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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

No one should think, that Putin would allow Turkey to destroy his political masterpiece in Syria. The current reluctance of the Russians is due to the fact, that Putin does not want to stand in the way of the Turkish wrath after yesterday's attack.
There is no war till Erdogan officially declares war. If TSK was on full war mode than they would already have 50% of syria by now

There will never be an official declaration because that will complicate everything and play in russia favor

Let's be realistic if Turkey declared war on Assad Russia will threaten war against it and since NATO has shown it's TRUE face Turkey can't do anything ( NATO will say Turkey started the aggression , started the war they may even call it invasion just to avoid article 5 )

So Turkey will not go all in it will just continue to deplete the regime as it is doing right now untill the regime chooses to retreat humiliated which de facto humiliates russia all while turkey is doing the bare minimum ( and giving zero reason for russia to escalate without looking as the clear aggressor )

So far there has been zero ground movement even by rebels just strikes , artillery and missiles

Erdogan is once again proven himself as a rational strategist and a man of his word delivering on the threats he made,, Russia hoped turkey will respond aggressively and based on emotions thus trapping it in conflict but the constraint Turkey demonstrated all while inflicting massive losses on the regime is unprecedented and quite awesome

It is war but neither side will publicly call it that officially
I see some videos of dozens of Assad Military vehicles and soldiers destroyed by our UAVs but that’s not even 1% of what should be and can be done as a revenge for our fallen brothers... Though it’s a good start.

Attack their bases, make Hell come to Earth for those dogs. What is the FSA waiting for? Now is the time to strike and open new fronts.
I see some videos of dozens of Assad Military vehicles and soldiers destroyed by our UAVs but that’s not even 1% of what should be and can be done as a revenge for our fallen brothers... Though it’s a good start.

Attack their bases, make Hell come to Earth for those dogs. What is the FSA waiting for?

This is just a warm up

these assadists don’t have shame hahahahah
I see some videos of dozens of Assad Military vehicles and soldiers destroyed by our UAVs but that’s not even 1% of what should be and can be done as a revenge for our fallen brothers... Though it’s a good start.

Attack their bases, make Hell come to Earth for those dogs. What is the FSA waiting for? Now is the time to strike and open new fronts.

FSA is no longer a lose militia. It follows the directions and commands of the Turkish Armed Forces. They will act when told to act.
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