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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

It's all preparations. If Syria falls, Iran will fall too. Then the cards are shuffled in the Middle East. The Turks have already determined their country architecture. Hence the current conflicts in Libya and Syria. Idlib is a cauldron of secret services from all over the world who incite their groups there for all operations and spies.

The secret services in Turkey know very well why Turkey has to act prudently on all actions by the Syrian government. There is currently a lot on the plan. The reason why Assad fights wildly and Russia supports him is that Turkey is the only reason not to give the chess game in Syria to the Russians. The mission would be complete for Putin and he would choose Syria as the winner. But that won't be the case.

Vladimir Putin seemed determined to finish the war at all costs, using the power of his air force to compel a ceasefire and then hand over the smouldering ruins to a puppet leader whose strings are pulled by Moscow.

Russia is being directly blamed for using Air force by Guardian.
Nonetheless Britons recognised Russian Air Force responsibility in Turkish casualties, Turkish side still blaming some proxies. Need to be blind or spineless.
Türk ordusunu çekin oradan vallahide billahide bu hareketinizi eleştirmeyeceğiz , korkaklık demiyeceğiz. Yeter ki boş yere bazılarının ihtirasları için şehitler verilmesin, tarih bunları yazıyor.
Saudi and GCC must have made a wise move to step outside of the Syrian conflict a few years back
I dont get this why the hell is Turkey not closing the Bosphorus???

Place some sea mines let those russian animals be food for the Sharks.
Saudi and GCC must have made a wise move to step outside of the Syrian conflict a few years back
Those monkeys can only pay people to fight their wars for them. They are very good though at conspiring against everyone else and keeping their white robes clean of blood. Eventually everyone else will get wise and turn on them and they will be shown no mercy.

This first few strikes look like stand off perhaps within Turkish borders.
I dont get this why the hell is Turkey not closing the Bosphorus???

Place some sea mines let those russian animals be food for the Sharks.

We are not in war with Russia officially so can't close the bosphorus I tho.
There are areas between 20-30km from Turkish border to Assad held areas. Any experts can judge the distance?
I dont get this why the hell is Turkey not closing the Bosphorus???

Place some sea mines let those russian animals be food for the Sharks.

If Turkey closes the Bosphorus, which they could theoretically, but these are international treaties that have been in force for 100 years, and Russia and China would bring closure to the Security Council immediately.
From a military point of view it would hardly do anything anyway, for the Russians it would only be more expensive to transport material to Syria. Such an affront, on the other hand, would very well arouse desire among all other parties that are in a clinch with Turkey. The Americans were also not interested in blocking the Bosphorus for Russian ships because the Russians could simply block the Black Sea for NATO ships and Ukraine would thereby weaken.
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