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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

In a fist fight limited to one area, it is not possible that both sides have captured the soldiers and taken them away after the fight has stopped..

A fight can't be stopped if the other side is taking some of your soldiers away while you have an upper hand.

2) In such a fight, there's no possibility that the losing side comes back again and taken away few soldiers of the other side.. The chances of success in an attack that immediately follows the first one (specially against an army that has strong support) are literally close to zero.. unless there is long planning of days done and the other side has lowered the gaurd. Chinese couldn't have lowered the gaurd in the following days, let alone hours.

Who are these Indians man.. Are we countering jokers on PDF?
I was totaly wrong about how much indians could be shameless, and irrespectful to their death soldiers :lol:
you might be the first case of thc induced psychosis in history. Your prime minister has already surrendered the valley and here you are still trying to play numbers games over casualties.

This is actually the height of delusion.

Remember this:lol:

Thank God their pilot survived...otherwise even their "sane" people would be denying loss of a jet let alone the average retarded public.
Soldiers die in war,
That's the nature of their job.
Why would you feel shameful when soldier dies in act of duty?

Is that why Chinese are hiding their casualties? Because they are ashamed?

We are not ashamed of our soldiers death...we are proud & grateful to them for it.
Acknowledging their deaths and celebrating their valor is what we do....

But then, different countries, different culture....
China never releases the causalities in the past and it would release years later. Its always been like that.
Why were the Indian army hiding and lying about NO MISSING PERSON?
10 Indian soldiers were captured then released including a colonel and 3 majors.
In a fist fight limited to one area, it is not possible that both sides have captured soldiers and taken them away after the fight stopped..

A fight can't be stopped if the other side is taking some of your soldiers away while you have an upper hand.

2) In such a fight, there's no possibility that the losing side comes back again and taken away few soldiers of the other side.. The chances of success in an attack that immediately follows the first one (specially against an army that has strong support) are literally close to zero.. unless there is long planning of days done and the other side has lowered the gaurd. Chinese couldn't have lowered the gaurd in the following days, let alone hours.

Who are these Indians man.. Are we countering jokers on PDF?

So, in a nutshell, what you are saying is that you don't believe what the Chinese Spokesman was saying???

In fact the Chinese were categorical in stating they never captured Indian soldiers...

You are talking as if the fight happened in hundreds of kilometers of area.
The whole fight happened in 2 km area, with camps just hundreds of meters across.

For any military trained person, that's a few minutes short jog..

I reiterate, show one Statement by CCP that corroborates what You lot are spewing here?

China never releases the causalities in the past and it would release years later. Its always been like that.
Why were the Indian army hiding and lying about NO MISSING PERSON?
10 Indian soldiers were captured then released including a colonel and 3 majors.

Where did you get this info?

Is it from Chinese govt?
Or Indian govt?

Care to release the OFFICIAL GOVT release from either China or India on these MISSING PERSONS??

buddy, solve this missing persons puzzle and you will get to the truth.
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Remember this[emoji38]

Thank God their pilot survived...otherwise even their "sane" people would be denying loss of a jet let alone the average retarded public.
That still didnt stop them from fabricating beyond bullshit stories like pakistani people lynching their own f16 pilot, mistaking him of being indian.. like.. what the fack do these people smoke ?
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So, in a nutshell, what you are saying is that you don't believe what the Chinese Spokesman was saying???

In fact the Chinese were categorical in stating they never captured Indian soldiers...

You are talking as if the fight happened in hundreds of kilometers of area.
The whole fight happened in 2 km area, with camps just hundreds of meters across.

For any military trained person, that's a few minutes short jog..

I reiterate, show one Statement by CCP that corroborates what You lot are spewing here?

Where did you get this info?

Is it from Chinese govt?
Or Indian govt?

Care to release the OFFICIAL GOVT release from either China or India on these MISSING PERSONS??

buddy, solve this missing persons puzzle and you will get to the truth.

So are you saying the released of 10 Indian soldiers including a colonel and 3 majors is fake?
So, in a nutshell, what you are saying is that you don't believe what the Chinese Spokesman was saying???

In fact the Chinese were categorical in stating they never captured Indian soldiers...

You are talking as if the fight happened in hundreds of kilometers of area.
The whole fight happened in 2 km area, with camps just hundreds of meters across.

For any military trained person, that's a few minutes short jog..

I reiterate, show one Statement by CCP that corroborates what You lot are spewing here?
Chinese have saved your face. Remember, it's not Chinese who have said that they have returned the soldiers. It is your media which is confirming this news.

Now people say that why we cherry pick news from Indian sources. It is for a simple reason:

If one party accepts that it has suffered losses.. it will carry more credibility unless there is an underlying propaganda detected. But if one party says that it has inflicted damage to the other party, it will be taken with a pinch of salt specially if the party has been caught lying many times before as well.

Whatever your media is reporting about your soldiers deaths and return of captured soldiers will be taken as "at least". But we on PDF are respecting your stance although many believe that the figure of 20 + 10 is not correct at all.. the number is much higher..

So, in summary, what your media has accepted till now and no clarification has been issued by your government on the number of returnees will be taken as the least you are accepting, unless you prove me that you guys are doing this to get sympathies, that was a possibility as well, however, you have lost the opportunity to cappitalize on it once your PM said there was no intrusion.

Come on man, I thought we have mature Indian members here.
So are you saying the released of 10 Indian soldiers including a colonel and 3 majors is fake?

Are you pretending you don't understand the question?

Don't try to be too smart,

All I am asking for is official statement by Chinese govt or Indian govt regarding the release of the soldiers?

I am not asking for news shared by media,
I am asking for official govt statements....
Are you pretending you don't understand the question?

Don't try to be too smart,

All I am asking for is official statement by Chinese govt or Indian govt regarding the release of the soldiers?

I am not asking for news shared by media,
I am asking for official govt statements....

So you are denying the released of 10 Indian soldiers?
Chinese have saved your face. Remember, it's not Chinese who have said that they have returned the soldiers. It is your media which is confirming this news.

Now people say that why we cherry pick news from Indian sources. It is for a simple reason:

If one party accepts that it has suffered losses.. it will carry more credibility unless there is an underlying propaganda detected. But if one party says that it has inflicted damage to the other party, it will be taken as a pinch of salt specially if the party has been caught lying many times before as well.

Whatever your media is reporting about your soldiers deaths and return of captured soldiers will be taken as "at least". But we on PDF are respecting your stance although many believe that the figure of 20 + 10 is not correct at all.

So, in summary, what your media has accepted till now and no clarification has been issued by your government on the number of returnees will be taken as the least you are accepting, unless you prove me that you guys are doing this to get sympathies, that was a possibility as well, however, you have lost the opportunity to cappitalize on it once your PM said there was no intrusion.

Come on man, I thought we have mature Indian members here.

A rather long post

You could have simply said neither Chinese nor Indian govts have made any statements regarding this.

Coming to Indian media reporting, they also reported that Chinese soldiers were exchanged as well.
So, you chose to believe part of the story but ignore the other part.

in a nutshell, let me summarize whats been happening here for 400+ pages here

1. No Chinese statement corroborating anything you lot are saying here
2. No Indian govt statement corroborating anything you lot are saying here.
3. In absence of govt statements, you lot are pulling theories from thin air/selective media stories, choosing to believe what suits your narrative.

Did I miss any point here?

So you are denying the released of 10 Indian soldiers?

I am asking if Chinese have claimed that they have released our soldiers...

If you chose to believe our media, then you MUST also believe the thrashing Chinese soldiers got that night, Simply because it's the same media reporting both stories.

You can't pick and choose.

Either you believe the media
Believe the official govt statements..

what's happening here is incredibly funny,
You won't believe the govt statements,
you also pick and chose which media stories you want to believe.

Coming to Indian media reporting, they also reported that Chinese soldiers were exchanged as well.
So, you chose to believe part of the story but ignore the other part.
If you had read my post competely.. That's why I wrote a long one because I knew you will raise this point.

An easy way to understand is to know the difference between the words "claim" and "acceptance".

What your media is telling about the Chinese detainees is called a "claim". While what your media is claiming about your own soldiers is called "acceptance".

I hope you understand what I am trying to make you understand here.

you lot are pulling theories from thin air/selective media stories, choosing to believe what suits your narrative.
Your government should categorically deny the false media report.

"The Hindu" not only broke the news online, it also published the very same news the very next day. The news wasn't countered at all.
If you had read my post competely.. That's why I wrote a long one because I knew you will raise this point.

An easy way to understand is to know the difference between the words "claim" and "acceptance".

What your media is telling about the Chinese detainees is called a "claim". While what your media is claiming about your own soldiers is called "acceptance".

I hope you understand what I am trying to make you understand here.

Your government should categorically deny the false media report.

"The Hindu" not only break the news online, it also published the very same news the very next day. The news wasn't countered at all.

Nice word play to skirt the basic 2 points I have been raising.

1. Where is the official statement from China or India, which corroborates the nonsense everyone is spewing for the past 400 pages here?
2. If you believe one report from media, why won't believe the other?

It's bizzare that you won't believe the govt official version.
It's even more bizzare you won't believe the same media you are quoting to prop your selective arguments.

I am sorry but your arguments are flat buddy.

Your government should categorically deny the false media report.

"The Hindu" not only broke the news online, it also published the very same news the very next day. The news wasn't countered at all.

Same goes for Chinese govt then?
Why don't they deny the reports coming in the media?
International narrative?

Let me know one major power backing China over India at this point?
Every one knows Indians were the ones who crossed into Chinese camps and caused havoc that might - Still not one major nation is condemning India.

Once the face gets smashed, narrative goes out of the window.
That is exactly what happened to CCP here.

They can't go back after the mauling they got.
They can't really attack either since they have seen what the infantry can do.

Hey, monsoon is almost upon that area & then the winter starts....
No sane human would want to be in those places, let alone fly planes or camp in valleys.

Nature will be the biggest hunter in coming weeks in this place - so, please buckle up for the fun,

Caused the havoc? Every major news let is reporting death of 20 Indian soldiers. Please for once, talk with proof, words are not proof, all you have given till now is talk and talk, you have dead bodies, your CO was killed and you say you caused havoc? If we go by the twitter as a source, everyone has a different story coming out every 5 hours, where is proof? It's like your AF showing fired AMRAAM missile as a proof that they shot F16, seriously? For once, at least counter the facts with your gov and forces.

Here is new york times article reporting : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/17/world/asia/india-china-border-clashes.html
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