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  1. Ndrangheta

    Iranian Chill Thread

    Can anyone tell me in which regions the virus has affected Iran? Rumors say that the Turkish populated regions are not affected by the virus.
  2. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Come on, you're not so naive that you think the writers of this newspaper are Turks. Mahir Boztepe is a Kurd, and the rest of this news agency are mostly not Turks. Turkey is currently experiencing a demographic attack by Kurds in all political control centers. Mostly starting with opposition...
  3. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    These are veiling tactics used by the Iranian regime. Russia does the same and describes fallen soldiers as mercenaries. The pressure from inside would be too great. These are almost certainly Iranians.
  4. Ndrangheta

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    Putin has been described as a pale moth by his 00 agents; his cognitive skills have been described as below average. lol You shouldn't overestimate Putin just because you don't like Erdogan. When it comes to strategic warfare, the Turks are actually quite successful in their operations in...
  5. Ndrangheta

    Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

    It is Turkish tradition to fight whether with or against each other. The Turks have always fought against each other because of religion. One day a Great Khan of the Turks came and spoke to his Turkish tribes across the world, who belonged to different religions: "The more gods we have on our...
  6. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    The video is older and has nothing to do with current events. A moderator should delete it.
  7. Ndrangheta

    Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

    Therefore I don't want to hear Persian veiling tactics again, that they supposedly have an Azerbaijani-Turkish grandfather or, to their surprise, are even Azerbaijani Turks themselves. :D
  8. Ndrangheta

    Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

    To your dismay, over 30 million Turks in Iran are currently marching on Turkish soil, waiting for the wolves to howl to heaven.
  9. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    No one should think, that Putin would allow Turkey to destroy his political masterpiece in Syria. The current reluctance of the Russians is due to the fact, that Putin does not want to stand in the way of the Turkish wrath after yesterday's attack.
  10. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    The Russian frigates are more of a symbolic character to NATO, that they can actively strike in Syria at any time, despite the possible closure of Syrian airspace.
  11. Ndrangheta

    Tuaf destroys Pantsir/BUK/S-300Airdefence

    The air is getting tight in Iran. If Syria falls, you will also open your house and legs. Persians mastered the art of speaking, but not the art of war.
  12. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    If Turkey closes the Bosphorus, which they could theoretically, but these are international treaties that have been in force for 100 years, and Russia and China would bring closure to the Security Council immediately. From a military point of view it would hardly do anything anyway, for the...
  13. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    It's all preparations. If Syria falls, Iran will fall too. Then the cards are shuffled in the Middle East. The Turks have already determined their country architecture. Hence the current conflicts in Libya and Syria. Idlib is a cauldron of secret services from all over the world who incite their...
  14. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Turkey has to act very wisely here so that what has been achieved could be lost. With the last two operations in Syria, Turkey has destroyed almost all of the European-American hope painting for the Kurdish occupation territories. The Afrin operation was the strategically most important...
  15. Ndrangheta

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    Iran is still militaristic in the Stone Age. Please do not make any military comparisons with the Turks. Turkey is 50 years ahead of Iran in both military and civilization terms.
  16. Ndrangheta

    At Least 34 Turkish Soldiers Killed in Air Strike in Syria's Idlib, Watchdog Says

    The Iranians have been fighting with the Americans for decades, and, thanks to the Americans, they have received the largest share of the occupation of Arabian lands. Thanks to the US invasions, Iran dominated Iraq and increased its influence in the region. Iran sparked sectarian wars with its...
  17. Ndrangheta

    Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

    Cümleten başımız sağolsun. I would like an immediate withdrawal from Syria. No matter how many dead there were on the Turkish side. The most unfair peace is still better than the fairest war.
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