is the one with inferiority complex.

I wish the Chinese posters stick to the topic at hand & the points I raised,

Why don't the Chinese forumers let us know the official CCP version of the events?
Indian Govt has given out our version....where is the CCP version?

Cat got their tongue?

Pravin does not want India to get into a war, because he knows India will lose, so he is hopeful fake news that paints a positive picture for India will help lower tensions...

"I got a call in the night," he said. "When I picked up the phone, they asked me who is speaking. I told them I was Aman's father. A voice told me that Aman had been martyred and then hung up before I could ask anything else. I called the number again, but there was no answer. The next morning they called again and told me his body would be sent home soon."

A very shocking and inhuman way of telling the family of those lost, the news of their loves ones have died. Truly shocking and sickening to me.....

We have seen the Indian goverment move dead soliders in plastic bags, and left over card board boxes and now this.... what gives in India that they treat their dead soldiers SO badly?

How can they? Anything reflecting the truth is labeled ISI propaganda.

It still makes sense with China --- because India is, in every realm, actually inferior to China (often by a large margin.)

But India also has this problem with Pakistan! Centuries of Muslim rule followed by Western colonization wasn't kind to the psyche of the average right wing Hindu today --- and then when you consider that, despite having a MUCH larger economy, defense budget, military size, population and landmass, India has not been able to invade Pakistan or even take an inch of territory in the past many decades, it fuels their complexes even more.

What you're left with is a regional "power" that relies more on proof-less antics, misinformation and Bollywood than any real capability. Because if the capability was there --- given the will certainly is with this Hindutva government --- why haven't they invaded bad old Pakistan with its weak economy and other issues? So... China really is a long shot!
Probably due to religious reasons. I heard someone said Hinduism can cause strong confusion in its faithful believers when trying to toggle in their minds between a virtual world which reflects their expectations and the real world which might be strongly against their expectations.

However, it also gives them an advantage when there is a need to fabricate some made-up stories in favour of their expectations as it can never be easier to just simply copy-paste those wet dreams they made in that virtual world and some great stories are being created. Thereafter Indian main stream will celebrate as if those stories had happened in real world.

That's pretty cool.
I know...right?

They have thousands of statues and temples for a person from our lands & then pretend someone else is the one with inferiority complex.

I wish the Chinese posters stick to the topic at hand & the points I raised,

Why don't the Chinese forumers let us know the official CCP version of the events?
Indian Govt has given out our version....where is the CCP version?

Cat got their tongue?

Here is the China's side
LOL, they won't dare..

We already have some nice juicy videos waiting to be released if the Chinese as much as open their mouths.
Why do you think CCP is strangely silent on this whole fiasco?

Either you guys are literally dumb or pretending to be. Silence in international arena means something else, one of them is creating narrative, Chinese silence has already created international narrative that India is the aggressor here, they don't even seem to give too much sh!t to this episode, just keeping it silent, under the hood and achieving their objectives, it's you and your nation that needs all the noise to soothe their ego, a nation to whom Indian media has been feeding false sense of bravado since last few years.
Either you guys are literally dumb or pretending to be. Silence in international arena means something else, one of them is creating narrative, Chinese silence has already created international narrative that India is the aggressor here, they don't even seem to give too much sh!t to this episode, just keeping it silent, under the hood and achieving their objectives, it's you and your nation that needs all the noise to soothe their ego, a nation to whom Indian media has been feeding false sense of bravado since last few years.

International narrative?

Let me know one major power backing China over India at this point?
Every one knows Indians were the ones who crossed into Chinese camps and caused havoc that might - Still not one major nation is condemning India.

Once the face gets smashed, narrative goes out of the window.
That is exactly what happened to CCP here.

They can't go back after the mauling they got.
They can't really attack either since they have seen what the infantry can do.

Hey, monsoon is almost upon that area & then the winter starts....
No sane human would want to be in those places, let alone fly planes or camp in valleys.

Nature will be the biggest hunter in coming weeks in this place - so, please buckle up for the fun,
I am sure 1-2 crows got injured as well...

Hey, why are your guys not acknowledging that you had our soldiers captive?

Even after 100+ dead and over 350+ injured, CCP is shamelessly quiet.
Guess this is how dictators save their face.

Wrong, they are not BIGMOUTH like you, their actions speak louder
Wrong, they are not BIGMOUTH like you, their actions speak louder

So, what actions have they done after the brutal thrashing they got few days back?

is "licking the wounds" an action as well?
I was totaly wrong about how much indians could be shameless, and irrespectful to their death soldiers :lol:

Soldiers die in war,
That's the nature of their job.
Why would you feel shameful when soldier dies in act of duty?

Is that why Chinese are hiding their casualties? Because they are ashamed?

We are not ashamed of our soldiers death...we are proud & grateful to them for it.
Acknowledging their deaths and celebrating their valor is what we do....

But then, different countries, different culture....

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